I want to play cowboy...

Jun 7, 2005
The Land of Confusion and Pissed off!
Feedback: 49 / 0 / 0
Here's mine.

I tried to use Adam's suggestions of something fuzzy when I was taking the picture... But then when I downloaded them, I realized that they were really out of focus. And I don't want to pull them all out...so deal with it... LOL! :D

The one with the Goden 39A .22 really came out crappy. So just try to think of what one looks like, and then know that I have it...

Anyway, let's play Cowboy, Pards!


1907 Winchester Model 1897
Winchester 1892, not too sure of the year...but it's a repo.
Two 1965 Ruger Three Screw Blackhawks
My old Boyscout knife that was really my Dad's Boyscout knife
SASS Badge and leather.

And Jon, this one's for you. Though they aren't as cool bean as yours.


Two KB Toys Special cap guns used for Halloween.
This reminds me....I have to go pick up some cap guns to use in my training course. :D

Cool collection there C....but Jon's pistols definately have it over your orange tips. [lol] [lol] (j/k)
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