Installing National Match sights m1a

Oct 18, 2012
Columbus, OH
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I just received my NM sights for my M1A. I want to install them but can't find a guide on the NM. I've read there is a spring and ball bearing to be used but am not 100% sure on installation. Does anyone have a link showing how to correctly install these?
It depends which type you have. There are those that have a finer pitch windage thread and those with the ball detent. The detent essentially provides a half way point between the standard windage settings. The ball detent requires a hole to be drilled into the receiver for the spring and ball. The knob will require spots for the ball the engage.

This is from memory...or lack there of...

Where did you get the NM rear sight?
I just received my NM sights for my M1A. I want to install them but can't find a guide on the NM. I've read there is a spring and ball bearing to be used but am not 100% sure on installation. Does anyone have a link showing how to correctly install these?

which NM set up did you buy. The only ball bearing spring that I know of is in the hood assembly. thats where your 1/2 MOA for elevation comes from. there was a serated disc that used to install between the adjusting dial and reciever?
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