I think I'm living next to a Liberal - What should I do???

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Ken is right, though.

Just because it's not full blown communism doesn't mean that the moonbats
havent taken various elements from that political ideology to implement into
their own crappy groupthink. At least thats what I think he was
getting at.... while these guys may not comeout and say they worship
Karl Marx in an election, they certainly show it in their actions on the
But this is what I don't get. The Democrats pursue some socialist policies and you call them commies... the Republicans pursue some conservative policies, but noone calls them a theocracy?

Stem cells anyone?

Both parties have deviated from where they were founded, but I'm yet to see someone criticize the other guys [sad2]
May I suggest this: http://www.amazon.com/How-Talk-Libe...1/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/104-6376674-2004705?ie=UTF8

Ann Coulter is good at her job, which is to be a sensationalist moron. That about sums it up!

Yep, an honors graduate of Cornell, an editor of the University of Michigan Law Review, clerk with the United States Court of Appeals. Obviously a total cretin. Of course she works of primarily from the over-the-top entertainment angle, just like Michael Moore and Al Franken. The only two differences are that (1) she doesn't take herself nearly as seriously as either of them do, and (2) she actually knows what she's talking about.

I said her job is to act like a moron, I didn't say that she IS one. Although she does well pretending...

Her job is to say something so sensationalist that it generates discussion on the topic, no matter how ridiculous what she says actually is. Like, oh I don't know, this old chestnut: "Liberals hate America, they hate flag-wavers, they hate abortion opponents, they hate all religions except Islam, post 9/11. Even Islamic terrorists don't hate America like liberals do. They don't have the energy. If they had that much energy, they'd have indoor plumbing by now."
Liberals favor things like: not interfering with the right for women to have abortions, not having a state religion (official, de-facto or otherwise), social security available to all citizens (which is currently being hijacked by illegal immigrant-loving idiot politicians), supporting gay marriage because all people should be able to get married regardless of their gender, and so on and so on.

And Conservatives favor things like: interfering with the murder of an innocent child who did nothing to deserve death [angry] , not having the state crush every vestige of religious life in this country because some are afraid of moral judgement, not supporting a continued dilution of the *natural* union between the sexes, and so on and so on.
Not all liberals are idiots, not all liberals are extremists, not all liberals are anti-gun.

Not all conversatives are crazy, not all conservatives are bible-bashers, not all conservatives are pro-gun.

If there's one thing the current crop of conservatives have done well, it's making the word 'liberal' out to be a dirty one.
I wish more people were smart enough to grasp this.[wink]
And Conservatives favor things like: interfering with the murder of an innocent child who did nothing to deserve death [angry] , not having the state crush every vestige of religious life in this country because some are afraid of moral judgement, not supporting a continued dilution of the *natural* union between the sexes, and so on and so on.
Jose, I am glad you chimed in with your viewpoints. I disagree with some of them, but appreciate your freedom to express & pursue them.

If I were a "moonbat" I would say Conservaties support no contraception anywhere, overthrowing every non-Democratic government they find, killing Arabs for oil, that they covered up 9/11, and a batch of other ridiculous things. None of them are true, though. Well, maybe the oil thing... [rofl] just kidding!
I think your problems begin with deciding to discuss politics with a next-door neighbor, at all.
There has been lots of great advice and suggestions from all of you and I do appreicate your responses....I'm not sure if i'll get that book though....

I see now that my work is cut out for me in that I will continue to work on him to vote for Healey and Frisoli and others running that are not anti-gun and I will ask him if he wants to see somehting really cool and show him my toys and maybe get him interested in going to the range one day soon AFTER we go to the game.....

I can't pass up the patriots vs. Indy.......I love to watch Manning get humiliated by the Pat's defense and it would be oh so sweet to see in person!!!! Plus I'll bring some nice steaks to grill prior to....
You need to wait for an opportunity. Some time, if you both hang around with some of the same people, someone ELSE will bring up shooting or hunting or something. That is when you can chime in as a second and say "Hey, let's go to the range this afternoon" or something like that.

I asked a buddy if he wanted to go to the range with me one time, and he thought I meant the driving range (golf). THAT would be a fun outing, hit the golf ball with the club first, then with the rifle. There could be a whole points system for that. (-:
Not all liberals are anti-gun. One of my best friends is a flaming lefty and he has a gun collection that rivals anything I've ever seen. Of course, he lives in NH. He might vote differently if he lived here.
My father-in-law is as liberal as they come. He tells me a true liberal can't be anti-anything. That's the whole point of being a liberal. He's not anti-gun.

As for going to the Pats game, of course go. This country used to be "I'm right, your wrong. Let's go eat lunch." Now it's "I'm right and your stupid and should stop waisting air goats could use." Be Americans and agree to disagree on politcal issues.

I've quoted him before and I will again.
I don't need a friend who changes when I change and who nods when I nod; my shadow does that much better.
- Plutarch
You need to wait for an opportunity. Some time, if you both hang around with some of the same people, someone ELSE will bring up shooting or hunting or something. That is when you can chime in as a second and say "Hey, let's go to the range this afternoon" or something like that.

I asked a buddy if he wanted to go to the range with me one time, and he thought I meant the driving range (golf). THAT would be a fun outing, hit the golf ball with the club first, then with the rifle. There could be a whole points system for that. (-:

Yeah...maybe wait for the right time...or let him see me loading up to go one day and he'll get curious...

When we first moved to this new town we moved in on a Wednesday and had a party for my daughter on that Saturday. We invited my next door neighbor from my old neighborhood and they got there the same time my buddy did with my stuff. I let my friend hold my stuff all locked up while I moved.

We were unloading the stuff from the van and my former neighbor looked in shock and amazement as he lived next to me for the 10 years prior and never knew I had anything....lol

I haven't decided if or how I will approach that subject yet or if I even think I should.....but i will be going to that game....lol
My father-in-law is as liberal as they come. He tells me a true liberal can't be anti-anything.

This country used to be "I'm right, your wrong. Let's go eat lunch." Now it's "I'm right and your stupid and should stop waisting air goats could use." Be Americans and agree to disagree on politcal issues.

I've quoted him before and I will again.

Yeah... my father in law basically said the exact same thing! "Democrats and Republicans used to have a good discussions without bashing and insulting each other... now no one does that anymore...." He then proceeded to tell me I was brainwashed by the Republican party and basically I was an idiot. I was trying to have a rashional and healthy conversation but he totally went ballistic. Hipocritical I must say.... it was real ugly and even my wife was horrified. I kept my cool and let it be. Now politics NEVER comes up in conversations with them... sad. I always find it humourous when the person calling me ignorant is indeed ignorant themself....
several things

The first and most important is the hiring of illegals. This really pisses me off,
it goes beyond just hiring them. First the employer is bilking the system and
pocketing the difference. Secondly, the illegal (and he knows it) is draining
the system, example is the emergency where they recieve care at YOUR EXPENSE........

Secondly if he's anti-gun, OK, ask him to go to the range and shoot.
He has a right to his opinion and we have to respect it... we can shove it
down their throat, never know he might like it......

Definitely go to the INDY game, and see what happens. After that evaluate
your values, if there arn't many differences then maintain the relationship,
HOWEVER if there are be a friendly neighbor but thats it.....I'm sure he comes
across as a nice guy but you don't have to agree with what he's doing either.

The first and most important is the hiring of illegals. This really pisses me off,
it goes beyond just hiring them. First the employer is bilking the system and
pocketing the difference. Secondly, the illegal (and he knows it) is draining
the system, example is the emergency where they recieve care at YOUR EXPENSE........

Secondly if he's anti-gun, OK, ask him to go to the range and shoot.
He has a right to his opinion and we have to respect it... we can shove it
down their throat, never know he might like it......

Definitely go to the INDY game, and see what happens. After that evaluate
your values, if there arn't many differences then maintain the relationship,
HOWEVER if there are be a friendly neighbor but thats it.....I'm sure he comes
across as a nice guy but you don't have to agree with what he's doing either.


I don't know that he hires illegals. I'm of the impression he's run across illegals before so even though I agree with your analysis of being wrong hiring illegals I can't be sure that he has ever done it knowing up front they were illegal. He has gotten the notices so by that I assume he knew at some point after the hire that at least one of his employees was illegal. No idea if they are still emplyed or he took any action. He just mentioned to me it wasn't his job to police the illegals and one can infer what they want from that statement. I took as he did nothing but I don't know cause I got the evil eye from my wife. [laugh]

Well, there are levels to anti-gun. My wife hates me for my description of levels. A person can be anti-gun in the sense they don't care if you have one but they opt not to own any for whatever reason - biggest one is children in the household. Then you have the scum sucking bitch kind like my wife's cousin whom I've asked to never darken my doorstep again as being the kind that all guns are evil and nobody can controil what they do. (As a side note my guns always ask before they take the car on a saturday night.)
I just don't know where he falls. Our kids play together and I'm not going to worry too much about his views in the sense that if he is like my wife's cousin he doesn't have to let his kids come over. Of course my toys only come out when I want to go to the range or clean them. Because of my wife's views she isn't even able to get to them. Just me...[smile] Well, they're mine and I don't liek to share.....

He is a nice guy...As I said just don't know his stance on the issue. I will go to the game because you can learn a lot about people from others they associate with. Plus it's a free ticket to the PATS!!!!!!

Thank you for all of your input. I don't think I'll light any fires in his house though.....

The deer thing might be good. Sling it up right next to my boat....lol
Do the logical thing... educate him, and try and bring him across to your point of view. If I had a conservative living next door, I'd be doing the same thing!
Act nice; help him use his tickets; show him that conservatives in general, and gun owners in particular, aren't necessarily raving, racist baby-killers. Then offer to let him help you use your guns. After all, since prolonged exposure to them hasn't turned you into a psychotic wingnut, there's a half-way decent chance that a quick bit of plinking won't make him kill his entire family either.

Now politics NEVER comes up in conversations with them... sad. I always find it humourous when the person calling me ignorant is indeed ignorant themself....

You just discovered what separates the "yellow dog" democrats from the
few that actually can debate very well. Most of the yellow dog
types are easily shot down when debating, because all they bring up is the
same tired talking points which are based mostly on emotions, false or
misrepresented, misleading statistics, especially concerning the gun control debate.
They get pissy and whiney because they know you've backed
them into a corner. They know that they are WRONG and don't want to
concede that to anyone, and then instead of bowing out gracefully they
just throw a tantrum. If they were smart, they'd simply say "Well, I guess we
just agree to disagree on that, then." . They don't, though, they resort
to attacking you personally, rather than just learning from the experience.

Trade that off against a liberal who's actually developed a methodology
of debating and sound reasons to back up their opinions, and that's a
different story. Those individuals are still "defeatable" in a debate, but
they won't throw a temper tantrum when you win. The liberals that
think out of the box a bit... they all -know- that gun control is a dumbass
idea (like the same way that most republicans in the know feel that NOT
funding stem cell research is a dumbass idea) and some of them are ashamed that
ts part of the typical liberal platform. Of course, those people are a rare breed.
Most of them sniff the democrat fumes and like all of it, or at
least pretend that they do.

For those that think I'm beating up on the libtards too much, there are plenty of "foamers" on the
side of the republcan party too... it's just that you don't see too many of them in this region of
the country, and they're also lesser in number. For a full blown republican foamer, see that
big christian lard lady on TV there... that psycho lady from trading spouses. When she started
blathering... I basically said to the person next to me.... someone PLEASE take that cow to
pasture and put it down! please!

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First, if I neglected to say it earlier tonight, Definitely go to the game!
Politics, I discuss at work... and maybe a bit at the club. :)
The subject of guns comes up a lot with my Webelo Den. Well, mostly with the Dads. It's great campfire conversation, and though I've met no shooters in the Pack, I did get one parent as a student. From what I've observed, there are many liberals in the Pack, but not vocally anti-gun. It's the norm for the community I'm in.
Act nice; help him use his tickets; show him that conservatives in general, and gun owners in particular, aren't necessarily raving, racist baby-killers. Then offer to let him help you use your guns. After all, since prolonged exposure to them hasn't turned you into a psychotic wingnut, there's a half-way decent chance that a quick bit of plinking won't make him kill his entire family either.


Ken has a point. While teaching Libs to shoot, and shoot well won't change their goofy belifs in tax codes, healthcare, or that minorities are somehow incapable of helping themselves without our help. It will make them quickly understand how stupid the AWB and other gun control really is.

What might be fun is give them a "Friendly" .30-06 deer rifle, and let them get thier shoulder pounded by it....then hand them an "Evil" AR-15, and see how they like it.

Before I got into shooting, I always assumed (with some good help from our news media in the 90s) that AK-47 and AR-15s were OVERLY POWERFUL.

Many others think the same [rolleyes]

-Weer'd Beard
If you like the guy, be friends and leave the politics out. Sure, it may be trying at times but agree to disagree and you both get over it. As you get to know each other, you can share your interests but why revolve the friendship over politics?

First, if I neglected to say it earlier tonight, Definitely go to the game!
Politics, I discuss at work... and maybe a bit at the club. :)
The subject of guns comes up a lot with my Webelo Den. Well, mostly with the Dads. It's great campfire conversation, and though I've met no shooters in the Pack, I did get one parent as a student. From what I've observed, there are many liberals in the Pack, but not vocally anti-gun. It's the norm for the community I'm in.

Have you had them out for a supervised "pellet gun day" shooting at cans and targets (with protective eyewear, etc.)? What a great opportunity. Then, they can eventually graduate to .22's, etc. Explain to the "class" how pellet guns are available at Walmart, or online, or best yet, at your local gun shop. Etc. etc.

Yes, I know, that's a good idea.
Right now, I'm working on getting my son interested in the CMP smallbore program at the club. He goes to the range with me, but has only tried CMP night once.
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