Idiot of the day - displaying guns on youtube


NES Member
Feb 23, 2014
GA; (CT escapee)
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CHICAGO — A man faces felony charges after law enforcement officers allegedly saw him displaying guns on YouTube while on electronic monitoring for illegal gun possession.

Chicago police officers arrested Derrick Crawford on April 23 after covert cops allegedly saw him pointing a ghost gun at passing cars in the 1700 block of North Long. Prosecutors asked Judge Susana Ortiz to keep him in jail as a safety risk, but Ortiz sent him home on an ankle monitor instead

And then - he displays firearms on youtube...

I wonder how many crimes were solved by people confessing or providing evidence on YouTube.
I ran into one of those situations.

When I was a constable, I would oftentimes do an internet search for the name. In one case I came up with a picture of him holding his AR-15. I served him the papers without any problem.

A few weeks later I see a news story where the guy got arrested for mugging and robbing women in a shopping center parking lot. Turns out he was already a convicted felon. So, I'm sure that his online picture with the AR-15 helped him in court . . . not!
F&G use this all the time. They hear-tell of a poaching story and go to ForceBork. Shockingly, the morons often post pix with their kill. It's good that most criminals are morons.

And yes, depsite what Hollywood tells you, the absolute VAST majority of criminals are morons. The reason that bank robbers get caught is that bank robbers are not smart individuals. Smart individuals discover. . . . that working is actually more profitable than robbing banks. With much less risk.
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