Henry Survival Rifle

They're a nifty little design. I have a Charter Arms one that, when it works, it accurate enough to do what its supposed to.

Henry supposedly worked out all the reliability kinks. No idea on price.
Ruger actually has one as well. At least in terms of the breakdown and all that.

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Who has one? How do you like it? I'm really considering getting one of these. What's the average price in Mass? Any advice is greatly appreciated.

I saw one of these last week, when I was gun shop hopping during the tax free weekend.
IIRC, it was at B&K in Natick.
I picked it up and looked it over, I couldn't believe how light it was, lighter than the older AR7's I've seen in the past.
Price ??? Not sure. I didn't see a tag and I didn't ask.
Henry has the MSRP listed as $275 for black and $339 for camo.

I had one, sold it as soon as I got the Ruger 10/22 TD. I was a cool little gun for its intended purpose. The trigger was pretty bad. I sold mine for $199.00 after only having about 100 rounds through it no failures at all, I think I paid 249.95 for it new.
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