Holster ?


NES Member
Jan 20, 2013
Mass Blah Blah Blah
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My brother inlaw was injured on Duty and now has to learn to shoot with his left hand and needs a Basket Weave ? left handed holster for a Sig 229. im looking to help him out and was curious where I can find one. Thanks
My brother inlaw was injured on Duty and now has to learn to shoot with his left hand and needs a Basket Weave ? left handed holster for a Sig 229. im looking to help him out and was curious where I can find one. Thanks

If he's a bit crafty he can save a ton of money. I make all my own holsters for my own guns and its really quite simple.
All you need is a piece of 8-9 oz herman oak leather and a few tools and supplies. Some people even use and swear by olive oil in stead of neats foot.
I actually hand stitch my holsters now which is quite easy.

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