In the news: Statement of Paul Helmke on Remarks by Florida Governor Jeb Bush

Well, if the Brady Bunch was right with their facts, I'd be living in the highest crime area in the country. Funny it's the lowest, not the highest. Damned jerk.

GD, F'ing lieing ass elitest do-gooders like those pukes are what's really burning my butt. I'd wager that wussy metrosexual thinks we should cut and run overseas as well.
Nickle said:
GD, F'ing lieing ass elitest do-gooders like those pukes are what's really burning my butt. I'd wager that wussy metrosexual thinks we should cut and run overseas as well.
[laugh2] you tell 'em Nickle! Facts? We don't need no steenkin' facts!
"To argue that putting guns into our communities leads to a reduction in crime makes no sense."

This is true ... if you believe that the majority of people are lawless thugs. Or maybe the majority are just too stupid to own guns. Either way the Bradys are just protecting us.

Imagine what our founding fathers saw and lived through and yet they still trusted the majority enough to write the second amendment.

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