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Lol but we're talking about the US gun market, through, right? And those guys wouldn't be in this market if it wasn't for the success they have in the commercial market. Also if you look at
the portfolios of companies like CZ and Beretta most of the products they make are commercial/sporting arms.
I also find it hard to believe that even globally either of those guys are making more revenue off LE/Mil stuff at this point. You could make the argument for HK outside of the US, sure, but not those two. This isn't a knock against these companies hardly.. Also look at their product portfolios- CZ and Beretta have an impressive line of sporting guns across the board. Beretta wouldn't bother making 48 versions of the Concussive Ascending Silver Pigeon no 48 12 gauge shotgun or whatever if it didn't make them good money.
I had to google that for a minute.... there really are like 1000 silver pigeon shotguns.... ROLFFFFFFFFFF
I had to google that for a minute.... there really are like 1000 silver pigeon shotguns.... ROLFFFFFFFFFF
This. If the ammo runs out, you can beat the bastard to death with it. Jack.The 1911 platform still seems to be pretty popular too.
Personally for me, and one of the reasons I “asked” the question was my normally carry in a free state is a 365 with a 10 and two 15s and an AR pistol within close proximity in my daily carry bag.Comments are gonna be all over the place, but let me ask you this. If you found yourself in a bad situation, what would you wish to have on you? Obviously an M-60 isn’t realistic, but maybe a midsize Glock like the 19?
Anything is better than nothing, but balance comfort with utility.
Lol except that end result is nothing like a G19, its still a small shitty, ill proportioned compromise gun with a big magazine on it. Things like the 365, 43, etc are all compromise guns and carrying them is perfectly fine, but the idea of actually replacing a normal duty grade pistol with one is an insane joke on a good day.
RDS on a 365? The gun marketers have gotten into your head.. that's basically full blown aids. If a guy puts a flashlight and rds on a 365 simultaneously these guys should come out....
View: https://youtu.be/ORwfm2s6JeY
I realize people are really into this gun but at some point the mindless fapping will stop.
It wasn't until Glock came along that people felt the need for 19+1 capacity
Nice, how about micro pistols with 10,12, or 15?
I like the larger pistols I have for target shooting, the longer sight radius improves my accuracy.
When I carried a gun on a daily basis I was carrying a K frame Model 13, or a Glock 17 ... this was a long time ago. I had a S&W 3914 when I needed something smaller.
in my old age, on those rare occasions I need a firearm, it is a J frame model 60 with large grips, or a Glock 43X .... I retired my G26 to the safe as I like the grip on the 43X that much better.
Compact or sub-compact is fine, if you are comfortable with the grip, can get it on target and keep it there, and can reload it on the move.
Most gunfights are not emptying multiple high capacity magazines, sure reloading a small revolver from speed strips is not ideal but with proper training it can be done.... same with a small pistol.
It wasn't until Glock came along that people felt the need for 19+1 capacity
In motorcycling we say "I don't care waht you ride so long as you ride", I don't care what you carry as long as it doesn't say Raven or Jennings on the slide
SorryWay to ruin my joke
Im not a first timer with a handgun - no of course a 365/Hellcat is nothing like a 19. What Im saying is, what i
How many people buy a 19, 9c or similar to carry and then leave it at home most of the time? How many people buy a “Duty grade pistol” (I’m not sure what the hell that is) and all it sees is static firing line activity for 200-300 rounds before its traded in for yet another “DGP” designed 30 years ago.
If capacity, presentation time and shooter accuracy are similar with a smaller gun, why not carry the smaller gun? Handguns are shitty compromises anyway, why cart around more compromise than needed?
This isnt about any specific gun, I mentioned the 365 / 365xl as that’s what I own. This isn’t an advertisement for either.
Mindless fapping? Listen to yourself gushing over terms like “duty grade” and 30 year old gun designs where innovation is adding finger grooves for one generation and the removing those same finger grooves 2 generations later as a “feature”
I have at least 30k rounds through a Glock 34 and 19 they are highly functional and super reliable firearms. Coming to the conclusion that gun design stops there because “perfection” is super Fudd.
Most gunowners arent NES.
I would ask a different question. Is a compact pistol necessary? I'd say for most of us the answer is no.
Secondly, what is the fascination with compact guns anyway? Unless you're in a profession like undercover cop or double oh spy you probably don't really need a perfectly concealed gun.