Here We Go Again... Venerable Glock 17 vs. the Newbie VP9

G17 - you can find preban and 10 round mags pretty much anywhere. guys are struggling to find extra mags for their vp9s. if mag availability wasnt an issue I'd go with the VP9
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Well the obvious plug for Glock is the availability of preban standard capacity magazines. There are also more accessories, sights, holsters, etc. for Glock pistols than any other pistol available (save perhaps the 1911).

This is akin to comparing an AK vs AR: The Glock is reliable as a result of loose tolerances, doesn't need much cleaning, and is combat accurate. The VP9 has tighter tolerances, is slightly more accurate, and is a bit more of a pain to clean.

The Glock grip is much different than any other pistol so as with any purchase, I would strongly suggest shooting them both and making the decision based on personal experience.
G17 mags 26 bucks VP9 mags = dry rape. If that doesn't bother you pick the gun that fits you better.

I own a VP9 and love it, just wanted you to know people are not exaggerating about the cost and scarcity of mags. A VP9 mag cost about the same as a striped AR15 lower and more than preban G17 mag. The VP9 is most comfortable pistol I have held, as apposed the the G17 whose hump on the bottom made it uncomfortable to shoot; I also feel the VP9 has a better trigger than the Glock.

Both should be extremely reliable and accurate. I believe the P30, VP9 and HK45 and HK45C all have the same sight, so you should be able to get after market. the Glock will definitely have more accessories, though I feel it needs some to get to where the VP9 is. For me it came down to deciding between a VP9, G17 and M&P9 and I was going to chose which one felt better when shooting. I chose the VP9.
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Mag issue aside, I have both and love both.

If mags are an issue, glock wins preban standard mags reasonable, and VP9 mags are DEF DRY RAPE
I own a VP9 and love it, just wanted you to know people are not exaggerating about the cost and scarcity of mags. A VP9 mag cost about the same as a striped AR15 lower and more than preban G17 mag.

I have said this before, there are deals on the HK mags out there. I have combed many forums and even on NES found 3 VP9 mags for sale and a good price.
There are plenty of deals on HK mags, people just need to look outside of NES. Not a plug but go to hkpro as you can find used vp9/p30 mags or links to get them when dealers have them on sale. Good example was a sale on HK45 mags about a month ago. got a bunch of used ones and was selling them for $25 each. Wasn't fast enough to purchase some as he sold out fairly quickly.
Both guns are excellent.

advantages of glock include conventional mag release button and easy mag availability. If you decide to get the VP9 i would heavily lean towards the LE model w NS as it comes w a 3rd magazine.

Personally I shoot the VP9 much more accurately than a glock 19 or 34. I am guessing this has nothing to do w the guns' inherent accuracy and more w just how it fits my hand....the length of pull on the VP9 is quite different w the trigger breaking relatively far forward. My theory is that it breaks in a more natural position for me...i find the VP9 very easy to keep a perfect sight picture while squeezing the trigger.

ultimately you should buy both guns as they are both great.....well as great as a gun can be without having Sig Sauer stamped on the slide.
Well the obvious plug for Glock is the availability of preban standard capacity magazines. There are also more accessories, sights, holsters, etc. for Glock pistols than any other pistol available (save perhaps the 1911).

This is akin to comparing an AK vs AR: The Glock is reliable as a result of loose tolerances, doesn't need much cleaning, and is combat accurate. The VP9 has tighter tolerances, is slightly more accurate, and is a bit more of a pain to clean.

The Glock grip is much different than any other pistol so as with any purchase, I would strongly suggest shooting them both and making the decision based on personal experience.

Everything he said.

I'd choose the H&K because I find the ergonomics of the Glock lacking in comparison, P30/VP9 are just the most comfortable handgun I've ever shot. As mentioned look around for P30/VP9 mags, and they can be had for something more akin to 'normal pricing'.
Unfortunately the 10 round magazines are completely different than the standard 15 round ones. The standard mags are like $30-$35 and seem to be available. The 10 rounders seem to be sold out everywhere and cost around $50. And I've seen them as much as $62 at some local shops
G17 no question. For a lot of reasons.

It's a Glock
Pre-ban magazines (17 round) if you live in the Commiewealth. If you live in a free state glock mags are $25 vs $50-75 for the HK.
more aftermarket parts than any other gun
Completely reliable
Extremely easy to work on and upgrade
More holster choices than you could count

And I own both. They are both great guns, but I would buy a G17 first then later in your gun collecting career the VP9.
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