Inexpensive .22 Semi at Dick's Sporting Goods


Apr 24, 2007
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Marlin 795 .22LR semi with clip magazine on sale and rebated for $99.95. Seems like it would be a cheap little survival rifle to buy and set aside for a rainy day.

I might pck up one for each of my grandsons to introduce them to shooting.

You might want to bury one in the yard in a sealed 4" PVC pipe (with a thousand rounds and a cleaning kit).
Those Marlins are good little guns. Bought one for my little bro and put a red dot on it, he loves the thing. Shoots pretty good for what it is. His has to have 2500+ rounds through it without cleaning and it still rips em off as fast as you can pull the trigger. I have taken it hiking before as it weighs almost nothing. Squirrels are easy to hit out to 50 yards. Good for some fresh meat on the hike!
The Marlin Pappose is a neat little survival gun also. Cost more than the 795 but has the ability to remove the barrel and the case floats if dropped in the water. Worth checking out for those who want a pack gun.
Yes Harri. It was $125 minus the mail-in-rebate of $25. Make sure you leave the store with the rebate printout. I'm happy with it.
I like the old single shot bolt action 22's simple rugged they last forever and they hold a special place in my heart. I spent a hours and hours with one when I was a kid. I just picked one up at a gun show for 35 bucks cleaned it up and it shoots 1in dot targets at 50 yards.
I have a 795, and so far it has been great to me, it is set up as an LTR for my Appleseed in April. I don’t seem to get a loaner for my friend so I think I am going to buy another one to make it an LTR for him.
Had my grandsons over today (7 and 4). I was thinking of weening them into the .22 by beaking out the BB gun.

While playing baseball with them, I said, "Hang on there is dog poop right HERE, don't go near it while I get something to pick it up." In the minute I was gone, the seven year old stepped in it.

I decided to ease in to this more slowly. Maybe just a visit to the gun ranged, with no firearms.

I modified the rear sight and gave it a trigger job tonight.
Picked it up for $109 and am going to send my rebate in tomorrow.

Cute little sucker.
I have a 1941 JC Higgins (Sears and Robuck Company) .22 Rifle (.22, .22SR, .22LR)

It's a single shot bolt action with manual cocking of the striker. It's a little worn from years of use, but it was the gun most of my family first learned to shoot with (Uncle, Father, Brother, Sister and I)

It will likely be the first firearm my son shoots, when he's ready.
...You might want to bury one in the yard in a sealed 4" PVC pipe (with a thousand rounds and a cleaning kit).

If you go burying something in the backyard, make sure you include some sort of dessicant and oil the gun real well, because even sealed against moisture, there will be changes in temperature that can create condensation.
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