How do we get a piston AR?


NES Member
Jan 2, 2006
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So how do we get a piston AR in MA? I do not see that either S&W M&P15PS or Stag model 8 are compliant. I do not want Ruger or Sig. What FFL can receive a piston AR and transfer after muzzle brake/stock fixing?
I think that would be the most straightforward way to go in MA. BTW, will that void the S&W warranty?
Maybe just to wait till all AR become piston-driven... Choices. And I do not want to be building. Just buy, shoot, clean when needed.
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Just build one, it would come out to about the same as if you tried to buy a complete rifle.

If you REALLY don't want to build it your self, contact someone like Remsport and see if they will do it for you.
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Build your own lower and buy an upper

If it is a maker you want to go with, from my understanding you can send LWRC a MB of your choice and they will perm attach it on one of their uppers and make necessary changes to make it ban compliant.
I can't wait for that....heavy and less accurate awesome. But, I guess they are a good answer to the internet myth that there are problems with reliability with ARs :(

WHAT? You mean the HK416 isn't the answer to all the internet talk about the AR being a POS platform?
So how do we get a piston AR in MA?

Just like you buy any other AR. Go to a dealer and tell them what you want.

Any of the piston ARs can be made MA compliant. LMT, LWRC and POF can all make their ARs MA compliant and will if ordered that way.
Maybe just to wait till all AR become piston-driven... Choices.

Not happening, so you basically can forget about that. The parts count is greater and the weight increases, so DI gas ARs aren't going anywhere anytime

And I do not want to be building.

"Building" can be very uncomplicated.... As uncomplicated as field stripping an AR.

You can always pay someone else to do it, anyways.... if you -really- want to.

Adam Arms kit can be purchased for 250 now. Just add the kit, I think it is a really good system. I like the DI and will continue to use them, but I also want a piston because I can. I have John from Remsport throwing one together for me now with a stainless steel barrel. Weight is not a factor if you are just shooting at the range for a few hours, however as Derrick once said; it is if your patrolling with that thing and full gear. There is also a new buffer system out that is suppose to stop any carrier tilt, if you are concerned with this. I believe the guy has posted on When I get my piston build I will post some pics.
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