I just wanted to say Thank You.....


Forum Curmudgeon
NES Member
Feb 15, 2009
Albuquerque, NM
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To all the younger generations that have served and are serving our great country.

I am 62 years old, and sometimes I get depressed at the way things are going in this country.

I interviewed a young man today who served in Iraq and Afghanistan.

(I hope business picks up, and I can hire him later this month.)

He was interviewing for a job as an electronic technician. He didn't have all the qualifications I needed, but he outshined anyone else I have interviewed lately.

He told me, "Sir, I don't know how to do all the things you are talking about, but I know I can learn them! And I will show up everyday for work, and work hard, and not call in sick like most of the people my age!"

As he looked at my shadow box on the wall, he smiled and said, "And if I screw up you can tell me to drop and do twenty pushups, and I will do those pushups and never make the same mistake again!"

After he left, I got to thinking about all the young men and women who are serving today, and why they are so different from anyone else. Just like I was back in 1966 when I joined the Army among all the others that were trying to avoid the draft.

And I got a sense that this country just might get through the perils we face, because of kids like that.[smile]

I have so much respect for those who are carrying on the tradition of serving our country today, because I know of their sacrifices.

So, to all of you here that have served, I Thank You.

I Thank You for carrying on the traditions and responsibilities that made this country great!

But most of all, I thank you for making an old man like me feel safe and secure in the future of our country!
Darn right. I have promised myself that if I ever get into a hiring position again, I will go out of my way to recruit veterans. The law doesn't say I can't discriminate on the basis of failure to serve, so I will.
Couldn't agree moreso! I would like to add my thanks to those who have served. You do us proud.

I've always been of the opinion that the military is comprised of the best and the brightest. Were I in a position to hire, you can bet your life I'd be hiring vets as a first choice. This young man, Skysoldier, may not have the qualifications others do, but I have to think he's got the drive and discipline that most of the other non-vets lack. I hope something opens up for him.

I've had the opportunity to mentor several young men who've entered the military. The changes that I've seen in them are so absolutely positive. I cringe, though, as one is presently in Afghanistan and one soon to return to Iraq.
And I want to say Thank you for doing that. My son has been on the other end where once they find out he's in the Guard they don't want to hire him,because they figure he will deploy again.
He did finally find a job. He's also short and getting out.
One of the guys that works for my husband was hired because he was ex mil.[wink]
Myself coming from the younger generation Skysoldier, it is not you that needs to thank me. It is me that needs to thank you. Without the previous generation of Soldiers/ Marines/ Airmen/ Sea men preserving the freedom that we all enjoy even under these times of stress; your service to the country that we love so dear was invaluable. To this sir, I raise my glass.
Myself coming from the younger generation Skysoldier, it is not you that needs to thank me. It is me that needs to thank you. Without the previous generation of Soldiers/ Marines/ Airmen/ Sea men preserving the freedom that we all enjoy even under these times of stress; your service to the country that we love so dear was invaluable. To this sir, I raise my glass.

Couldn't have said it better myself. The wars of the past were increasingly unimaginable the farther you go back. Granted I haven't gone anywhere yet, there is no way it could possibly compare to Vietnam, Korea, WWII, WWI and years past. Many of those conflicts are simply beyond words and comprehension. I can say this sentiment is largely shared by others in the service today, your incredible sacrifice will not be forgotten.

Myself coming from the younger generation Skysoldier, it is not you that needs to thank me. It is me that needs to thank you. Without the previous generation of Soldiers/ Marines/ Airmen/ Sea men preserving the freedom that we all enjoy even under these times of stress; your service to the country that we love so dear was invaluable. To this sir, I raise my glass.

Very well said. My deepest thank you to all veterans both past and present.
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I've work in kind of unique environment. We have vets from Korea, Vietnam, Gulf War and Afghanistan and Iraq. It means a lot to me to work with those guys. It was different for each of them. Seeing them trade stories makes me feel better about the US. Their experiences help bridge that generational gap. Only someone who has been to war knows what it's like and despite their wars being in different parts of the world at different times, they still have that bond.

As an ex-soldier, I'm reminded of all of those who I served with who stayed in after I came home in 2000. Some of them ended up in Iraq or Afghanistan and I wish they had all made it home. Some didn't and that's how war is, but I'm glad that there are still people like them. As long as we still have men and women that are willing to put on the uniform and defend our nation, I have to believe that we will be OK. Those folks are my heroes.
As a sidenote here.....I talked to my boss today, and he gave me the OK to hire this outstanding Marine.

He told me I was fully responsible if they guy doesn't work out, I said "No Problem"

This will only add to the fun at work!

My Boss is a lebanese guy with an anger management issues, and I am a Vietnam Vet who doesn't give a shit![rofl][rofl]
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nah you didn't, but we can be angry ppl I guess (must have something to do with the constant fighting and war that we grow up in).
I also would like to take the opportunity to thank all the servicemen that have served and are serving, they make this country what it is, a promise land for some of us. I immigrated here yrs ago and have since become a proud American citizen. Thank you and I sincerely mean it.
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