How often can I disassemble a Glock/Springfield etc.?

Mar 3, 2010
North East MA
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Ok, silly question. A 1911 is a pain (for me) to field strip. However I find it so easy to disassemble a Glock or Springfield that I find myself doing it maybe once a day! No rhyme or reason - I don't clean it but some times I store it disassembled and other times I just put it back. I know it is a silly/annoying habit that I hope to grow out of. BUT should I grow out of it? Other than being super careful (always assume it is loaded and hence clear before disassembly etc.) about a ND is there any harm to the firearm? Any greater wear and tear? Either my google-fu is off or no one else has this annoying habit or bothered by it [grin]
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Some guns are disassembled more than others, like the ones that are used for training.It will not hurt the gun, but in the case of the glock you stated that you always have your gun loaded. You are playing with the gun so much that, one of the times that you start to take down the glock,you are going to pull the trigger and forget you had a round in the pipe.Go back to rubbing one off, it's safer.
Maybe some very minor wear on the slide rails but nothing major or worth mentioning. If you're not cleaning it then there's going to be almost no wear. If you clean it, any brisstles/bore snakes will slowly wear down the barrel but it's also equally minor. Whenever I dissasemble my guns for shits and giggles, I tend to oil the contact points (like the slide rails) ever so slightly. In the grand scheme of things it doesn't really prevent a whole lot of wear and tear.

But like Patron said, it's far more likely that you'll get too comfortable with doing it. It's well known that the more comfortable you get with your guns, and yourself with a gun, the more likely you are to make a silly mistake. Make sure to practice 100% safe behavior 24/7
Thanks! I should make myself clear - when I said "it is always loaded" I meant the rule that any firearm is always loaded and hence needs to be treated as such. Thus, even when I have just taken it from it's storage box where I put it unloaded, I always check. So very cautious but the getting too comfortable part can/should never be forgotten. Thanks again!
Why take it apart unnecessarily? I don't get it, unless you have shitty storage at home and you are trying to decrease the odds that a thief will get a functional gun or something by separating the halves.

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