Ho to Remove AR15 front sight with welded break?

Jun 2, 2010
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Im looking to put a longer forearm on my carbine lenght AR. is there anyway to get the front sight off when the muzzle break pined and welded? I know a gunsmith would work but dont want to pay an arm and a leg. anyone ever do this before?
If it's pinned and welded, all you need is a drill press. Drill out the pin (be sure not to break thru!) and the brake will unscrew. Switch your block, thread it back on, press new pin in and have someone weld spot it again.
A few things to keep in mind. Some manufacturers and smiths not only pin on the muzzle device. But high temp silver solder, which can be 1100° or 1600° F melting point . Which will require the use of a MAPP or oxy acetylene torch. This was in standard instructions by ATF for Assault Ban era requirements. The other thing is whether the the device was pinned for compliance for the ban, or is the barrel length under 16 inch. Which may run you afoul the NFA law making it an SBR. So. If the barrel length is less than 16 inch with the muzzle device removed. You have to put on another pinned muzzle device as long as the one removed to keep a legal rifle under Federal NFA law. Or register it under NFA as a Short Barrel Rifle. Which may not be legal in all areas or states. Or do as another member suggested and get a new barrel at 16 inches and configure it the way you want. It all depends on how much time, effort and money you want to put in to it. The SBR route is a $200 Federal tax stamp, You need an ATF form 1 & form 5330.20. Do not let the upper come near a lower to avoid a violation. When the cost of just taking the old barrel off, is the cost of the new barrel, the free float, the gas block and a muzzle device. I do not recommend the cutting off the barrel and re-crowning, As this puts you in an SBR or soldering and pining the muzzle device if the barrel comes up less than 16 inches.
This is pretty easy to do with just a dremel and cutting wheel. Cut off the delta ring, the springs underneath and the handguard cap. Shave the FSB down with the cutting wheel as well. You will need to sand it and repaint it.

Centurion Arms makes a rail that locks right onto the stock barrel nut of the AR15. With their rails, you also do not need to remove/cutdown the FSB and its freefloated.
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