This is not a video, but it is a pretty interesting article. Call it another victory for Trump 47.
ISAIAH HANKEL: The resignation of Scientific American's editor-in-chief is great for humanity
In recent years, institutions that were once celebrated for their objectivity have begun veering into overt partisanship, turning away from their founding principles. Few examples are as stark as what’s been happening over at Scientific American.
Once revered for presenting science as a neutral and evidence-based pursuit, the publication became mired in ideological bias under the leadership of the now former Editor-in-Chief, Laura Helmuth. Her recent resignation amid controversy—following an expletive-laden rant against Trump voters—is a watershed moment, underscoring the perils of turning science into a platform for political advocacy.
Elon Musk’s recent comment on social media—“‘Scientific’ American needs a change in management”—captured the frustration of many who saw Helmuth’s behavior as emblematic of broader problems in institutional leadership. Musk’s call for reform isn’t unique; it echoes a growing sentiment that science, journalism, and education must return to their apolitical roots.
Helmuth’s resignation doesn’t exist in a vacuum. It is emblematic of a larger cultural shift.

ISAIAH HANKEL: The resignation of Scientific American’s editor-in-chief is great for humanity
Once revered for presenting science as a neutral and evidence-based pursuit, the publication became mired in ideological bias under the leadership of the now former Editor-in-Chief, Laura Helmuth.