I 'might' need a new barrel for my Colt GC 1911


NES Member
Apr 1, 2005
Norfolk County, Massachusetts
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My barrel in my Colt GC is running a bit oversize and rather than have to reload for this separately, I am contemplating a new barrel. I want to get a quality barrel and I need it sized to .451" or very close to it. Any recommendations? I have little to no knowledge of aftermarket parts, never mind quality aftermarket parts, for the 1911 Colts.
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I've used Kart barrels over the years with much sucess. It will have to be fitted to a Gold Cup, since the hood is different than a Government Model. BarSto is another good barrel.
My barrel in my Colt GC is running a bit oversize and rather than have to reload for this separately, I am contemplating a new barrel. I want to get a quality barrel and I need it sized to .451" or very close to it. Any recommendations? I have little to no knowledge of aftermarket parts, never mind quality aftermarket parts, for the 1911 Colts.

Are you sure that your barrel's diameter is a problem?
Oversized- have you slugged the barrel? Or are talking a headspace issue? I recommend KART. The GC has a specific hood size which is narrower than a standard 1911 GI, you will need to mill this to fit. Greg
Are you sure that your barrel's diameter is a problem?

Pretty sure if I want to shoot cast. The boolits I cast drop around .453 - .4535 and I size them to .452 currently, which is smaller than my barrel diameter (.4525-.453). I lube with a Star so using them as dropped would require lubing some other way or getting another die for my Star that would size to .4535 min and then I would expect to get a lot of boolits that wouldn't make the cut. I've thought about beagling the mould but the really crappy part of all this is I have another firearm that is .451 - .4515 tops, so this is really a bastard. A nice bastard mind you, but still a bastard.

Oversized- have you slugged the barrel? Or are talking a headspace issue? I recommend KART. The GC has a specific hood size which is narrower than a standard 1911 GI, you will need to mill this to fit. Greg

Yes, I slugged it twice. Once with a .445 lead ball that I cast and distorted to bring the dia up and once with an egg sinker. Both times it measured .4525-.453. How much of a job is it to mill a new barrel to fit?
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i am also interested to hear Greg's opinion on this. i've been looking at building my colt mkiv series 80 gov't into a DCM-legal service pistol (IE sub 2" @ 50yd), and i think a new barrel may be in the works (as well as a few other goodies). i feel confident fitting MOST of the parts myself....but the rear sight and barrel are beyond my means (dont have a mill to cut the relief for a bomar, nor the cutters to fit the lugs on the barrel).
Spec for the groove " Std: .449/.452 NM .450/.452 " It is very hard to mike lead. But I trust you are able. So you can either go with .453 sizer or a new barrel. Kart is .451/.450 and shoots lead well. I use a Zero cast bullet and a Nosler JHP. How many rounds in the barrel? Hot loads or sofballs? I ran a Colt NM barrel for maybe 8 years with medium use before I had to rebarrel with a Kart. Jasper 2 inch groups with ball is a nice thought, but more like 3 inches is reality. Getting a good ball load is tough since very few 230gr. bullets are made well. The Winchester has been the best for me.
If you want quality, look here:


I've used Ed Brown, Clark, Kart, SA, and Colt. They are all good, but the last three barrels I've purchased were Schuemann barrels. They're in three different calibers and they are all tack drivers. If you're going to buy a match barrel you've got to have it installed by a good 'smith. There's as much accuracy in the fit as the quality of the barrel - some say more.
Spec for the groove " Std: .449/.452 NM .450/.452 "

It is very hard to mike lead. But I trust you are able.

I know. I think I have it down after a lot of trial and error.

So you can either go with .453 sizer or a new barrel. Kart is .451/.450 and shoots lead well.

I cast some water dropped 230gr LRN sized .452" and shot them this weekend. Leading seemd a lot less.I am
going to buy some .453 cast bullets and try them. If they do OK I will go the sizer route. If not , I will go for the barrel swap.

I use a Zero cast bullet and a Nosler JHP. How many rounds in the barrel? Hot loads or sofballs? I ran a Colt NM barrel for maybe 8 years with medium use before I had to rebarrel with a Kart.

I bought it used but the wear factor seems minimal. I'm shooting 4.6gr of W231, I could run it a lot harder but this is a pretty good load and is accurate. Is Zero a hard cast bullet? Do you happen to know what the hardness of the bullet is?

Jasper 2 inch groups with ball is a nice thought, but more like 3 inches is reality. Getting a good ball load is tough since very few 230gr. bullets are made well. The Winchester has been the best for me.
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You are mocking my home cast? [smile]


Thanks, I am going to try some if I can get them sized to .453 to check them out, but I think I still have to spend money to do that! [smile]

I'm not knocking anything. It is a lot easier to try some new bullets than buy another barrel. I have been shooting for quite a while and have yet to wear out a .45 barrel.
Remsport stainless steel match barrels. Stop by the shop with your ammo and we will chamber a barrel for you to match the ammo. Bring the gun and we can set the whole thing up.
This is an interesting problem I am dealing with. I'm suspecting that I may have a larger problem. I've tried shooting some cast boolits out of the GC and the only ones that feed are the LRN. A 200gr SWC couldn't get past the feed ramp and a 230gr TC wouldn't go into battery. They all shot fine in another 1911. I'm beginning to think I might have a bigger issue than just a barrel swap. Remsport thank you for the offer, but I'm not close enough to Ludlow to 'stop by'. [smile]
This is an interesting problem I am dealing with. I'm suspecting that I may have a larger problem. I've tried shooting some cast boolits out of the GC and the only ones that feed are the LRN. A 200gr SWC couldn't get past the feed ramp and a 230gr TC wouldn't go into battery. They all shot fine in another 1911. I'm beginning to think I might have a bigger issue than just a barrel swap. Remsport thank you for the offer, but I'm not close enough to Ludlow to 'stop by'. [smile]

GCs have tight chambers. I would try the same ammo loaded to 1.250 oal and make sure there was enough crimp to remove all of the flare at the case mouth. The semi wadcutter could also be a problem. The only SWCs that have worked well (flawlessly) for me are 200gr H&G #68s.
GCs have tight chambers. I would try the same ammo loaded to 1.250 oal and make sure there was enough crimp to remove all of the flare at the case mouth. The semi wadcutter could also be a problem. The only SWCs that have worked well (flawlessly) for me are 200gr H&G #68s.

The TC was loaded to 1.230". I got these from Fixxah to try them before I bought the mould. They work great in his firearm, wouldn't even chamber in the GC,
and worked fine in the OM. What happened to the SWC was that it was hanging up on the brass. When it chambered it went into battery and shot fine. It's not
a big deal as I can use the LRN but I would like to save the lead and go to a 200gr boolit at some point. H&G #68's are hard to come by these days as most folks
are like you and swear by them.
I had a Jarvis barrel fitted to an old Norinco for bullseye pistol matches. I use the old Star 185 gr. LSWCHP. If I remeber correctly Jarvis used to supply a barrel which one could fit oneself with a collet type bushing.
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