In the doghouse/ Christmas ruined/ AR build

Probably not.
Nope, but my ex MIL came at me in an aggressive manner.

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Probably not.
Nope, but my ex MIL came at me in an aggressive manner.


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So FIL comes to your house and starts an argument over your personal, legal property? Screw him. Hopefully wife doesn't let it ruin your xmas.
Great job OP....I had my beretta 92 on the kitchen table next to the crock pot and my mother was around and felt it has no place in the kitchen...
So, how's the build going?

Good for you. Now you won't have to buy him anything for Christmas, but if you do, it should be an NRA membership.
Sheeit comrade, if I saw my daughters husband building an AR I'd go apeshit slap him silly with that AR part that looks most like a sex dildo.

him- "ummmm, what's going on here?"
me- "I'm building a rifle"
him- "looks more like a machine gun"
me- [STRIKE=totally!]"no"[/STRIKE] totally!
him- "is this legal?"
me- [STRIKE=wouldn't you want to know?]"ahhhh, yes"[/STRIKE]wouldn't you want to know? [wink]

him- "so if I call the cops right now, they're not going to have a problem with this?"

call ****ing Gestapo on your son in law and find out. We also have a menorah in a closet and my grandpa was black. Check with them on that too, will you?

FIFY [rofl]

him- "well I don't feel comfortable with this being in the house that my daughter lives in"

comrade, if you saw your daughter doing what married couples do, you would not be comfortable either. Grow the **** up and MYOFB
Um... what? OP was in HIS OWN LIVING ROOM. He doesn't have to change what he does in his own living room. Hell, I have a friggin' gun cabinet in mine - if someone doesn't like it, there's a door they can leave through.

yea he can do whatever he wants...all i'm saying is if you don't want to deal with this BS then try and avoid the situation, easy enough to just close the door to the room or just take the pan at the door and say you're heading out at the same time or something...yea he doesn't have to do anything if he doesn't want to...but knowing that his FIL isn't all that keen on guns and having him walk right into a room where you're building one probably isn't going to go well...avoiding the doghouse is usually a good thing...just my $0.02...but like you said it's his house and his life, his FIL and his wife that he has to deal with...he didn't know he was coming over, maybe the door his FIL came in enters right into the living room...who knows, sometimes sh!t happens...make up and move on
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Sounds like another case of anti's "I have no idea what the gun laws are but you must be braking them, and we need more laws to stop you from braking the laws you must have broken, because I see a gun and don't like it"

Ican be argumentive with people pushing me around with nonsense,

but im not a good conversationalist, I usually do not have the ability to articulate my responses on the spot without regret that I should have said it another way

It looks like you did good with a on the spot response
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I agree with you, but under what circumstances would you call the police? Obviously you're of the mindset that certain laws don't need to be enforced all the time. And I'm all for that.

But where do you draw the line?

Helping the cops enforce mala prohibita laws is not my job. If somebody is doing something that is causing direct personal harm to a person or property - then the cops are getting called. I refuse to help build a Minority Report society. There is already far to many turds like the OP's father in law out there working on that already.
Obviously the problem is your father in law doesn't like you, the guns are just an outlet for the dislike.

+1, that is a very astute observation. Regardless, to threaten calling the cops is crossing a line, especially in a shitty state like MA, where it could escalate in a very big way! Ruin Christmas, or not, he would no longer be welcome in my home.
+1, that is a very astute observation. Regardless, to threaten calling the cops is crossing a line, especially in a shitty state like MA, where it could escalate in a very big way! Ruin Christmas, or not, he would no longer be welcome in my home.

Indeed. Still his recollection might be slightly different than dad's.

Either way, they have lots of work to do to get right with each other, otherwise the woman they both love will be devastated.
I agree **** him. I would have told him he could wait outside for the cops. Every time he comes over.

my buddy brought his new girl over to my place a few years ago, per the usual we always have show and tell when he comes over in a completely heterosexual fashion where i bust out all the new guns i've built or bought since his last visit. had an AK on the coffee table at the time.

girl is sitting there pretty stiff and eyeing my precious as if i left a pile of my own shit on the table.

"is everything okay?"

"yes, i just don't believe people should own these things."

"these things? what do you mean? this coffee table has a top that lifts up, i can eat dinner easily on the couch."

"i mean guns."

"you can wait outside."

"are you--"

"yes. very serious."

my buddy thought it was ****ing hilarious. her? not so much so. i warned him about that one however, was damn nearly a carbon copy of a girl i'd dated which ended poorly after a few years.
There is a lot of **** him attitude in here toward the fil and I agree with that. However in the sake of his wife, his marriage, and himself the op should try to repair his part in the exchange. The rationale that one person is more right therefore the other person owes the apology is very small minded. The fil could have done 10 worse things and the op should still apologize for his part. I think the op does feel sorry for what he said because he admitted he got carried away (understandably). The op's issue is not so much what was done to him as what he has done. Making amends for that part frees him from his guilt. For every night thereafter, he will sleep well knowing he made a small mistake and made good on it. Saying "I am sorry that I made that statement. I simply got overwhelmed when I was confronted in my home about a subject that is meaningful to me" is such a small price to pay for your wife, your marriage, yourself and your potential future relationship with your fil. The op will free himself, be a hero to the wife and own the fil forever. Plus the apology shows where and how the fil overstepped his boundaries.
No way would I ever apologize to him. He came into his house and attacked him over his build. The ball is in the FIL's court, it's his duty to call and apologize for entering his house and so rudely questioning him to the point of a verbal fight.

on a side note, my FIL saw my build in progress too. His response, "so when are you going to be done so I can shoot it?" [smile]
The apology is not to make the fil feel better, it is to free oneself of their own wrongdoing. If the apology is done then the op is free from the whole ordeal. Then the only wrong done is solely by the fil. If he fixes it then great, if not then the op did everything he can and their is zero blame on his part.
If the OP wants to act like it didn't happen I can see that as a way of moving on but f the idea of an apology. FIL want wayyyyyy too far with the 'if I called the police' bullshit. He needs to come with the olive branch and then and only then would I consider something like" yeah I got a little hot under the collar" or something.
If the OP wants to act like it didn't happen I can see that as a way of moving on but f the idea of an apology. FIL want wayyyyyy too far with the 'if I called the police' bullshit. He needs to come with the olive branch and then and only then would I consider something like" yeah I got a little hot under the collar" or something.

Yeah the fil was wrong and way overstepped his boundaries. There are a little more elements in play here. What everyone seems to be playing is the respect card, don't come in my house and tell me what to do. The op has a wife and a relationship that has to be factored. If she has the mentality that her father was flat out wrong and feels that her father should make amends then op is off the hook.
If I didn't do anything wrong you got a better chance of seeing balls on a dove than for me to apologize over it. I don't back down when it comes to stupid shit other people do. In this case it's screw the FIL as he is the person at fault.
If I didn't do anything wrong you got a better chance of seeing balls on a dove than for me to apologize over it. I don't back down when it comes to stupid shit other people do. In this case it's screw the FIL as he is the person at fault.

Do you have kids? If your young son or daughter asked you " Where's Grandpa?", "I want to see Grandpa for Christmas, I miss him?". My heart would melt.

You wouldn't get right on the phone and apologize to your FIL for the sake of your children? It a fight over something stupid, words.

I would do anything to see my family happy.

What kind of black hearted people are on this board?
A little back story...My wife is indifferent about guns, although lately she has shown some interest in giving it a try, and with ZERO pressure from myself. Her father on the other hand in very against guns. He sort of understands keeping one for home protection but only in the worst of neighborhoods. He doesn't understand carrying. Doesn't understand why you need more than one gun, etc. After Sandy Hook we got into a discussion where he learned that I have guns, and our relationship hasn't been the same. Up until then we got along based on a mutual interest for music and other things.
So today, I'm working on a new build with everything spread out on the coffee table. My wife texted me that he was coming by to drop off a pan, only I didn't have my phone by me. So, he knocks at the door and I let him in. He sees the table of parts....

him- "ummmm, what's going on here?"
me- "I'm building a rifle"
him- "looks more like a machine gun"
me- "no"
him- "is this legal?"
me- "ahhhh, yes"

this line of q&a goes on or a while. Then this happens.

him- "so if I call the cops right now, they're not going to have a problem with this?"
me- "first, I won't let them through the ****ing door. Second, if you call the cops on me for doing nothing wrong in my own home, this is the last time you step foot in this house".

*yelling and screaming on his part, more q&a, nothing calm or rational*

him- "well I don't feel comfortable with this being in the house that my daughter lives in"

*here's where I hit below the belt...*

me- "well maybe if you were in her life while growing up, then I'd give a **** what you think.

He storms out. About 20 minutes ago I get a call from my wife. Apparently I ruined Christmas and "intimidated" her dad. Ho ho ho! So how was your morning?

Buy another gun ehile she is already mad about something, let no tragedy blah blah something.
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