HI - "Katrina" Bill Passes House And Senate

Jul 30, 2009
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A bill preventing the government from seizing legal firearms during an emergency has been passed by the Hawaii Legislature.

The full Senate voted 21-0 Friday to approve the measure after it already passed the House.

The proposal prohibits the seizure of firearms or ammunition when the government invokes emergency powers during a disaster.

This is welcomed news, but I always wonder, exactly what authority did they have to take away firearms in the first place? The heart of the issue sounds like the fact that COP's are legislating from behind the badge.
A law shouldn't be needed. Seizing firearms like that is un-Constitutional.

We all seem to be forgetting the dangers of a treaty (that George Washington warned us about), namely a U.N. Treaty (link)

"American gun owners might not feel besieged, but they should. This week, the Obama administration announced its support for the United Nations Small Arms Treaty. This international agreement poses real risks for freedom both in the United States and around the world by making it more difficult - if not outright illegal - for law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms...

The U.N. claims that guns used in armed conflicts cause 300,000 deaths worldwide every year, an inordinate number of which are the result of internal civil strife within individual nations. The solution proposed by transnationalists to keep rebels from getting guns is to make the global pool of weapons smaller through government action. According to recent deliberations regarding the treaty, signatory countries would be required to "prevent, combat and eradicate" various classes of guns to undermine "the illicit trade in small arms." Such a plan would necessarily lead to confiscation of personal firearms."
We all seem to be forgetting the dangers of a treaty (that George Washington warned us about), namely a U.N. Treaty (link)

"American gun owners might not feel besieged, but they should. This week, the Obama administration announced its support for the United Nations Small Arms Treaty. This international agreement poses real risks for freedom both in the United States and around the world by making it more difficult - if not outright illegal - for law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms...

The U.N. claims that guns used in armed conflicts cause 300,000 deaths worldwide every year, an inordinate number of which are the result of internal civil strife within individual nations. The solution proposed by transnationalists to keep rebels from getting guns is to make the global pool of weapons smaller through government action. According to recent deliberations regarding the treaty, signatory countries would be required to "prevent, combat and eradicate" various classes of guns to undermine "the illicit trade in small arms." Such a plan would necessarily lead to confiscation of personal firearms."

I could be wrong but I don't think a treaty can supercede the Constitution. [rolleyes] Even with the current makeup of the supreme court.
I could be wrong but I don't think a treaty can supercede the Constitution. [rolleyes] Even with the current makeup of the supreme court.

Remember, Congress must ratify the treaty for it to become the law of the land and I'm sure there are enough conservatives out there that would kill this before it even got started. The President can sign all of the treaties he wants, but its Congress that has the final say.
I could be wrong but I don't think a treaty can supercede the Constitution. [rolleyes] Even with the current makeup of the supreme court.

You are absolutely correct. For now, treaties do not override the Constitution, but with the recent Supreme Court nominees (Kagan especially) we may see a drastic change or reversal in policy. I don't put it past the government to attempt any foolish stunts these days; five years ago people would have laughed about universal (socialized) healthcare in the US, we're not laughing now. I don't believe this presents a real threat but I post this because Mexican President Calderon calling for increased Gun Control here in the US tells me the pattern of having the cries come from outside the US from foreign countries confirms that IF the government ever looked to enforce such a policy, a global treaty would be the designated vehicle through which it would happen.
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From my cold dead fingers..... I worked hard and spent a lot of money for my protection. If they come for them they'll have to find 'em first...
Bump for the ending days of regular legislative session. Please, when you call your legislators, ask them to include the "Katrina Bill" language somewhere if they can.
Can we get this passed in MA this year?

I don't follow Ma politics closly after moving but after living there for 19 years I'd hafta say "Good luck with that."

We all seem to be forgetting the dangers of a treaty (that George Washington warned us about), namely a U.N. Treaty (link)
Such a plan would necessarily lead to confiscation of personal firearms."

Seizing firearms like that is un-Constitutional.

The Constituition didn't stop anyone from seizing personal arms just five short years ago during the aftermath of Katrina and the only thing which will prevent a second confiscation is the strength and will of citizens who remember and have prepared.
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