Hiker dies in the Presidentials

Recovery site.

sad. just very sad.

I still remember back in 1994 when three people died on Mt. Washington.

March 1, 1994

PINKHAM'S GRANT, N.H. — Two ice climbers missing for nearly two days on Mount Washington were found dead Monday, victims of extreme cold. The men had been caught by worsening weather on the mountain Saturday. On Monday, wind blew at a sustained speed of 88 mph, with gusts over 100 mph, and the temperature was 16 below zero, rescuers said. ''We had world-class mountaineers out there searching for the victims and they were blown off their feet,'' U.S. Forest Service spokeswoman Rebecca Oreskes said. The men were reported missing when they did not return to a cabin staffed by the Forest Service.

The 6,288-foot peak in the White Mountains is famous for brutal weather. Another hiker froze to death last month.
As others have said this range regularly claims people's lives. Even in the summer people greatly underestimate the difference in weather from base to summit. I consider myself a pretty good hiker and there's no way in hell I'd be in that area in February with a group, nevermind alone.
This was neither suicide nor murder. It was a serious mistake that cost her her life. The area she was hiking in had some of the worse weather conditions on the entire planet that day. Lots of people solo hike the Whites. She was plenty experienced as a hiker, though sadly her experience in risk management wasn't as high.

My bet is she didn't want to waste the long drive up doing something less challenging. Terrible gamble.

A fb post from one of the guys who found her said she was off trail down a hill and seemed to have fallen.

Thanks for being one of the very few commenting on this thread, to have actually studied the reports.

This was less than 20 miles from my house. At the first reports, I was like everyone else: why would she even attempt this?

But then I read more, and found out that she was an extremely experienced winter hiker, and was fully prepared for a day trip. What she wasn't prepared for, was getting into trouble and being able to survive overnight.

She had a PLB, satellite phone, and cell phone.

Hikers have made fatal mistakes going into that same range in August. The hindsight heroes should leave the judgment to the people who really know these mountains, and the experts said she was prepared and equipped. Even the best prepared and the best informed are subject to incomplete information, or incorrect judgement.

Like the book is titled, "Not Without Peril..."
I guess Girl Scouts don't teach the buddy system. "Worst weather in the world? Sounds like a challenge!"
A friend of mine climbed Nt Adams a couple weeks ago. He didn't start out solo but his three buddies bailed. But it wasn't that windy.

You guys suck, she was pretty hot and no pics?
For some perspective on just how crazy the weather can be one day from the next, this is a photo a hiker took on Tuesday, just a day after the recovery. Compare the conditions to the video/photo I posted earlier.

This was going up Adams. Same mountains she was hiking.

Detailed article in the Globe today: https://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2015/02/21/the-young-woman-and-mountain/SEBPucaGpA1Fun4R5uoj7K/story.html

I can't fathom the conditions the conditions the first SAR faced that night

From the article:

“It was negligent for her to be up there,” Lurie said. The conditions overnight were among the worst he’s seen, he said.

Though she was not a novice — people strand themselves on these mountains in rubber boots and jeans — the truest tests of skill out here are not physical.

“Her decision clearly speaks to her inexperience,” Lurie said.

But her route, Saunders said, “shows she was thinking the whole time.” She aborted her trek and tried to make it back to safety.

“She wasn’t wandering around the mountain,” Saunders said.
This was neither suicide nor murder. It was a serious mistake that cost her her life. The area she was hiking in had some of the worse weather conditions on the entire planet that day. Lots of people solo hike the Whites. She was plenty experienced as a hiker, though sadly her experience in risk management wasn't as high.

My bet is she didn't want to waste the long drive up doing something less challenging. Terrible gamble.

A fb post from one of the guys who found her said she was off trail down a hill and seemed to have fallen.

Sadly she wasn't the first and won't be the last to make the same mistake. The White Mountains may be small compared to most, which is why they are greatly underestimated. The signs don't lie, some of the worst weather on earth is correct, especially for the day she went. Second coldest recorded place on the planet.

^^^this...RIP...the weather changes quickly up there...the people that do high altitude mountaineering trips are a different breed (watch "touching the void" or "the summit" if you want to get a feel for them)...the difference between their situation and this woman's is they know there is no search and rescue team coming for them and they go in groups...with a few different choices she may still be alive

from the article:

"What had been a mild Sunday morning gave way to hell: According to Weather Now, a website that tracks weather stations around the globe, there was a moment Monday morning when the peak of Mount Washington was the second-coldest measured place on earth, the Conway Daily Sun reported.
The first was a weather station at the South Pole."
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I cant believe someone would go out in those conditions to start with. And to do it by herself! WTF?! I feel no sorrow for her. She either overestimated her abilities, underestimated the conditions or just said "I'm invinceable!"

Presumably, as an experienced hiker, she should have known what she was getting into and either 1- prepared better or 2 - NOT GONE!
Last week we had that really cold weather, wind-driven snow, low visibility.
Right in the middle of it someone decided they just had to go hiking on a local leg of the Finger Lakes Trail, which goes for miles through completely undeveloped state land and cuts over an occasional roadway.
Family called worried ( of course ) that the hiker was overdue
I really hate those calls regardless of the time of year because the amount of terrain to cover vs number of searchers is so out of kilter. if we didn't have volunteer FD guys helping we'd have no chance.
Anyways in this case the person reappeared before we got all that response spun up, but I was thinking the same thing...who decides they need to go out hiking in -10 F with a visibility due to blowing snow and terrain of anywhere from 5 feet to whatever
Last week we had that really cold weather, wind-driven snow, low visibility.
Right in the middle of it someone decided they just had to go hiking on a local leg of the Finger Lakes Trail, which goes for miles through completely undeveloped state land and cuts over an occasional roadway.
Family called worried ( of course ) that the hiker was overdue
I really hate those calls regardless of the time of year because the amount of terrain to cover vs number of searchers is so out of kilter. if we didn't have volunteer FD guys helping we'd have no chance.
Anyways in this case the person reappeared before we got all that response spun up, but I was thinking the same thing...who decides they need to go out hiking in -10 F with a visibility due to blowing snow and terrain of anywhere from 5 feet to whatever

like i said in a previous post, she's an experienced hiker, those conditions probably aren't far from out of the ordinary on some of the world's highest peaks, and from what I've read she's done some big hikes. This is no different from base jumping, sky diving etc etc. She knew what she was doing, just unfortunate.
Pilots have an expression:

"In conditions like this the superior pilot exercises his superior judgment so he doesn't have to use his superior ability."
[ie: don't go]
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