I need a really good sissy pad for an AR-15A2 stock...

My only other choice would be a PRS... but I don't want to drop $200 on a stock, so the A2 is the most likely choice.
I have a PAST recoil pad that's done an excellent job of recoil reduction on some light, steel buttplate C&R rifles. It does noticeably increase the length of pull, though. It's also a little blocky - I wouldn't use it to hunt with, as the butt can get hung up on the edge of the pad during a fast mount. They make a Field version that's thinner.

Pachmayr offers 3 sizes of slip-on Decelerator recoil pad - I was a little surprised they haven't come out with a pre-fit for the AR stock, since bigger bore ARs are becoming more common.
My only other choice would be a PRS... but I don't want to drop $200 on a stock, so the A2 is the most likely choice.

How about $100.00? My suggestion would be for a VLTOR fixed A2 Clubfoot with the slip-on recoil pad. I have this stock on my SOCOM-16/Troy MCS and it has all but eliminated recoil. Folks who partook in the gun at the Pumpkin Blast will attest... I replaced my A2 stock with the VLTOR and the results were immediate, (and I did not even add the pad)...
Whatever...It so is not...Good luck with your search...

I don't doubt that it is sturdily built since it seems to be a relatively popular option... but it just looks flimsy to me. It's also ugly as hell, but thanks for the suggestion. If I do go for another stock (likely in the future) I'll probably just plunk down the $200 for the PRS, but at this time I can't justify spending too much on a stock.

The Pachmayr Decelerators seem to look good but I'm not sure it's enough.
I'd be concerned about creating a length-of-pull that turns out to be too awkward. I find the standard A2 stock to be long enough as it is, without adding an inch or so to it.
I'd recommend doubling up on the hearing protection (plugs and muffs) and trying that. Recoil is really non-existent.
What kind of glass are you going to use?

Bushnell Elite 4200 4-16x50. Nothing too high grade, but the Bushnell Elites seem to be pretty nice scopes.

I am surprised by how little recoil a rifle like the Serbu has. I would imagine that if the brake is designed the same way, the recoil will be negligible....

Supposedly this thing still kicks like a mule.
Have you ever fired a .50 cal ? There is not that much recoil..about equal to a 12g.

obviously not

that's why he's looking for his "hello kitty" pad

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