In the doghouse/ Christmas ruined/ AR build

A little back story...My wife is indifferent about guns, although lately she has shown some interest in giving it a try, and with ZERO pressure from myself. Her father on the other hand in very against guns. He sort of understands keeping one for home protection but only in the worst of neighborhoods. He doesn't understand carrying. Doesn't understand why you need more than one gun, etc. After Sandy Hook we got into a discussion where he learned that I have guns, and our relationship hasn't been the same. Up until then we got along based on a mutual interest for music and other things.

So today, I'm working on a new build with everything spread out on the coffee table. My wife texted me that he was coming by to drop off a pan, only I didn't have my phone by me. So, he knocks at the door and I let him in. He sees the table of parts....

him- "ummmm, what's going on here?"
me- "I'm building a rifle"
him- "looks more like a machine gun"
me- "no"
him- "is this legal?"
me- "ahhhh, yes"

this line of q&a goes on or a while. Then this happens.

him- "so if I call the cops right now, they're not going to have a problem with this?"
me- "first, I won't let them through the ****ing door. Second, if you call the cops on me for doing nothing wrong in my own home, this is the last time you step foot in this house".

*yelling and screaming on his part, more q&a, nothing calm or rational*

him- "well I don't feel comfortable with this being in the house that my daughter lives in"

*here's where I hit below the belt...*

me- "well maybe if you were in her life while growing up, then I'd give a **** what you think.

He storms out. About 20 minutes ago I get a call from my wife. Apparently I ruined Christmas and "intimidated" her dad. Ho ho ho! So how was your morning?

I didn't read thru the thread because it's "my house, my rules. You gave up your rules when I married her. My inlaws suck and thankfully my wife sees that now. The shitheads don't even call anymore and she barely gets anniversary, birthday and Christmas cards.
It's funny. I had/have great parents. It wasn't until I was much older that I learned that wasn't the case for everyone. It still blows my mind that some people can be so shitty to their kids.
First, thanks to everyone for the support. I was more or less venting when I first posted this and didnt expect the strong reaction. To answer a couple questions- my wife requested the pan for some specific kind of cake---I really don't know. She asked him to bring it buy, so he wasn't checking up.

I've always had a pretty good relationship with him. Even did the traditional thing in asking for his approval to marry his daughter. A coiple days after Newtown happened, we were all out to dinner. Him and his wife went off for quite a while. I sat and remained quiet. I can't remember what he said exactly but there was some generalized bs gun owner comment that made me feel I needed to stand up for myself. I informed him that I owned guns and didn't subscribe to what he was saying. At that moment him and his wife were kind of taken back. They asked a couple questions, things got quiet, dinner got awkward. After that moment things have just been different with him. Not hostile or anything. It's hard to explain but it's noticeable. I have extended a range invite as well and I was quickly snubbed for it, so we just don't talk guns, period.

Update on today- my wife got home and was silent, so I knew she was mad. She eventually said something like "I wish you wouldn't shove things like that in his face." I explained exactly what happened, reminding her that I was doing this in our house and, not that it should matter, but I wasn't expecting anyone to come by and that he asked about it. After I explained it from my point of view, I could tell that he fed her some crap as to how it went down. She wanted to call him and chew him out. It felt nice that she took my side but I told her to let it be for now. No need for more emotional responses.

He's entitled to his opinions. The points that pushed me over the edge was suggesting he'd call the cops to see if what I was doing was legal. It's insulting that my word isn't enough. And secondly when he said that he didn't feel safe with her in a house with guns. For people like us who know they don't act on their own, it's ludicrous. We have guns to protect ourselves and our loved ones. The only way anything bad would happen is if I made it happen. So again, it's a little insulting to me as a man. My wife is on my side, which is what I want. I just hope he'll leave it alone, so they can move forward.
That is a bummer, I understand that your FIL wants the best for his daughter, but if you are not breaking any laws, MYOB.

Is it possible/advisable in this kind of situation to call the local pd non emergency number and report a case of threatened swating? Not that you want to start any problems, you are just worried about him taking thing out of context and wasting police resources

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The only thing I wish you had done differently... recorded that entire disaster and posted it here on NES.

What an ass hat, threatening to call the cops on you in your own home. That's beyond rude and disrespectful.
I like the OP - you did good.

I have a personal family motto I use in these occasions "Only family treats family this badly"; that has gotten me through many a holiday.

Anyway, I agree with how you handled it - still 100% by the thread.
...My wife is on my side, which is what I want. ...
There you go, for the win. Everything else is gravy.

As spcantwell suggested it might not be a bad idea to talk to someone on the police force, particularly if you know anyone. Just let them know what went down. That way if the toolbag calls the police you'll have gotten in first, which could count for something if TSHTF.
Why not just say you were cleaning a rifle? Thats what ive done in the past, most non firearm owners dont know the difference between an ar and a shotgun

Sent from the blind
When he threatened to call the cops you should have replied "don't call the cops, the gun is legal but I don't want them to find Susie's meth lab in the basement!" [rofl]
First, thanks to everyone for the support. I was more or less venting when I first posted this and didnt expect the strong reaction. To answer a couple questions- my wife requested the pan for some specific kind of cake---I really don't know. She asked him to bring it buy, so he wasn't checking up.

I've always had a pretty good relationship with him. Even did the traditional thing in asking for his approval to marry his daughter. A coiple days after Newtown happened, we were all out to dinner. Him and his wife went off for quite a while. I sat and remained quiet. I can't remember what he said exactly but there was some generalized bs gun owner comment that made me feel I needed to stand up for myself. I informed him that I owned guns and didn't subscribe to what he was saying. At that moment him and his wife were kind of taken back. They asked a couple questions, things got quiet, dinner got awkward. After that moment things have just been different with him. Not hostile or anything. It's hard to explain but it's noticeable. I have extended a range invite as well and I was quickly snubbed for it, so we just don't talk guns, period.

Update on today- my wife got home and was silent, so I knew she was mad. She eventually said something like "I wish you wouldn't shove things like that in his face." I explained exactly what happened, reminding her that I was doing this in our house and, not that it should matter, but I wasn't expecting anyone to come by and that he asked about it. After I explained it from my point of view, I could tell that he fed her some crap as to how it went down. She wanted to call him and chew him out. It felt nice that she took my side but I told her to let it be for now. No need for more emotional responses.

He's entitled to his opinions. The points that pushed me over the edge was suggesting he'd call the cops to see if what I was doing was legal. It's insulting that my word isn't enough. And secondly when he said that he didn't feel safe with her in a house with guns. For people like us who know they don't act on their own, it's ludicrous. We have guns to protect ourselves and our loved ones. The only way anything bad would happen is if I made it happen. So again, it's a little insulting to me as a man. My wife is on my side, which is what I want. I just hope he'll leave it alone, so they can move forward.

Good to hear!!!
Dude wth is up with the holidays? It seems like the antis wait for holidays to attack.

Just had a night out and the convo with an acquaintance went from ferguson to police pointing military weapons at people to gun ownership and how you're pretty much gonna get shot if you own a gun.

I kept my cool and then was told I had a little pecker cause I'm asian... This coming from the anti racist, there is no reason to point guns at black people ever, pro ferguson marcher.

The good thing is she isn't an in law. Sucks for you.
Can we start a kickstarter fund to build that d bag's daughter her own AR named after him?

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A little back story...My wife is indifferent about guns, although lately she has shown some interest in giving it a try, and with ZERO pressure from myself. Her father on the other hand in very against guns. He sort of understands keeping one for home protection but only in the worst of neighborhoods. He doesn't understand carrying. Doesn't understand why you need more than one gun, etc. After Sandy Hook we got into a discussion where he learned that I have guns, and our relationship hasn't been the same. Up until then we got along based on a mutual interest for music and other things.

So today, I'm working on a new build with everything spread out on the coffee table. My wife texted me that he was coming by to drop off a pan, only I didn't have my phone by me. So, he knocks at the door and I let him in. He sees the table of parts....

him- "ummmm, what's going on here?"
me- "I'm building a rifle"
him- "looks more like a machine gun"
me- "no"
him- "is this legal?"
me- "ahhhh, yes"

this line of q&a goes on or a while. Then this happens.

him- "so if I call the cops right now, they're not going to have a problem with this?"
me- "first, I won't let them through the ****ing door. Second, if you call the cops on me for doing nothing wrong in my own home, this is the last time you step foot in this house".

*yelling and screaming on his part, more q&a, nothing calm or rational*

him- "well I don't feel comfortable with this being in the house that my daughter lives in"

*here's where I hit below the belt...*

me- "well maybe if you were in her life while growing up, then I'd give a **** what you think.

He storms out. About 20 minutes ago I get a call from my wife. Apparently I ruined Christmas and "intimidated" her dad. Ho ho ho! So how was your morning?

This isn't a bad exchange, it's a good exchange. The guy's a sh1thead and needed to be made aware of that fact.

Seriously, he showed no respect for you and made that obvious, do not apologize to this man, even in the name of keeping the peace, he doesn't deserve it.
Update on today- my wife got home and was silent, so I knew she was mad. She eventually said something like "I wish you wouldn't shove things like that in his face." I explained exactly what happened, reminding her that I was doing this in our house and, not that it should matter, but I wasn't expecting anyone to come by and that he asked about it. After I explained it from my point of view, I could tell that he fed her some crap as to how it went down. She wanted to call him and chew him out. It felt nice that she took my side but I told her to let it be for now. No need for more emotional responses. .

Of course he lied, he's an anti a-hole. It's pretty much a base requirement to lie your butt off.
It's funny the FIL thought to call the cops for what gun is legal/illegal/gun laws. As if 90% of them would know.
You need to make up with him and then let him back into your house.

But the next time you have all your AR stuff setup on the kitchen table - make sure you have a 1919a4 sitting on it's tripod over in the corner.


So when he starts bitching about your AR being a machine gun - you can respond by saying :

" This is NOT a machine gun you moron - THAT is a machine gun!!!"

That ought to pretty much shut that relationship down for all time.
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So the previous reply was the snarky response.

But this one is serious.

I would have challenged him. Especially when he brought up the cop thing. As soon as he started saying 'machine gun' and 'cops' -I would have started challenging his understanding of the law. Ask him if even knows what a machine gun is - and FORCE him to describe it - in exact technical and legal terms. Since you know damn well he won't be able to - you can bury him if YOU know what the law is and can describe chapter and verse. Then ask him if he knows what the laws are around licensing and what must be gone thru to get a license in MA. Once again - you know he won't be able to. So then when he does a fail on that response - tell him chapter and verse what the law is , how the background checks are done - then pull out your license and shove it in his face and remind him that the POLICE gave you the license.

Tell him now that he has demonstrated his utter ignorance of anything related to guns or gun ownership - he is free to call the police and complain. But if he does he will be banned from your property (not just the house itself) - and if continues in his quest to be the stupidest father in law on the block - he will get a restraining order put on him for harassment and then you'll talk to you friend the Jewish lawyer and sue his ass for whatever you can find.

Talk to GM-GUY - sounds like his brother's lawyers will sue for just about any stupid shit they can dream up. Maybe they'll come in useful.

I've run into a few people who have walked down the same road your father in law is walking down - with the whole "is that a machine gun" bullshit. And I've found that you can usually BURY them and leave them stammering like a drunken liberal idiot by reciting chapter and verse what the laws are - how you are LICENSED BY THE COPS ALREADY - and then telling them to get their shit straight the next time they decide to engage their pie-hole.
Merry Christmas and you did the right thing. Gift wrap a toy gun as a gift to him. [smile]

Screw that. Buy an 80% AK kit. Build it up partway. Next time you're over at his house - leave it down in his basement wrapped up in old box or something and shove it up into the rafters.

Make sure you wipe all your prints off of it.

Then drop a dime on his ass to the cops and tell them your father in law has been threatening you - and seems unstable because he alternates between threatening you and asking you to buy gun parts for him because he's been "working on something" - and you know he doesn't have a license.

Watch the hilarity ensue.
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