How to Check on License Status


NES Member
Dec 16, 2006
Toy Town
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My license application was submitted back in early November (or should have been if the Sgt. did what he told me). At the time he told me it would be in at least several days before my birthday, valid beginning on my birthday. That was last Friday, which means the license should have shown up a week ago. It's not here yet. [crying] I need this license to get myself some now overdue birthday presents.

When I checked last Friday the dispacher said that the CHSB was taking longer than normal to process licenses. Has anyone else seen or heard this? Do I have any recourse? Is there any way to check the status of a firearms license application? I suppose I could check with the Sgt. that handles licenses, but I don't really want to unless there is no other way.
My wife applied October 15th. It is her first license. Haven't seen it yet. After about 5 messages to the Sgt in charge he returned her call saying that he was waiting on ten of them to come back. And we are in a friendly town!
You can check with the CHSB everyday, but I suggest just waiting it out with your lip bit. My issuing officer said that I would get it back 3-4 weeks after I applied. That would be 3-4 weeks from September 18th. Guess when I got it. Not 3-4 weeks later, even after stopping by and asked when it should be in (he said before Thanksgiving). I just got it about a weekish ago, which was December 16th. So my advice, which is the same as everyone else on this forum said, just have patience and it will come. More time to read reviews and find accessories to buy!
CHSB had some problems with MIRCS several weeks ago. Some apps got caught in limbo but all is fixed now. All licensing officers were notified of this.
Since this happened, our licensing clerk has noticed a 2 week longer than usual delay.
Thanks for the info guys. I guess I just need to be patient. Normally that's not a really big deal, but given that I WANT MY BIRTHDAY PRESENTS NOW, and my concern about the GFW that's moving into the corner office in a couple of days...Arrrggghhh.

Haha I can remeber your same position, I checked my home phone caller ID every day for 70+ days in a row. Your not the only one to go through it, and YOU WILL get it SOON!! Trust me its better not having it because now that I do, all I want to do is buy a new gun/ammo and go shooting. Not getting it would have saved me some money lol but I am glad to be one of the privledged!!
Took me 49 days in Boston.

I would place a call maybe every 8-9 days until it is in, but you don't want to start pestering them or it might come back Class B or restricted Class A.
. . . but you don't want to start pestering them or it might come back Class B or restricted Class A.

Not true!

It will come back as it was submitted!! When they type up the form and have you sign it (old horseblanket LTC) or process it thru MIRCS, all the info is defined. Changing it later would be using white-out (on horseblanket . . . making it look like it was tampered with) or processing a new application via MIRCS.

So inquiring can not change your LTC. Doing it politely (especially to CHSB if told "it's held up at the state") can get it "unstuck" if there is a problem (e.g. buried on someone's desk).

I wouldn't do it more than 1x/week however.
As a suggestion....

If it's "held up at the state", then why don't you contact your state Rep and Sen offices (after the 40 days required by law) and tell them you haven't heard anything yet and it's now past 40 days. I've heard others say they called the CHSB (I thought it was the FRB now, no more CHS??) and the result was no answer and a person with an attitude. Don't know if that's true or not, BUT having your elected officials know and asking them to check for you might just help a bit. Only do that if you're registered to vote tho. They won't do diddly for you if you aren't.
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