Amouranth robbed at gunpoint and pistol whipped in her home for her $20 million in bitcoin

I took an Ayoob course back in the day and he recommended this exactly. She must have taken it too.
LMAO. I want to see AI deepfakes now of Ayoob giving the most ridiculous methods for dubiously effective self defense.

Mas: "Now, what I do in this case is I say, 'HEY ALEXA! I'M BEING ROBBED!' and what that's gonna do is activate my tactical Roomba to initiate the threat clearing protocols and clean house."
It almost sounds like a staged event. (Ill give her the benefit of the doubt here but these people have often ginned up drama to get clicks/subs. )
She's one to do it. I remember there was some headline years back of video of her saying her husband is abusive, controlled her finances, and forces her to do streams against her will and apparently they never divorced. It seemed like a stunt at the time because I believe it wasn't known before that that she was married and typically when E-Thots like her are found not to be single the interest in them goes down and so does the income.

Video and audio of that is easy to stage, but a home invasion? She's got the coin to hire some stooges to do this, but for what? The publicity isn't going to get more subs, she might get a sympathy boost, but she's getting to an age where her appeal is going to start drooping, much like her tits will.

I don't like these Twitch streamer Thots, they're like modern day Sirens that pray on young men and Amouranth is one of the worst. Her and $10 bathwater Belle Delphine are garbage.
She is not really a ho, but a goddess to the simps in basements who send her money and she pretends to be their friend.

She is smart IMO.

And hot :)
Her post suggest she's pretty dumb. Exploiting basement dwellers isn't rocket science when the lord gives you a set of D's. Being able to compose a readable sentence isn't either.

If you're gonna be dumb you gotta be tough. Im not even sure she was, it seems more lucky than tough. Aside from her more than likely stressed out tweets, I wouldn't wish a home invasion on anyone. 3 v 1 are not great odds.
Yeah, smart people really don't publicize that they have millions of dollars, that can easily be stolen with laptop or a cell phone.
She won her money in the lottery. The genetic lottery.
If you have a decent amount of crypto, I recommend holding onto a blank flash drive. Simply hand it over when prompted. They ain't bringing a laptop with them.
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