How do the new laws affect face to face ammo sales in MA?


NES Member
Apr 12, 2006
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Is it ok to advertise here and sell a case or two of .223 and/or AK ammo FTF these days? Or do you have to have a dealers license? I can’t keep track of this stuff anymore.

Is it ok to advertise here and sell a case or two of .223 and/or AK ammo FTF these days? Or do you have to have a dealers license? I can’t keep track of this stuff anymore.


To be clear: under the old laws it was illegal for anyone without a dealer license to sell ammunition. But everyone did it anyway and the state didn’t care.

That’s probably still true.

Under the new laws, depending on which section you look at, it’s either still illegal to sell without a license, or completely legal as an individual.

I expect they meant the former, but the text is less clear.
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Is it ok to advertise here and sell a case or two of .223 and/or AK ammo FTF these days? Or do you have to have a dealers license? I can’t keep track of this stuff anymore.

Best case its legal and you must verify their LTC before doing the transaction (use portal and do verification option)

Worst case its illegal like it always has been.

There are problems in the language in the law that I think makes this ambiguous.
Hmmm, so what you really have to do is give the ammo away for free, and charge for the boxes?

You know, if you buy one of these boxes for $x.xx it comes with 1,000 rounds of ammo for free…
The old blue law evasion: FREE shoes with every $10 Apple
That's where we buy our ammo anyway. I look forward to your listing 🤣
Having a C&R FFL, I have a lot of hard-to-get ammo for those guns that I bought back then and never fired. That's in addition to the normal calibers that I did shoot semi-regularly.
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