How would one respond to a physical altercation while carrying?

I am a "You have 3 seconds to get the F off of my property" kind of person..

...and then what? If you make such a threat/statement, you better be able to enforce it. Not saying you cant/wont, just curious what you would do next that woudl be deemed appropriate action.
...and then what? If you make such a threat/statement, you better be able to enforce it. Not saying you cant/wont, just curious what you would do next that woudl be deemed appropriate action.

what i would do next is most likely not deemed appropriate action, which is why I did not post that. I was just stating what kind of person i am.. That will most likely never be an issue though, considering I always have children running all over my lawn, they tend to keep the neighbors away..[wink]
Its a gamble either way. No one knows what is going to happen wihen people have lost control. Best you can hope for is to get lucky like you did. Honestly, if I had a gun on my I would have just let the a**h*** walk away without yelling at him for the dog shit incident. That would almost guarantee no conflict. Sometimes you've got to just suck it up and not sweat the small things when you have a lot at risk.

I'd rather look like the biggest pussy alive then look like a really brave dead man over a dog shit incident.

You have to remember too, that if you pull a gun, and you're not willing to shoot a guy who is coming to assault you, you very well could end up dead. Thats why you really shouldn't pull the gun unless you're going to have great bodily harm or death if you do not pull the gun.
Its a gamble either way. No one knows what is going to happen wihen people have lost control. Best you can hope for is to get lucky like you did. Honestly, if I had a gun on my I would have just let the a**h*** walk away without yelling at him for the dog shit incident. That would almost guarantee no conflict. Sometimes you've got to just suck it up and not sweat the small things when you have a lot at risk.

I'd rather look like the biggest pussy alive then look like a really brave dead man over a dog shit incident.

You have to remember too, that if you pull a gun, and you're not willing to shoot a guy who is coming to assault you, you very well could end up dead. Thats why you really shouldn't pull the gun unless you're going to have great bodily harm or death if you do not pull the gun.

+1. You use deadly force to protect your life, not your lawn.
those LEOs you hate so much keep you safe enough to monetarily support whatever candidate you want. god forbid you had to go out there and confront the bad guys on your own. it might change your spending habits.

+1 gigawatt... [smile]
If I am ever in a situation like that I hope I respond the way you did. You diffused the situation very nicely. If he didn't take your first warning there is always pepper spray. However, I would have added disturbing the piece and littering. :)
So I am at work and all of a sudden I hear my neighbor yelling at someone so, obviously, I have to go outside and see what’s going on. My neighbor is yelling at some guy to pick up after his dog while this guys lady friend is holding the 2 dogs and her young son. The guy starts mouthing off and gets all pissy and starts threatening the guy but finally picks it up and starts walking up the street. Well, he gets about 100 feet up before my neighbor turns away and so he drops the dog crap right on my lawn…about 20 feet away from me. So…I yell at him to pick it up and his lady friend starts screaming at me and telling him to throw the sh&* at me and to F*&^ my day up and all this beautiful stuff, mind you all while holding her young son's hand. So he picks it up and takes a few steps toward me at which point I kindly point out that as I am standing on private property, if he continues to advance I will take it as a physical threat and respond accordingly, I also caution the young lady that if she doesn’t want her son spending time with child services after she and he are arrested for assault and possibly battery…he starts to get the point and backs off. Now my question is…what would you do if someone was about to get in a fight with you and you were carrying. I have no desire to pull a gun on him over some dog sh** but I am also not going to risk a tackle/knockdown and risk my gun coming loose…any of that bad stuff. What do you do?

The minute you decided to confront him you should have thought of this before doing it. Are you a person who would handle his own in a fist fight? Would your gun come out if you got into a wrestling match with the guy?

I think you did the right thing, I would have done the same.
Just make sure you have eaten some nasty food so it is not easily picked up with a bag.

HA! You get it. [laugh]

those LEOs you hate so much keep you safe enough to monetarily support whatever candidate you want. god forbid you had to go out there and confront the bad guys on your own. it might change your spending habits.

Wait until they pass. Collect dog crap in a nice bowl appropriate for flinging. Get plastic lunch lady gloves. Get in your car and follow them. Drive past BG as he proceeds down the walk, then hold up one of the turds in your gloved hand, and shout to him. "EXCUSE ME SIR! I BELIEVE YOU LEFT THIS ON MY LAWN!!!!" then throw it at him with maximum force and peel out with smoke coming out of your tires- all of this while having a large, s**t eating grin on your face, with a maniacal cackle added in for good measure.

No, that's probably not the best advice, but that is what I would WANT to do. [rofl]

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So he picks it up and takes a few steps toward me at which point I kindly point out that as I am standing on private property, if he continues to advance I will take it as a physical threat and respond accordingly,

This sounds like TV.

option b: he'll wear the crap home, get his man-card taken in front of his wife and child...

whatever is easier for him (them). i'm very flexable and accomodating..


Now my question is…what would you do if someone was about to get in a fight with you and you were carrying. I have no desire to pull a gun on him over some dog sh** but I am also not going to risk a tackle/knockdown and risk my gun coming loose…any of that bad stuff. What do you do?

Once its going to get physical, do you draw and issue a warning or do you grab hold so you dont lose control of the gun when you get knocked down. I'm starting to realize the merits behind also carrying OC (pepper spray).

I've been in fights and wrestling matches while carrying in a retention holster, and it's not a pleasant experience. You need to constantly protect and maintain control of your firearm even more than you need to win the fistfight, it's totally different than rolling around on the floor of a high school hallway. With your gun in a concealment holster & no weapon retention skills, you're sh*t out of luck.

Just because the situation will go lethal if they get your gun doesn't mean that it's a lethal situation as soon as they square off with you to throw punches. You brought a gun to the fight, you got involved in the fight, and you own everything that results from it in one way or another. Pulling a gun in a fistfight gets LTC's pulled in MA.

On top of all this, you were at your house...if you drew on Mr. Dogdoo and he wants to settle up later on with 5-6 friends and their guns, he knows where you live. [thinking]

Something else to consider, most self defense shootings are up close & personal violent encounters. Don't get stuck thinking that a defensive use of a firearm will occur in a vacuum where you have time to create distance, draw and fire without the bad guy(s) laying a finger on you. A gun is a tool for fighting, not a talisman to get you out of a fight. Like an airbag, it'll make a bad situation slightly less worse, but if you draw it will be in a completely fluid set of circumstances, probably after your system gets a nice dump of adrenaline and cortisol to shut down the upper 2/3's of your brain as you react to a violent attack.

It sounds to me like you got lucky and narrowly avoided getting into a situation that you didn't have the training or knowledge to get yourself out of, where you didn't even know what you could do. Get some training in weapon retention/h2h, practice often, and don't provoke idiots to the point where you wind up killing them in front of their child.

I know this probably sounds harsh, but I'm being much more gentle than the press, the ADA and the judge at the criminal trial you almost got a front row seat in.

always have a plan...


You should have pistol whipped his ass, old school style

[laugh] Henry Hill knew how to do it. Fun factoid; in the movie Goodfellas he used a .38 snub, but in real life he used a .22 semi auto in that incident.

See, this is the problem with being a CIVILIAN! If you were a LEO, the appropriate course of action would be to tase the child, shoot the dog, and kill the couple mouthing off to you. Then you could just say they rang your doorbell and got what they deserved! However, as a non-LEO, you did okay. Not a lot of options.

If you were discussing guns, you'd be the Brady Campaign.

I'd rather look like the biggest pussy alive then look like a really brave dead man over a dog shit incident.

No kidding. Who really cares? The toughest, meanest, scariest men I've ever met have never felt the need to advertise to everyone how tough, mean and scary they are.
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first... Stupid pet owners ruin things for everyone else.

Second... You found a way to diffuse the circumstance which is always good and hopefully they we learn that they need to clean up after their dog (Stupid pet owners are not likely to)

It is always good to diffuse confrontations however possible.
GSG posted:

...Henry Hill knew how to do it. Fun factoid; in the movie Goodfellas he used a .38 snub, but in real life he used a .22 semi auto in that incident.

I've always thought that was a very stupid thing to beat that guy with the .38 snub.

EVERYONE knows how much damage blood can do to a blued finish!
I've always thought that was a very stupid thing to beat that guy with the .38 snub.

EVERYONE knows how much damage blood can do to a blued finish!

When he gave it to his GF to stash after beating the guy with it the gun still had blood, skin & hair on it. But when he pulled it on that guy, he grabbed it from under the bumper of his car, which was where he kept it, so I don't think he cared very much about rust. [laugh]
When he gave it to his GF to stash after beating the guy with it the gun still had blood, skin & hair on it. But when he pulled it on that guy, he grabbed it from under the bumper of his car, which was where he kept it, so I don't think he cared very much about rust. [laugh]

Only in Hollywood!
I appreciate all the "you handled it well"....but Im more interested in your thoughts on how to handle an escalation from that point. Once its going to get physical, do you draw and issue a warning or do you grab hold so you dont lose control of the gun when you get knocked down. I'm starting to realize the merits behind also carrying OC (pepper spray).

I don't like the idea of being on the receiving end of a jury deciding whether a 1 on 1 fist fight constitutes the threat of grave bodily injury or death.

If this had escalated, you'd be entering the realm of decisions LEO's have to make on a daily basis. It would be an armed encounter, it would just be your gun in the situation. Do you take the chance that if he swings at you that you are better at hand to hand? Keep in mind a 'lucky' sucker punch could take you out, your gun is now available to someone who is amped up on adrenaline and likely to make bad decisions.

Others have said it, it was a pile of poo. Is it really worth getting involved in a brawl over in the grand scheme of things?
Even that he stored his gun under his bumper? I guess a tool is a tool.

Yup, he kept it under there, presumably to avoid detection if he was pulled over. And to clarify what I wrote in the post above (I edited it while typing and hit "post" before reading what I wrote), Henry Hill didn't write that book, but the book is mostly like how the movie Goodfellas was, narrated by him & his wife 1st person.
Pretend that you don't have a gun and act accordingly to any and all altercations you may have.

If you look at a guy and see that he can kick your ass,do not approach,avoid at all costs.

A gun is the last resort when you have no other options,it isn't a badge of courage you otherwise wouldn't have.
those LEOs you hate so much keep you safe enough to monetarily support whatever candidate you want. god forbid you had to go out there and confront the bad guys on your own. it might change your spending habits.

OTOH, the knowledge that good people fear going to prison for fighting back is what emboldens a**h***s like Mr dogshit to do what he did.

If he knew that a bullet to the head might be the price to pay for disrespecting someone or someone's property, and that the administrator of the bullet to the head would not have to fear a legal system (it most certainly is not a justice system) for doing so, he just might act a little different.

Criminal laws, and their enforcers, restrain the law abiding. They never have, nor will they ever, restrain the criminal.

I would have little trouble adjusting to a society where scores are settled outside of a "legal" system.
This works well for mouthy douchebags that want to start a fight with you. Ask me how I know..

A fist fight with an unarmed person while you are carry is a very bad situation. Sounds like you did OK. If you shoot someone who is unarmed you are probably going to be in a ton trouble (espically if it's a simple 1 on 1 fight). Also, IME, it's really hard to tell who knows how to fight. I've seen some pretty average looking guys really hurt people. Unless you are serious tough guy, you are taking a big risk fighting with a pistol on your hip.
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