If I survived the attack the ass wipe who sent them after me for no reason would suffer for sure. Civil suit and a good beating to start with. Have dogs taken away from them, they obviously don't deserve to have them.
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Ok, Rolling On Fhe Floor Laughing My A*** OffIf it is really well trained, yell "SIT!" in your command voice. Nothing to lose by trying.
Should I have a particular EDC meat?
Anybody have any insight? Former dog handlers maybe?
first off, dogs are awful forms of self protection.
You're kidding right? I wish we still had our old GSD for you. Soon enough my puppy can show you awful he is at defense. There is a reason that the military and police utilize them and it's not as a pick me up.
first off, dogs are awful forms of self protection. an alligator or turkey would be much better. dogs naturally gravitate to and respect human leadership, so honestly almost any human can win over a dog's trust.
rule +1 is not to run or move away. if human shows fear, result is predatory behavior in the dog. this is also true with human - human interactions. fear = prey.
if dog approaching there are 2 options:
1) nonconfrontational = turn around and make no eye contact with dog. eye contact signals conflict. if no eye contact, then no conflict. if dog bites just ignore and they will let go. once they see you are not responding, they will stop.
2) confrontational = move towards the dog and get as tall as possible, signaling with hand to the side/above as if to bite. keep moving towards them until dog has backed away. if dog bites then human bites back. keep neck protected. do not be afraid to bite a dog back...believe it or not your teeth are stronger. they will submit.
lethal force simply unnecessary on a dog. only indication in my book is if the dog is rabid (unlikely) or attacking a child/family member (more likely).
Anybody have any insight? Former dog handlers maybe?
Most trained dogs are trained using Schutzhund commands. How is your German?
Couple questions for you:
1) Do you speak of "real" professionally trained dogs or a dog trained by Julio, who lives down by the tracks?
2) Is your encounter a result of being somewhere you shouldn't be, as in breaking and entering, or someplace you do have a right to be, as in, at home or walking down the street?
If we assume you are not a criminal, and since you're reading/posting here you are most likely an armed citizen, aka domestic terrorist, your encounter is *probably* in the middle of the night, by a SWAT team and K-9's.
If this is the case, give up immediately. The dog is probably trained to stop you, not to kill you and if you manage to kill it, it is considered the same as killing a police officer (according to CSI Miami) and you'll get the needle.
If the dog is NOT an LEO, you are probably going to have to sacrifice something to the jaws. A jacket or purse is best but your "off" arm is better than losing a leg or a throat. Stuff that in the dog's mouth if needed and start kicking.
You need to accept that it is going to hurt and you're probably going to look a little "different" after this, and beat that puppy up.
Now, if you happen to BE an LEO, just shoot it.
Take none of this post as serious advice.
Couple questions for you:
1) Do you speak of "real" professionally trained dogs or a dog trained by Julio, who lives down by the tracks?
first off, dogs are awful forms of self protection. an alligator or turkey would be much better. dogs naturally gravitate to and respect human leadership, so honestly almost any human can win over a dog's trust.