How prepared are YOU?

Mar 17, 2006
Feedback: 13 / 0 / 0
We talk about it, but what have we done about it? Here's what I have so far in the way of prepardedness supplies:

  • MREs for 2 people for 2 weeks.
  • Water for 7 days
  • Ammunition (never enough)
  • "Bug-out" packs for two.

  • Folding Shovel w/Sheath
  • Flashlight w/Xenon Bulb & Batteries
  • AM/FM Radio w/Headphones & Batteries
  • Whistle
  • 14-Function Multi Tool
  • Pair Leather Palm Gloves
  • Stocking Hat
  • 4 Hand Warmers (6-hour use)
  • 4 Foot Warmers (6-hour use)
  • 4 Pocket Warmers (6-hour use)
  • 4 Hand Warmers (18-hour use)
  • 2 Emergency Blankets
  • 3 Emergency Water Pouches
  • 12 Energy Bars
  • Tissue Pack
  • 34-Piece First Aid Kit
  • 3 Days Food Ration x2, Plus Energy Bars
  • 4.2 oz. Purified Water Pouches x10
  • Candle w/Matches (36. hr burn time)
  • Xenar Strobe Rescue Light
  • 12V 250psi Tire Inflator
  • Emergency Charge-N-Start
  • Rain Poncho
  • Box(s) Ammunition

I'm still working on certain items, as I'm sure I need more stuff, but I think I have a pretty good start on things. [grin]

That sounds like a good start.

A good choice for a vehicle first aid kit is a military vehicle first aid kit. Thay have about everything you'll need to do Basic to Moderate First Aid.
Good start...
I am still getting some items together, but hopefully soon, I will be able to post up what I have, with some pictures.

that water scare here in Mass really hit home. Shows how just like that in an instant you may have a tainted and unuseable water supply.
by the time you read or hear about it its too late to stock up.
Just illustrates how important having everything beforehand is.
Food, water,fuel, medical,ammunition
Let me make one recommendation: get at least one gun to go with that ammunition at home and in the car. Otherwise, lose the ammunition in favor of a knife. Better yet, get both a gun and a knife. [wink]

In the car?

jumper cables
ice scraper
spare change
first aid kit (bandaids, soap, asprin, antacid)
toilet paper
tire iron
fire extinguisher

At home:
everything else plus 2 gallon jugs of water in case power goes out

What exactly are you expecting?
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KMaurer said:
Let me make one recommendation: get at least one gun to go with that ammunition at home and in the car. Otherwise, lose the ammunition in favor of a knife. Better yet, get both a gun and a knife. [wink]

There ARE guns to go with the ammo, but I don't store them in the bags at home, or the cars.

i was just reading all the homeland defense pages about preparedness our goverment has spend hundreds of thousands of dollars making..
its littered with helpfull do it yourself tips and lauds self sufficiency with important tips like
"Contact authorities." :O
(that phrase is everywhere!!)

They give the carefree impression that any problem that occurs will be rectified in 72 hours.. :P
funny, not one mention of a firearm in "any" of the text. Evidently the lessons of New Orleans didnt warrant any revisions. not a single mention of what type of firearms or how much ammo one should have on hand.. no mention of how to keep yourself or your family safe from the roaming droves of lawlessness..
Theres no mention of how to solicit Antibiotics, Novacaine and Class A drugs like Morphine for medical emergency storage through a physician/dentist. Cause you know in the event of the shit hitting the fan the dentist and doctors office will both be running regular business hours... ;)
no mention of waste removal...they tell you to have all the supplies to basically duct tape and plastic sheet yourself into a room ,but fail to mention where your supposed to deficate and urinate.. No mention of those cardboard boxes and trashbag shitters or using plastic buckets.. i mean it wont take long for a family of 4 trapped in a 10x10 room with no toilet to realize the uncle sam left something terribly important off the preparedness list :P

its basically a "sit there and die, we will be by with a bulldozer to pile up all the bodies later kind of page"
i dont recomend reading it, its pretty sad..

oh and theyre all available in spanish :P
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I need to reevaluate my preps. I am good on firearms and ammo - and there is always the likely chance that I will already be on-call if SHTF. With that in mind, I need to get more proactive in real world preparations.

Not sure if I would bug-in or bug-out. Currently single - but if that were to change - circumstances would likely be different. Those who "bug-out" need to carefully consider questions like Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How.......too many unknowns with bugging out unless you have a solid plan with other options to fall back on.
Single lol....I feel I was more prepared around Y2K and then slacked off as many did. Not having a family to support simplifies a lot of emergency preparations BUT can often lead to negligence or apathy. After 9/11, my perspective became more tunnel vision in that regards letting myself become blindsided by current world events.

Being active-duty still - I really have no idea where I'll be if something bad were to happen. With that said, most of my preps need to take into account me being mobile a lot. I should get a good water filter and a comprehensive first aid kit. I could easily incorporate some type of 72 hour kit into my travel gear. The only downside to my job, and being military, is my sole dependence upon the military for firearms when I'm not at home. For your average situation, the severe penalties for personal weapons (namely firearms - some other things might slide) while deployed/TAD/TDY etc just arent worth it.

Preparations I am definitely making over the next month or two. Getting a truck cap. I also need a water filter and basic 72 hour kit for the road. While I may not always have my personal vehicle, its important to me that I am more prepared then currently. I need more space to store basic gear - items like first aid, water, food, shelter/sleeping bag, winter road gear, chainsaw, etc are perfectly fine to haul around - even on a military base. A lot of this is common sense stuff, but many have found themselves in an ugly situation during a New England storm where they lack some critical item they WOULD have.

While I am good on firearms and ammo, its careless of me to keep alll my guns in one place really. In the past, I've had a secondary or tirtiary place to store guns at in the event of ________. The idea of being SOL in the event of a home robbery isn't comforting.
J_Smith said:
While I am good on firearms and ammo, its careless of me to keep alll my guns in one place really. In the past, I've had a secondary or tirtiary place to store guns at in the event of ________. The idea of being SOL in the event of a home robbery isn't comforting.

But at least since you are in NH, you'll know that it won't be the gov't that robs your home of guns!

I think there is better than 50-50 odds that if a disaster struck MA, they WOULD confiscate our guns! The US Constitution is null and void here in PRM and that isn't likely to change any time soon.
LenS said:
I think there is better than 50-50 odds that if a disaster struck MA, they WOULD confiscate our guns! The US Constitution is null and void here in PRM and that isn't likely to change any time soon.

They would certainly TRY TO confiscate firearms. How successful they would be is a different story. With the investment I have in firearms and related equipment, I won't be walking down to the local PD to "donate" them... Who's going to come get them?

ChristosX said:
Who's going to come get them?

Door-to-door seizures by police and National Guard.. Just like in NOLA. Keep in mind... Gun registration isn't so they can keep track of the actual guns, but rather WHO has those guns, and where they need to go to get them.

BUT, they can't take what they can't find! [devil]
The thing is, guns don't exist in MA like they do in a place like
Louisiana, where every third house on a given block probably has a
firearm or three in it. The powers that be may not even make an issue
out of it, given the low density of people who are actually armed. A built
up area though, like Boston, I'd bet they'd do some searches there, and
so on, but thats mainly because a large part of the city is pretty much
teetering on the edge of total anarchy anyways, even without a disaster.

Of course, I'm not going to count on "the authorities" being nice to
us. I'd have some kind of contingency plan for protecting your guns, wether
it be an alternate location, a hidden supply cache, etc.... Given the
deal in NOLA, if they dont force you out, they're probably not going to sweep
the area again.

Of course some things depend on the scope of the disaster at hand. For
many of us in MA, the disaster would have to be of way-the-hell-bigger than
katrina level for many of us to be affected. But if anything that is all the
more reason to be cautious... the bigger the disaster, the higher the level of
control mechanisims the goverment is likely to employ against its subjects.

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drgrant said:
For many of us in MA, the disaster would have to be of way-the-hell-bigger than katrina level for many of us to be affected.

But if something catastrophic (like a large earthquake) lets the land of Boston be reclaimed by the Atlantic, we would have a LARGE number of folks displaced into makeshift shelters in the school gym's out in the burbs. How's that sound to you? 10's of thousands of hard core Boston criminals now calling your kid's school their home. After they have lost everything they have stolen and killed for, they will be your new neighbors.
Bug out- going to a secure location that you have set up in advance. Typically far away from the major disruption.

Bug in- Staying in one place or going to your home in the burbs to wait out the situation.

At least that is the way I always envisoned it to mean.
You can't make that decision blindly...

There could be MANY situations that require different actions...
A dirty bomb goes off in the city you live in... You gonna sit around and wait for the fall-out to hit, or you gonna get your ass outta there?

Different situations, require different actions. It is a good thing to have a plan to do both, and supplies/provisions for either.
Adam_MA said:
But if something catastrophic (like a large earthquake) lets the land of Boston be reclaimed by the Atlantic, we would have a LARGE number of folks displaced into makeshift shelters in the school gym's out in the burbs. How's that sound to you? 10's of thousands of hard core Boston criminals now calling your kid's school their home. After they have lost everything they have stolen and killed for, they will be your new neighbors.

True enough.... but thats more of a long term problem than anything
else. Such a disaster would be the warning signal for me (and others)
to emigrate the hell out of MA.

drgrant said:
True enough.... but thats more of a long term problem than anything
else. Such a disaster would be the warning signal for me (and others)
to emigrate the hell out of MA.


Good point. I wouldn't want to be in the middle of that, however getting the hell outta Dodge, isn't as quick of a proposition for some. In that case, you may have to deal with your new environment for at least a little while.
I have a BoB , :Handcrank radio , water filter , first Aid , land nav. , fire making , candles/flashlight/spare batts , assorted small tools & repair stuff.

Well maintained CJ-7 ,with spare fuel cans, good tool kit manual & road atlas.

I have a 10 acre summer camp / Bug out retreat on the Saco in Maine.
& several well prepared freinds of like mind going South - we have an agreement that whichever of us or both needs to leave - we can go to each others places - even if we can't notify beforehand.

What I don't have is everything I have in the right place beforehand.
My generator is in Maine. It should be here at home where it is more likely to be needed. ... Stuff like that. But I will be correcting it as the summer rolls on.

And various firearms , MA & NH LTC , more ammo than i want to try to carry , but not as much as I want. I lack a black gun though ... saving up..

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