He's at it again:

Oct 6, 2005
Wakefield, MA
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Just heard on the radio Menino talking about wanting Micro-Stamping on firearm.

Great so when a gun is used in a crime we can link the spent shells to the last LAWFUL owner ("Here we go Sully, appears the victem was shot with a 9mm Sig Saur, serial XXxx-XXxxx" "Wow what a break in the case, that gun was reported stolen two weeks ago!!")

But lets not worry about how it won't help anything....since it's so easy to keep the pin from making a readable stamp....or hell just not leaving your casings behind.

I've read that the stampings might add $0.50 to the cost of a gun....for some strange reason I see that as somthing that will be passed on to us for a LOT more... [rolleyes]

-Weer'd Beard
C'mon guys...you know that it would be illegal for anyone to sand that stamp down so it is untraceable. So I know anyone who has a firearm illegally will not want to do that cause they might get into big trouble if they are caught......[shocked]
CA NY and possibly Maryland use fired casing for the same purpose and so far loads of money spent on data bases etc and crimes solved O As much as I love the variuos CSI shows When they use this technology I just sit there and wince then chockle BTW there may eb other states that use this type of data base but I am unaware ofthem and in Maryland the head of the State Police is saying "shut it down it's a waste of money manpower Etc"
Yeah...this'll help

Fast forward to the summer of 2012:

"Hi, is this Mr. Bill Johnson, of 149 Elmwood Drive in Albany?"

"Yes it is. Who's this?"

"This is Detective Schifferbreins with the Boston Police Department. We recovered some shell casings at the scene of our city's latest homicide, and we traced them back to the Smith & Wesson .45-caliber handgun you reported stolen five years ago."

"Wow, that's amazing!"

"I know. It's this great new microstamping technology that made it all possible."

"So...you were able to catch the bastard who broke into my house, raped my wife, and stole my guns while I was out of town?"

"Well, um...not exactly."

"Oh. Well, did you catch the shooter from the homicide you're investigating?"

"Um...not exactly."

"But, you have a good idea who it was, right?"

"Um..not exactly"

"Oh. Well, did you recover the gun?"

"Um...not exactly."

"Oh. Well, when you do, can I have it back?"

"What are you, retarded?"

Yeah, I feel safer already.
Given that the S&W .38 special is the handgun most often used in crimes (just out of sheer numbers produced for the past, oh, 100+ years), I fail to see how this will make a whit of difference (the phrase, "about as effective as a fart in a hurricane" come to mind...).
He's an idiot, mindlessly parroting what George Soros and Michael Bloomberg tell him to say.

Don't ever think this is just Menino, there are others behind this effort and it's incumbent on all of us to work towards stopping them.
mAss Backwards said:
Fast forward to the summer of 2012:

"Hi, is this Mr. Bill Johnson, of 149 Elmwood Drive in Albany?"

"Yes it is. Who's this?"

"This is Detective Schifferbreins with the Boston Police Department. We recovered some shell casings at the scene of our city's latest homicide, and we traced them back to the Smith & Wesson .45-caliber handgun you reported stolen five years ago."

"Wow, that's amazing!"

"I know. It's this great new microstamping technology that made it all possible."

"So...you were able to catch the bastard who broke into my house, raped my wife, and stole my guns while I was out of town?"

"Well, um...not exactly."

"Oh. Well, did you catch the shooter from the homicide you're investigating?"

"Um...not exactly."

"But, you have a good idea who it was, right?"

"Um..not exactly"

"Oh. Well, did you recover the gun?"

"Um...not exactly."

"Oh. Well, when you do, can I have it back?"

"What are you, retarded?"

Yeah, I feel safer already.

If this happens be sure to police ALL of your brass. How long before someone picks up stamped brass and spreads it all over the countryside. We'll all be getting harassed for discharging a firearm here and there!
Just have an aftermarket firing pin fitted.

Same as rifling on a bullet. Buy an aftermarket barrel with an oddball twist that doesn't come close to what was on the gun.
The more likely scenario is Mr. Bill Johnson awakened by Detective Schifferbreins leading a heavily armed S.W.A.T. team while executing a 4:30AM "No Knock" warrant on Mr Johnson’s residence. After killing Mr Johnson’s poodle “For the safety of the officers”, Mr & Mrs Johnson are handcuffed along with their children and lined up on the sofa in the living room.

Then the interrogation begins.

Whew ! ( I've got to stop reading The High Road )
JonJ said:
If this happens be sure to police ALL of your brass. How long before someone picks up stamped brass and spreads it all over the countryside. We'll all be getting harassed for discharging a firearm here and there!

Menino thinks he's smarter than everyone else. In his mind this is a good thing. But he is so ignorant of the issues and ways to circumvent his policies it's bordering on sad....
It would be funny, if the primer manufactures, re-invented the primers if this went into effect. How bout a hard piece of metal in the center of the primer, that when struck, does not dent, but rather stays perfectly flat, and the sides around the center cave in to detonate the primer!

That would be a nice kick in the nuts!
Adam_MA said:
It would be funny, if the primer manufactures, re-invented the primers if this went into effect. How bout a hard piece of metal in the center of the primer, that when struck, does not dent, but rather stays perfectly flat, and the sides around the center cave in to detonate the primer!

That would be a nice kick in the nuts!
And then Heir Reilly will make another asinine consumer protection rule that ammo manufacturers will have to make their products compliant[thinking]

If this stupid idea happens, I'll be the first to pick up as much marked brass as possible and drive through Dorchester, Roxbury, Hyde Park, and Jamaica Plain dropping it at strategic locations.
Adam_MA said:
It would be funny, if the primer manufactures, re-invented the primers if this went into effect. How bout a hard piece of metal in the center of the primer, that when struck, does not dent, but rather stays perfectly flat, and the sides around the center cave in to detonate the primer!

That would be a nice kick in the nuts!
Remington's BTDT. Their system does not even need the primer to be indented. The firing pin is merely an electical conductor that just touches the primer. The primer is set off by an electric current.
police practice.

What happens when a criminal finds all the brass that the police leave lying around at the range after they shoot. Crime scene investigation will show that all these police were shooting up the area.

Frizz said:
What happens when a criminal finds all the brass that the police leave lying around at the range after they shoot. Crime scene investigation will show that all these police were shooting up the area.


LE guns will probably be exempt from the requirements. They usually are. So it pays to buy old police guns! [wink]
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