I met this jerk today!

Should of said hey buddy I'll buy a round, order him a shirley temple and then walk away, haha.
That's why I don't do crowds and pretty much go incognito other than my license plate for which I've received the finger, only one time but that was more than enough. I admire your restraint. I probably would have throttled the guy and ended up in the hokey.
Ever see what resides under every tail in nature? That's right....an a**hole, ponytails are no different.[wink]
Sometimes its difficult to decipher if these people are saying ignorant things because they actually want to fight you, or they just really ARE that clueless?

I had a wealthy / snobby parent at one of my son's little league games ask me about a rather plain 24th Infantry Division t-shirt i was wearing.
He sneers "What is up with that t-shirt? What is that some sort of political statement?"

For a moment i thought he was challenging me, but then i realized he was just some suburban douche who probably didn't know any veterans and that some of those veterans were actually happy to serve their country in combat and are damn proud of it.

No worries Skysoldier, the rest of us get it! AATW
I was at a soccer game once, and I was wearing a black shirt with the 75th Ranger Scroll over the left pocket. I bought it a couple of weeks earlier, at the Ranger Reunion at Fort Benning.

This clueless guy (also had a ponytail) asked me.....What kind of Ranger is that? I have seen Forest Rangers, and Open Space Rangers.....but what are the 75th Rangers?"

I looked at this idiot and said, "Army Rangers."

"The Army has Rangers?" he asked, with a weird look on his face. "Do you, like, just take care of the Army bases?"

"Yeah, like, replant the trees that get shot up at the ranges or, like,run over by tanks, and we make sure we clear all the ranges of Deer and stuff so they don't get hurt."

He actually believed me...."Wow Man, that's cool!"

what a dumbass....[rofl][rofl][rofl][rofl]
Any bets on how many Obama stickers that turd had on his Prius, I bet he has a copy of Dreams of My Non Existent Father next to his Rules For Radicals. Cancer prayer coming up.

Prius jokes again.

My wife's car, and no, she's not saving the planet, but enjoys 56mpg.

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Sometimes its difficult to decipher if these people are saying ignorant things because they actually want to fight you, or they just really ARE that clueless?

Sometimes they are. Case in point. When I still lived in CA a buddy and I were in a bar discussing the fact that too often antimilitary folks use the we support the troops just not the war angle to keep from being called out for the shameful pricks they are, and that wish they would just come out and be honest and say they don't support the troops.

From my right I hear "I don't support the troops"

Look to my right and a guy who could be the poster child for a liberal college professor from the 60's is standing there.

Me: Oh really? And why is that?

Him: I'd like to say I support the troops, but how can I say I support them when I cannot regale them with tales of whore punching and skull f*cking. Thats what you guys do right?

I stared mouth open for a minute, then burst out laughing. Bought the guy a beer and educated him on the realities of being a Soldier.
My first response to anyone that tells me they are a vet in a bar: "bartender all of this guy's drinks are on me."

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Same. I did that Friday. Recognized the hat and knew the sub he had served on. Best two glasses of Jameson I've ever bought but not sipped.

Sent from my LT30p
I know, I wanted to punch him in the nose.......at my age my body is not as strong as it was.....but I probably could have laid him out.

But the idiot was so stupid he would never understand why he deserved it......

It's kind of like punching out a retarded kid......where is the pride in that![rofl]

Well, If you were to rip his ponytail off, then strangle him with it, it'd technically only be A&B. Since the ponytail is part of his body, wouldn't it be suicide if he were to be choked out, and open and gross lewdness on account of him choking himself with himself, if he were to live through it?
I may be alone on this, but I feel bad for the guy that goes into a bar alone to pick fights with strangers. Sounds like a lonely guy.
Not all of us with ponytails are a$$ holes. That is the same as assuming that sky soldier was from Texas because he had a hat on.

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Yeah no kiddin! That's like how everybody here knows I'm a total Nazi, jack-booted, rights-trampling, citizen-harassing, ego-maniacal, clown because I wear a police uniform........
Yeah no kiddin! That's like how everybody here knows I'm a total Nazi, jack-booted, rights-trampling, citizen-harassing, ego-maniacal, clown because I wear a police uniform........

You shouldn't assume that "everybody" here feels that way. I'm betting on my fellow Military bubbas here. I believe that most all of us here would back you up on the street just because you wear a police uniform.
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