Hope to get chickens next year - beginner questions

If you let them roam freely, be ready for the droppings. Everywhere. They're very curious creatures and will investigate every nook and cranny around your home. And your neighbors homes.

Yes = So true. Chicken sh#t is everywhere.

However, for us, we live in the sticks and have no neighbors, so that helps a bit.

We also keep a foot scraper near the main homes entry. Its essentially a manufactured upside down brush with left and right side brushes, facing towards the upside down brush.

Works great!
That is nicer than my first apartment. That is a great design and I like the windows. Can someone tell me how I can keep the stupid chickens from shitting in one of the nesting boxes. I keep two but they only use one for eggs. It is a dual box but I am wondering if I should just make one small box and remove the double one?
my friend's chickens like to sit on the railing of the 'front porch' of her house. We also discovered that we had to lay cardboard and much down after planting bulbs as they thought it was great to scratch in the newly disturbed soil. they didn't eat the bulbs, just exposed them.
That is nicer than my first apartment. That is a great design and I like the windows. Can someone tell me how I can keep the stupid chickens from shitting in one of the nesting boxes. I keep two but they only use one for eggs. It is a dual box but I am wondering if I should just make one small box and remove the double one?

They really shouldn't be doing that. Don't let them sleep in the boxes at night. We have one chicken that might have an internal problem because when she lays an egg she poops on it so something is not closing off in her like it should.
I just received the O'Connor Hardware flier and they're advertising, "Order your chicks now for a delivery in April" Buy one get one free $3.99. Pre selected breeds: Barred Rocks, Ameraucanas, Rhode Island Reds. We only sell hens.
O'Connor Hardware
446 Boston Road
Route 3A
Billerica, MA
I just received the O'Connor Hardware flier and they're advertising, "Order your chicks now for a delivery in April" Buy one get one free $3.99. Pre selected breeds: Barred Rocks, Ameraucanas, Rhode Island Reds. We only sell hens.
O'Connor Hardware
446 Boston Road
Route 3A
Billerica, MA

My experience with the (only) 3 flocks of mixed hens is RI/NH Reds are ill tempered birds, and the barred rocks are not so bright, even for chickens. Our Americaunas have been steady layers. YMMV. I suggest everyone get chickens.
I have Rhode Island reds and they will absolutely not tolerate ANY new birds no matter size or breed. Very unsociable birds, and I have had many breeds, but these birds are not friendly. They will gang up and kill any new bird I try to introduce. The only good thing about them is they are egg laying machines. Still pumping out eggs now and right through the winter.
I have a small flock with two Reds, Two Buffs and Two Araucanas. One red is the friendliest of the bunch the araucanas are very antisocial with people. Raised together since chicks they get along fine. I did bring in another chicken that was given to me and it was dead in two days. The Buffs and reds were great eggers.
Chickens are easy to keep, but are easy meals for birds and a multitude of other critters. A good coop and yard is important even if you let them roam during the day.
Mine stopped laying early fall, but I put a light in the coup in December. To my big surprise there was about 15 eggs in the egg box when I came back from FL after 2.5 weeks :-)
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