Help with wording

Mar 18, 2009
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Just spoke with my licensing officer (Somerville).

He said that he does occasionally remove the restrictions on LTC A's...but he said that I need a year without incident (check!) and a letter in writing stating why I want the right to carry.

I know I know...I shouldn't be having this problem, but WHAT THE HELL DO I SAY. I can't say work, because i'm a teacher, and I can't say that I carry large sums of money...BECAUSE I'M A TEACHER!

I do have a second job that get me out of work real late and puts me driving through the city late at night. But as the captain of a police force he probably takes pride in saying "driving late through my streets is not dangerous".

I would play up your upstanding citizen of the community, clean record, never been in any trouble, comopetitive shooting, your knowledge of guns, and all of the safety aspect, etc..
"stating why I want the right to carry"

I would do what Jenlynn said, and explain why you want to exercise your RIGHT as an American.
Provide examples of why you are a level headed, law abiding citizen. Provide a few letters of recommendation? Tell him you haven't received any moving violations in the last XX years. Tell him the best place to keep your firearm safe (from falling into unauthorized hands) is to carry it daily. Tell him about how when you go shooting and afterwards you go to dinner and are forced to leave your gun in the car and are concerned about your car getting stolen.

I would just try to provide as many practical examples as possible as to why you are level headed and law abiding.

Then, let me know how it goes. I'll be doing something similar in a few months.
You want to answer this need as stated in the MGL

and that the applicant has good reason to fear injury to his person or property

Simply cite crime in general and that you "fear injury to my person" when [insert example here]

Driving home late at night maybe? Just be honest.

Avoid "i need it for work" because you run the risk of getting a work restriction or requiring your employer to write a letter, etc.
Maybe a "sample letters that worked" sticky might be a good idea? To start, here's a sample based on the letter that I used and that worked for me. I HIGHLY recommend having a lawyer read your letter before you submit it. Cross-X posts on the forum and is a lawyer who specializes in this stuff.


I am requesting an unrestricted class A license to carry because I have good reason to fear injury to my person or property as per Chapter 140, Section 131 of the General Laws of Massachusetts. My reasons include [list some reasons here, for example working late nights in bad areas, carrying lots of cash for deposits or whatever, examples of recent crimes in your area, etc.]

Before moving to YOURTOWN I [list any experience you had before you moved to YOURTOWN. For me it was easy because I was a Marine for 5 years and fired everything from 9mm to anti-aircraft missiles. For you it might be hunting trips, training in the Scouts, whatever.]

Since moving to YOURTOWN in DATE [talk about community involvement. Try to show how you have "roots" in the town and care about the community. Volunteer work, any kids in school, etc. Mention that you've never gotten into any trouble and have always obeyed and respected the law and the police officers in your town. Basically try to show why you won't be a flake that might embarrass the chief.]

I feel that the training I received while [quickly summarize your training and experience,] in addition to the required basic safety course that I took at LOCATION on DATE has provided me with the basic skills required to be safe. I also plan to take additional training at [talk about any other training you plan on attending.] I also intend to join [local gun club] so that I can practice on the range to keep my skills up.

In closing, I feel that [summary of why you're such a great person, honorable discharge, lack of criminal record, 25 years as a choir boy, etc.] serves as testament to my good character and responsibility. I take gun ownership very seriously and will of course only use one in a defensive situation if it is the absolute last resort. Accordingly I hope that you will see fit to grant me a class A license to carry with no restrictions.


Mr. John Browning

Keep in mind that this is just a sample. You should not just use this as a form letter - make sure you customize it to fit your specific situation.
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Invite him to go shooting with you.

Heck, bring him out to dinner.

That's probably not a bad idea either. (The shooting part anyway. The dinner part might seem a little "bribey," depending on the chief.)
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