Indoor Range Drill Recommendations?


NES Member
Nov 24, 2005
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During these cold days shooting indoors at Manchester Firing Line, I’m looking for recommended drills that don’t involve drawing from the holster, as that’s not permitted. It would be nice to find a list of how to go through 200rd productively rather than winging it.
It would be nice to find a list of how to go through 200rd productively rather than winging it.
so, what i do now - as ammo is pricey, i restrict my drill to 60-80 rounds - usually bring 8 10 rd mags and 1 17rd - using glocks 17 and 34.
first mag is a slow rate - shot, inhale, exhale, shot - 20ft warm-up with G17 iron sights, you do 2 groups of 5 per using 4" rifle targets - just working on a rhythm and getting hands steady.
then switch to G34 red dot with a dot torture - but, i restrict it now to 3 shots where it used to be 5 - overall i do whole routine twice using 4 10rd mags total.
then 1-3 mags at 30ft - my range is a bit short - using same 4" rifle target with a 1" bullseye.
last is back to G17, a 20ft double-tap or rapid fire or holster draw - whatever comes to mind, usually on a last large capacity magazine left.

so, that works for me ok, again, the idea is to shoot a bit less rounds overall but at least once a week. i wish i could do a 200rd twice a week - at $.40-$.60 per round it gets pricey.
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