Hope N' Change Commiting political "suicide"

Jun 2, 2009
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Ignoring the vast majority of the nation, by trying to stuff ObamaCare down our throats, has hurt this presidency. And when he tries to explain things it's always "we". WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH... who is this we? you got a mouse in your pocket or something?
Promises were also made during his presidency campaign. And his response on why none have them played out? "Oh well we had emergency situations" Oh really? What constitutes as an emergency? Auto Bailout. Campainging across America for ObamaCare. Expansion of Government. WHATS THE EMERGENCY??? Oh and not to mention the "BLAME" on past decades for economic deficit. He also said Dems and GOP want a Gov thats not wasting money, but looking after their interests. Hmmm OK = then why the 2 BILLION dollar trip to India? And don't claim "Official Business". Summitt my left toe. You can have all those people come to America, for about 2/3 less. :/
And alll the while when we were trying to find out what was in the Obama Care bill, what were the People told? "oh, when the bill passes you will find out whats in it..." Geeezus H. Christmas... Thats like hey I have no clue what I had for breakfast, to find out Imma look at the porcelin throne the next morning when I go and leave a present for the water god.
On the subject for making promises when trying to get elected? "I think you're liberated to say things without thinking about, "Okay, how am I gonna actually practically implement this." WOW. really? C'mon dude... If the American populus does not get that.. Holy heck we are gonna be in huuuge trouble. Ok so elect me... I'm promising all these things for you. But you know what? It's politics I don't have to do anything I say. Hell I'm gonna be the President.
Well if you're not fed up by now. It gets worse.

IMHO The American people have been misled and are just waking up from the Obama Kool-aid campaign. How's that Hope N Change working out for you? One of my favorite sayings of all time is "Wish in one hand, and Poop(me being sensitive, otherwise insert expletive here) in the other, see which one fills up first".
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