how do i clean up an older rifle?

Dec 1, 2008
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hello, i have an iver johnson 22 rifle that i got from my grandfather years ago. well i stopped shooting for a number of years and getting back into it. as a result of not using the rifle it was neglected and has surface rust. i had a the two shotguns cleaned up by a gun shop. because the rifle is so simple i can disassemble. its only 3 pieces. how can i clean up the rust. or does it need to go someone to get reblued.
It depends on how deep the rust is. Not seeing it, I would try WD40 (or something like it) and 0000 steel wool. Cover the parts in oil and rub them with steel wool. Any non-blued parts, this method should clean them up nicely. If this rust is deeply pitting the steel I have used 800 grit sandpaper. This will remove the blueing as well. Here is one a did a few months ago.
Try Break Free CLP and 0000 steel wool. Put a good coat of CLP on and let it sit overnight. Re-apply and take the steel wool to it. Take your time and don't force the issue.
You could try a product called RB-17. It works wonders but is only available online.
would an automotive rust penitrant like pb blaster work with the steel wool. it doesn't look very deep. looks like its just surface rust.
I am not familiar with it, but if it's meant to unstick stuck nuts and bolts, give it a try.

How is the action? If the rifle was stored dirty, it could probably use a soaking too. Just be careful with any plastic pieces (buffers, shims). On the good side of storing a dirty rifle, the bore is probably good. Having been fouled also sealed it from rusting. At least it has in the few 22's I have restored.

PLEASE take some before and after pictures. It's always nice to see an old rifle brought back to life.
yes it for breaking free rusted bolts. yea i can see some deposits in the bore of the berral. so it will need a good thorough cleaning before use. hear are some before pictures. the rifle is an Iver Johnson model 2x self cocking safety rifle made in fitchburg mass. my grandfather gave it to me to start with. i want to get into good shape it has value to me. just hold the trigger and pull the bolt back to remove. and it is disassembled. this is probly on of the simplest firearms out there.




compleatly disassembled.

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Looks like a great candidate for a restore. The rust should clean up nicely. You will probably still see where the rust spots were, but you will have to look closely for them. The bolt will clean up nicely too with the oil & 0000 steel wool method. The stock also has potential. Lightly sand off the finish, try to steam out the ding, dents and gouges. 7-8 coats of Minwax tung oil finish, it'll look great.

As JonJ said, put a good coat of the oil on and let it sit over night. Reapply more oil and start lightly with the steel wool.

Good luck and keep us posted.
how do you steam out the dings and dents?

A wet cloth and an iron. I find that if the cloth is just short of dripping wet works best. Place it over the dent/ding and then place an iron over set as high as it will go. Let is sit for and bit and 'steam'. The little ones disappear quickly. Bigger deaper ones might benefit from a second try. This won't take out all dents and dings, but it works well.

I actually just used PB on a rifle I cleaned up. I soak the steel wool with whatever penetrant I'm using and "wipe" lightly. After a short time I clean with clean cloth and repeat process.
i started cleaning the rifle this evening. i used wd40 and steel wool. it seems to be working pretty good. i soaked the barrel and am gonna let it sit and ill scrub the rest of it tomorrow night. the barrel will need to blued do you guys have any suggestions, is there any way i can do it at home. ive seen the blue wonder, not sure if it works. also do you sand or strip the finish off the wood before steaming it. i probably will because i want to give the wood a nice finish. by the way what do you guys use to finish the wood, just stain and clear coat or do they make a special finish for this? i will try to get a picture after i get the barrel cleaned up.
do you sand or strip the finish off the wood before steaming it.

Yes, bare wood is best for steaming.

what do you guys use to finish the wood

I use Minwax Tung Oil Finish. Stain the wood then start applying coats of tung oil. The more coats you apply the glossier the finish.

I can't help you with a whole barrel blueing. I have only done touch ups using Perma Blue. I have one barrel that could use a blueing, but I think the worn finish adds character to the rifle so I left it alone.
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