HOLLYWOOD VIETNAM WAR NEWS: Oliver Stone recruits Bruce Willis for My Lai massacr

I'm not familiar with the facts of the My Lai incident. Is there a decent (as in fairly accurate) account available?

I've heard about it many times, and I know that there were trials... and I seem to remember that there were some concerns that the UCMJ has a hole in it regarding its inability to recall enlisted Soldiers to active duty to be held accountable for alleged military crimes committed while on active duty...
I'm not familiar with the facts of the My Lai incident. Is there a decent (as in fairly accurate) account available?

I've heard about it many times, and I know that there were trials... and I seem to remember that there were some concerns that the UCMJ has a hole in it regarding its inability to recall enlisted Soldiers to active duty to be held accountable for alleged military crimes committed while on active duty...

Hoo boy. Stone's doing my lai? That will be a sight I'm sure. Calley was convicted so basically Stone doesn't have to worry about a defamation suit as long as he doesn't add anything from the court transcript. Unfortunatly, there's a lot to work with just sticking to the court transcript. Oliver Stone needs to understand there have been 3.5 other decades since the 60's ended. Time to make a movie about something else you no talent hack.

Thank you both. It truly was as sickening as I was afraid that it would be.

And reading about the trials and the aftermath make it clear why we go through annual Geneva Convention and War Crimes briefings and why we had HOURS of these classes before we deployed...

The first link was very informative...
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