How would one respond to a physical altercation while carrying?

Considering the situation(s) you have described if he had advanced on you, I think your best course of action would have been to retreat to your house and call 911.


Because, despite the fact that thses idiots took the first step in this interaction, you did escalate it while armed. If you had to use your firearm, you could run the risk of their attorney trying to convince the jury that you were looking for a fight and wanted a chance to shoot someone.

Most instructors whom I respect seem to teach that if you are armed, you have the responsibility of walking away from a fight, IF YOU CAN DO SO SAFELY, rather than escalate the fight to the shooting stage.

Ask yourself, is it really worth shooting someone over some dog do-do on your lawn? You did talk them down which is good. And you didn't have to find out the hard way if your local police and DA are friendly to gun owners or not.
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yeah, sounds like you did good.

nice work.

having been in similar situations: i would have gave him the following options:

option a: he can pick up the crap and carry on
option b: he'll wear the crap home, get his man-card taken in front of his wife and child...

whatever is easier for him (them). i'm very flexable and accomodating..
I hope I'd handle it as well as you did.

You kept your cool, made no reference to your gun, and still had the option to retreat if it escalated further.
Considering the situation(s) you have described if he had advanced on you, I think your best course of action would have been to retreat to your house and call 911.


Because, despite the fact that thses idiots took the first step in this interaction, you did escalate it while armed. If you had to use your firearm, you could run the risk of their attorney trying to convince the jury that you were looking for a fight and wanted a chance to shoot someone.

Most instructors whom I respect seem to teach that if you are armed, you have the responsibility of walking away from a fight, IF YOU CAN DO SO SAFELY, rather than escalate the fight to the shooting stage.

Ask yourself, is it really worth shooting someone over some dog do-do on your lawn? You did talk them down which is good. And you didn't have to find out the hard way if your local police and DA are friendly to gun owners or not.

respectfully, i disagree. i know we are all gun owners in MA and all. but we are still men. the guy had already dropped a deuce on his neighbor and then decided to drop the poo on the OPs lawn?

something along the lines of:


-depending on how the douch bag acts, he can go home w/o incident or have a really bad day....

I think you handled it just fine. It was a verbal altercation, which stayed that way. It's unfortunate that some pets have more brains than their human owners.
respectfully, i disagree. i know we are all gun owners in MA and all. but we are still men. the guy had already dropped a deuce on his neighbor and then decided to drop the poo on the OPs lawn?

something along the lines of:


-depending on how the douch bag acts, he can go home w/o incident or have a really bad day....


Disagreement (polite) is good. It helps examine and debate all aspects of the question.

My comments were primarily concerned with the after-effects of a somewhat minor arguement escalating into a very grave situation with the potential for severe injury or death. And then the possibility of worse afterwards in the legal system. Would you really want to try to demonstrate how much of a man you are by killing another human being over dog poop? It might work in Texas but I doubt it would fly in Massachusetts.

There is another possible outcome. He might be armed also and a better and faster shot than you. And then you would end up injured or dead, all over some dog poop.

I have no problem with telling some idiot dog owner what he should do with the excrement his dog has just deposited on my property but I would rather not turn it into a life-or-death situation.

Just my opinion.
sounds like you handled it quite well. I would have probably still called the cops to check up on them, though, after the incident. Let them know what happened in case those conrholes decided to come back. THen you have a ttrail of a report to show you did what you could to stay safe, etc.
Disagreement (polite) is good. It helps examine and debate all aspects of the question.

My comments were primarily concerned with the after-effects of a somewhat minor arguement escalating into a very grave situation with the potential for severe injury or death. And then the possibility of worse afterwards in the legal system. Would you really want to try to demonstrate how much of a man you are by killing another human being over dog poop? It might work in Texas but I doubt it would fly in Massachusetts.

There is another possible outcome. He might be armed also and a better and faster shot than you. And then you would end up injured or dead, all over some dog poop.

I have no problem with telling some idiot dog owner what he should do with the excrement his dog has just deposited on my property but I would rather not turn it into a life-or-death situation.

Just my opinion.

understood. based on the description of the OP, i'd find the douche bag to already be a disrespectful human being. i would offer a polite chance for the douche bag to make good and take responsibility.

i'm coming to terms with the fact that i'm institutionalized (sp) as a 15 year (career) soldier.... so i always handle things at the lowest level possible...

some people have ADD / bi-polar ect.. so they do stupid crap just to get attention. that, i can do.

as for being armed and what not, no biggie...

i have never escalated a situation. simply talking to the offender can solve 90% of issues. however, IMO - the OP "must" believe in what he / she is saying or weakness will be detected.....

i'm a MYOB person. but if anyone violates my property, messes with my family or otherwise interrupts the peaceful harmony... they will get a conversation at the minimum...

I appreciate all the "you handled it well"....but Im more interested in your thoughts on how to handle an escalation from that point. Once its going to get physical, do you draw and issue a warning or do you grab hold so you dont lose control of the gun when you get knocked down. I'm starting to realize the merits behind also carrying OC.

OC is pretty much useless. especially if YOU know there is a probability of confrontation.


i'm stating the obvious. do NOT pull your piece unless you intend to drop a mo' fo'.....
I had a situation when I first started carrying...i think it was like the 3rd of 4th day. But I was confronted by a car full of teenagers. I just put my head down and kept walkiing...I think I posted about it here. If they got out of the car and approached me, I'm not sure what I would have done... all that was going through my head was "Lunatic opens fire on good teenage kids, looking to turn their life around"..
I had a situation when I first started carrying...i think it was like the 3rd of 4th day. But I was confronted by a car full of teenagers. I just put my head down and kept walkiing...I think I posted about it here. If they got out of the car and approached me, I'm not sure what I would have done... all that was going through my head was "Lunatic opens fire on good teenage kids, looking to turn their life around"..

always have a plan... i'm not a HSLD operator, but i know exactly what I'd do.. whether it's run away, call my mom or play possum
Considering the situation(s) you have described if he had advanced on you, I think your best course of action would have been to retreat to your house and call 911.


Because, despite the fact that thses idiots took the first step in this interaction, you did escalate it while armed. If you had to use your firearm, you could run the risk of their attorney trying to convince the jury that you were looking for a fight and wanted a chance to shoot someone.

Most instructors whom I respect seem to teach that if you are armed, you have the responsibility of walking away from a fight, IF YOU CAN DO SO SAFELY, rather than escalate the fight to the shooting stage.

Ask yourself, is it really worth shooting someone over some dog do-do on your lawn? You did talk them down which is good. And you didn't have to find out the hard way if your local police and DA are friendly to gun owners or not.

This is what I would have done and also I've been trained to do this in several Mass firearms courses. Retreat if it can be done safely or you could be in big trouble.
Draw and tell him pick up the crap or you start shooting his dogs. That way, you can tell the cops you didn't threaten any people. I'm sure they'd understand.[wink]
You should have pistol whipped his ass, old school style

I'm truly picture of Clint with his Garand, and we're nearly 30 posts in!

That being said, it seems that you handled it kept your cool, and the moral (and legal) highground. I'm sure that the response to the direct threat was to whip out the cell and call john Law.....if anythig else was inferred, well...ain't that a pip!
Big mistake. A confrontation with an already irate person over some dog crap is a bad idea. Any avoidable confontation while you are carrying is just plain dumb. You have nothing to gain and everything to lose.
See, this is the problem with being a CIVILIAN! If you were a LEO, the appropriate course of action would be to tase the child, shoot the dog, and kill the couple mouthing off to you. Then you could just say they rang your doorbell and got what they deserved! However, as a non-LEO, you did okay. Not a lot of options.
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