I am officially in love...


NES Member
Jul 16, 2010
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Had the chance to shoot a Gen4 Glock 26 today and I'm in love. Silky smooth, nice trigger, and I'm more accurate with it than any handgun I've shot (picking off a 6" steel plate @ 25yds shot after shot). It actually felt much softer to shoot than my SR9c, which is pretty mild. Unfortunately it doesn't belong to me so I'm just going to have to get my own. And maybe a G19 to keep it company.

I thought I loved my SR9c, but now I'm seriously doubting that relationship...........anybody want to buy a Ruger? [laugh]
Had the chance to shoot a Gen4 Glock 26 today and I'm in love. Silky smooth, nice trigger, and I'm more accurate with it than any handgun I've shot (picking off a 6" steel plate @ 25yds shot after shot). It actually felt much softer to shoot than my SR9c, which is pretty mild. Unfortunately it doesn't belong to me so I'm just going to have to get my own. And maybe a G19 to keep it company.

I thought I loved my SR9c, but now I'm seriously doubting that relationship...........anybody want to buy a Ruger? [laugh]

nice! i don't too many people who carry Ruger semi-auto's who lasted more than 6 months with them before switching to something else. i had a P345 i loved but went for the real deal and got a 1911. the older Ruger's were tanks, i'm actually have one in my safe i'm babysitting.... but other than that... [puke]
Well, I guess that means I'm ahead of the game (I've had mine nearly 1 year). No hard feelings toward Ruger, either.........I still like my 22/45, 10/22, and I do LOVE my LCR.
well speaking from a person who owns a Gen 4 17, completely different feel, and recoil, while i love the gen 4 features on the larger pistols, for the 26 i own, i chose the gen 3 26, mostly because i cannot see the gen 4 grip texture being favorable IWB carry.. but then again, thats just me. the gen 3 has the nice orange peel soft texture , but im sacrificing the smaller and probably better grip ,( in my own opinion since i love the gen 4 smaller grips,) of the gen 4 for ease of carrying.
What Queen Bee said. The Gen4 grips without any backstrap inserts fits my hand perfectly, and the recoil really was surprisingly low. I shot a Gen3 G27 a few months ago and the difference in recoil was A LOT more than I could attribute to the typical .40 vs. 9mm comparison. As far as the texture is concerned, I was actually curious about how "grabby" it might be too. I actually tried my best to get it to snag on a number of fabrics but had no luck.
No kidding... so the gen4's have that new double-stacked recoil spring assembly. Guess that makes all the difference?

I wonder if they are retrofittable into the gen3's
No kidding... so the gen4's have that new double-stacked recoil spring assembly. Guess that makes all the difference?

I wonder if they are retrofittable into the gen3's

No. If they were then Glock would not have had to change the design slightly to accomodate the new design.

To be honest though, as a Gen4 owner, I think they should have stuck to the old spring system.

are you selling your SR9c? if so, $200 and you have a buyer

just to clarify, the Gen3 Subcompacts always had the dual recoil spring which makes them softer shooting than you'd think they would be by just looking at them. Glock simply incorporated the Subcompact dual spring design into the larger models. The dual spring recoil systems are supposed to last longer too before replacement. The Gen3 single springs are recommended to be replaced every 5000 rounds. The dual recoil springs (Gen3 SubCmpcts and all Gen4s) are supposed to handle...wait for it...40,000 rounds before replacement. Yes that is not a typo. The factory has several test models with over 35,000 rounds on the springs and they are still going strong.

That being said, I agree with Mike. I like the Gen3 spring setup better, and its been proven for many years now. I dont mind carrying a few extra springs in my bag. Just my two cents. I'll give the Gen4's a few years and I might change my view.

NRA Instructor
Glock Armorer
Well just the opposite I fired a sr9c last week and it felt great to me. I kinda fell in love with it myself.
I carry a 642 but have been debating changing over to something different and I was very impressed with that little gun.
If your serious about getting rid of the Ruger I would be an interested party.
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