How can I put a sling on an “antique” rifle?

Mar 30, 2022
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I have a 1937 mfg Winchester 69a that belonged y to my grandfather previously. It is dead accurate out to 100 yards and feels perfect for small game hunting but unfortunately the stock doesn’t have studs or swivels. I tried one of the slings that wraps around the stock and barrel but it blocks the sights pretty bad and I hate the way it looks. Should I have studs installed? Will it “ruin” the antiquity of the rifle?
I have a 1937 mfg Winchester 69a that belonged y to my grandfather previously. It is dead accurate out to 100 yards and feels perfect for small game hunting but unfortunately the stock doesn’t have studs or swivels. I tried one of the slings that wraps around the stock and barrel but it blocks the sights pretty bad and I hate the way it looks. Should I have studs installed? Will it “ruin” the antiquity of the rifle?
Depends what kind of shape the gun is in to begin with. Sling studs added to antique guns do lower value. It's up to you really but if that rifle is in good condition, original condition, I would not personally do it but do what makes you happy.

These are very nice: No Drill - Harnessed Rifle Sling - RLO Custom Leather

And I recall Bushcrafts no drill rifle slings being very decent as well.
Most old rifles never had provision for adding a sling. I guess the thinking was that a when hunting, a rifle that's not in your hand is pretty much useless.
Lever-action rifles never had slings back in the day. I've got a 1940-vintage Winchester Model 64 that's the same way.
Also a Ruger 44 Carbine, a 9422, a Win 490 with no sling.
Give A2 buttstock slings a look. I have one without any metal parts. It’s very quiet, perfect for hunting and has a Velcro loop for the front that goes around the stock and barrel. Mine is made by “”. Not sure if it’s still available but there are others out there.

Most old rifles never had provision for adding a sling. I guess the thinking was that a when hunting, a rifle that's not in your hand is pretty much useless.
Lever-action rifles never had slings back in the day. I've got a 1940-vintage Winchester Model 64 that's the same way.
Also a Ruger 44 Carbine, a 9422, a Win 490 with no sling.

Yup! If anything they had saddle rings, but that’s it!
Some models of the 69a and 75 had target stocks with swivels on them. You can find them on ebay, usually stripped of all the metal parts. Piecing a complete stock together would be challenging and expensive.

Adding swivels will decrease interest/value from some collectors, certainly. You're going to have to decide if that outweighs your enjoyment of the rifle because it was your grandfathers. If a lack of a sling was keeping me from hunting my Grampa's rifle, I'd be reaching for the drill press and the GrovTec catalog - antiquity be damned.
Most old rifles never had provision for adding a sling. I guess the thinking was that a when hunting, a rifle that's not in your hand is pretty much useless.
as you would be on a horse and gun would be in a side bag.
when dismounted - in your hands. a lot had changed since, of course.
There's always this method:

Depends what kind of shape the gun is in to begin with. Sling studs added to antique guns do lower value. It's up to you really but if that rifle is in good condition, original condition, I would not personally do it but do what makes you happy.

These are very nice: No Drill - Harnessed Rifle Sling - RLO Custom Leather

And I recall Bushcrafts no drill rifle slings being very decent as well.
Don't do it.
I feel I should mention it is not in mint condition or anything, far from it in fact. The thing is covered in surface rust (which I clean off with an oiled rag ever once in a while) and it’s certainly not a collectors piece anymore. So resale is out of the question. I’m only asking this because I don’t want it to look ridiculous if I do install swivels.
rather than a sling, why not an over the shoulder scabbard?
thats actually not a bad idea, I have a backpack gifted to me by my brother that can carry a rifle on the side (atleast that’s what he told me) the only issue is that as previously stated I don’t wanna fumble around trying to get it out and scare off any potential game and I live in Massachusetts so carrying it in my hands the whole time would probably get me in trouble no doubt.
I have a 1937 mfg Winchester 69a that belonged y to my grandfather previously. It is dead accurate out to 100 yards and feels perfect for small game hunting but unfortunately the stock doesn’t have studs or swivels. I tried one of the slings that wraps around the stock and barrel but it blocks the sights pretty bad and I hate the way it looks. Should I have studs installed? Will it “ruin” the antiquity of the rifle?
so, i felt like something had to exist for that, that was original.

scroll down to "Sling Strap Snap Swivel Base - Original" and look up all 3 things. seems to be very simple.
I went this route my Winchester


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