I got a moose permit!

Yep. I was looking for the one from NH about 4-5 years ago and couldn't find it. Same scenario. The guy came up on the moose. Although that time I don't think it charged as bad. That moose at least walked away. This one didn't.
I need to decide which rifle to take. I've got 2, 35 Whelens, so it will be one of them.
One is a Ruger #1 that is just really handy for getting in and out of a truck; easy, quick loading and unloading.
The other is a sporterized '03 Springfield that a friend and I rebarreled, chambered, etc. It has more sentimental value. Typical 03 though; fixed floorplate, slow loading and unloading.

Both shoot MOA with my handload with Nosler 225 Accubonds.

I'll probably take both and make my sub-premittee use one or the other.
I was looking into getting one of those Lewis winches. What model did you get? Chinese ones are going for around $500 while the genuine Lewis ones are about $1200.

I don't know; it's my buddy's. He said he had one, and I said "cool".
Those Lewis's seem to be pretty nice.

I can't find the video of the recovery, but a group of hunters brought a moose up the very steep and densely wooded Oregon woods with a portable Capstan style winch. Over a thousand feet and a big friggin moose. It was pretty cool. It was something like these:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02dJVDa4T0U&t=1s

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Y7Ff2O1poQ
How did the hunt go ?
The worst part of not getting a moose, is telling everybody you didn't get a moose.

We hammered it for a full week. Over 900 hunting miles on the truck, and about 40 miles on my boots. Never ever saw a bull the whole time. Several cows with calves, but no bulls. We finally got one to answer our calls, but it was so close to dark, we never saw him.
A lot of dumb luck (bad). We'd go up one road one morning and see nothing. Another truck would go up that same road the next day at the same time and shoot one.
Everybody said "Zone 2 has moose everywhere, but the birds are real scarce". We saw probably a hundred birds, but no moose.
Had an awesome time.
Friggin HUGE country up there. 20231011_065410.jpg 20231011_073806.jpg 20231012_071055.jpg 20231012_160257.jpg
I know the pressure is on when it's a special tag that you have been applying for years, but man what a great adventure it must have been. Harvesting an animal is a bonus in my book. It's all about getting out there.

I can't recall if you mentioned it earlier but were you camping? Because camping out there for a week kicks it up another notch or two.
I know the pressure is on when it's a special tag that you have been applying for years, but man what a great adventure it must have been. Harvesting an animal is a bonus in my book. It's all about getting out there.

I can't recall if you mentioned it earlier but were you camping? Because camping out there for a week kicks it up another notch or two.
We stayed at a camp in Eagle Lake, not tents.
I just saw this - same thing happened to me with a guide in zone 26. Same road, same day - nothing for us, big bull steps out for the next guy.

Six years later (iirc) won another tag for zone 7 and scored. It happens.
Thanks for the update! Sounds like you had a great (and frustrating) hunt. Bummer you didn't get one.

Also am curious about the comment someone made early in this thread about skinning a moose being very hard. I have only skinned one moose but didn't find it any more work than skinning a deer or elk except for the basic scale of a moose size vs deer size. Has anyone else had issues skinning out a moose?
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