In all of Mexico, there is only one gun store.

Aug 15, 2007
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MEXICO CITY - In all of Mexico, there is only one gun store. The shop, known officially as the Directorate of Arms and Munitions Sales, is operated by the Mexican military. The clerks wear pressed green camouflage. They are soldiers.

The only gun store in Mexico is not very busy.

To go shopping for a gun in Mexico, customers must come to Mexico City - even if they live 1,300 miles away in Ciudad Juarez. To gain entry to the store, which is on a secure military base, customers must present valid identification, pass through a metal detector, yield to the security wand and surrender cellphones and cameras.
The Directorate of Arms and Munitions Sales? That can't be right. MSNBC told me Mexico's gun store is called "texas".

I love this part:

The U.S. and Mexican governments have worked together to trace 73,000 seized weapons, but both refuse to release the results of the traces.

Could that be because it's super embarrassing to have to admit that all your illegal guns are being sold/trafficked by your own police and military? Nah, I'm sure there's a much better explanation.
thats why they get their guns in Texas, the unofficial store. (JK)

Finally, if judged worthy of owning a small-caliber weapon to protect home and hearth, they are allowed to buy just one. And a box of bullets.

only one box of bullets?
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Alberto Islas, a security expert based in Mexico, said it is common knowledge that the easiest way for the average citizen to buy a gun is to ask a friendly local police officer.

"The cop will bring it to your house and show you how to load it," Islas said. "Of course, it is technically illegal."

but... but... wait, I thought all those illegal guns came from the US, not their local police.. [shocked]
Well, considering their second amendment is:
Article 10. The inhabitants of the United Mexican States are entitled to have arms of any
kind in their possession for their protection and legitimate defense, except such as are
expressly forbidden by law, or which the nation may reserve for the exclusive use of the
army, navy, or national guard; but they may not carry arms within inhabited places without
complying with police regulations.
they're lucky to have anything. I love how it says you are entitled to have arms that are not illegal. Very strong wording there.
The old saying that "cash is king" is especially true in Mexico. I only visited once and spent only a few hours there, but it was enough time to get to know how things really operate. My girlfriend and I were visiting Corpus Christi, TX (her birthplace) a few years ago. We decided to drive down to Brownsville, park the rental car and hoof it across the border into Matamoros. IIRC, it was 35 cents to enter the country via a coin-operated turnstile, similar to the ones found in subways. We shopped around a bit and most anything could be had for cash. Tylenol III with codeine and other drugs that would be considered controlled/prescription-only drugs were available across the counter. I got the feeling that, had I asked, I could easily have purchased firearms and ammo as well. Switchblade knives are sold openly. Leather products and liquor are ridiculously inexpensive. Garcia's, arguably the most popular joint in the city, offers a full pharmacy, retail store and restaurant that becomes a disco on weekend nights. The sales staff was friendly and helpful. We purchased a few souvenirs before heading back to Brownsville. All in all, quite an experience! Just bring plenty of Yankee greenbacks and you will be all set! [smile]
As much as I'd love to see some of the amazing ancient history that lies in Mexico, I'm afraid I will not be pumping my hard earned money into the country that is (un)fortunate enough to surround those areas...
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