Is it possible for my buddy to get his ltc licence back

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You're comparing a passive incident (a gun being left on a seat, and no one was hurt, or even close to being hurt) with an activity that (potentially) puts others at direct risk of serious harm? Where I come from those two things aren't even in the same universe in terms of negligence.

Nice straw man argument.


Question for you then. Would you (personally you), leave your unlocked, loaded handgun on your front seat of your car in plain sight? Yes or no and why so or why not?
So where is the clause that I agreed to when I got my LTC that I am supposed to be responsible for what someone else does with their gun?

We need to end this pant-crapping stupidity I see on gun forums every time someone does something stupid with a gun. Nobody ever says stupid things like this when someone drives a car and gets into an accident. By your logic that "makes all the other people with drivers licenses look bad". [rolleyes]

We need to stop this lameness about treating guns as being "special". LTC holders are not cops or anything like that
either, for crying out loud. It's not a license to own a nuclear weapon or anything like that either. You do a disservice to gun owners by ascribing "super special" powers to someone who simply happens to be carrying a gun.

For every one "Trayvon" stupidity incident, there are 100 other people who defended themselves with deadly force in FL and did so in full accordance to the laws. I'd bet pretty much anything on that.

The real problems down there are in their judicial system more than anything else. They just put a woman away for 20 years for firing a warning shot, among other things.

This is a firearms and shooting forum, this is what is talked about. Nobody said anything about treating guns as being "special".

There are gun owner advocates for a reason because some of society unfortunately sees guns as being evil and whatnot. I obviously do not agree. Nobody sees cars as being evil and that would be the reason you can't compare the 2. There are no car driving advocates out there that speak on CNN when there is a car accident do you?

As for the stand your ground law in FL and the 100's of lives saved because of it that is great. I'm all for it. I used it as an example that one case can change an entire law.
...This state sucks for gun laws and this stupid and irresponsible act does nothing but give lawmakers an excuse to make them stricter. Correct? I for one, hope he never gets his LTC back.

Weak. Getting your license revoked for a brief, harmless act of carelessness (or an act of spite by someone you know) is a source of anxiety for anyone who carries a gun here. I wouldn't wish it on anyone to never get an LTC back.
As long as he wasn't arrested, charged and convicted for his brain fart, he has some chance (a very slim one). It all depends on the CLEO.

If all else fails, he should at least be able to obtain an FID.

It's small consolation... but it is what it is.

I think that LoginName pretty much covered it

Offhand, I'd say that your "friend's" chances are slim to none. Why was he that stupid? He can try one of the firearms attorneys such as Cohen or Langer, they are the best to give the proper advice in this situation.

Legal representation by an Attorney experienced in firearm law, like one of the ones Mark listed, is realistically his only chance. There are some CLEO's that are on our side but they are only a small handful.

There is another chance for him too, which if he was not convicted of unsafe storage, to simply leave MA and never come back. Plenty of other states would likely grant him a second chance, not to mention simply owning a gun does not require a special license in most states, so he would at least get basic gun ownership rights back.

I see where you guys are coming from. The nerve of the poster to ask a gun related question on a gun forum. I mean really.

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Weak. Getting your license revoked for a brief, harmless act of carelessness (or an act of spite by someone you know) is a source of anxiety for anyone who carries a gun here. I wouldn't wish it on anyone to never get an LTC back.

Well said.

Rick I do understand what you're saying but WE gun owners do need to stand together and not snipe at each other. This person made a stupid mistake, period. This doesn't mean that he should be banned forever. I doubt his LEO will give a LTC-A after only 2 years but that is the state of the state whether or not it is fair.
While busy doing some heavy duty home improvement work, in a moment of distraction, I once put on a pair of safety glasses while holding a sharp utility knife in the same hand. That was an admittedly stupid thing to do, I could have easily put my eye out. I've thought about that incident, bathed in the bright light of your logic in this matter. You are right, tonight I am going to turn in all of my utility knives to the authorities and turn myself in since I am not suitable to own them. May God have mercy on my soul- pray for me my brothers and sisters.

Question for you then. Would you (personally you), leave your unlocked, loaded handgun on your front seat of your car in plain sight? Yes or no and why so or why not?

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Weak. Getting your license revoked for a brief, harmless act of carelessness (or an act of spite by someone you know) is a source of anxiety for anyone who carries a gun here. I wouldn't wish it on anyone to never get an LTC back.

What are we talking here like getting out of your car to mail a letter or going into Stop & Shop for a weeks worth? It was obviously long enough for a cop to see it.

I feel for my weapon every time I exit my car and many times after that while adjusting my pants. It's like a saying I heard years ago about a cigarette smoker,...if you smoke and have to bum one from another it's because you're broke and can't buy a pack because a real smoker would forget his wallet or car keys before his pack of cigs.

How many guns are lost or stolen each year then God forbid those guns are used in crimes? Who should be held responsible here???
What are we talking here like getting out of your car to mail a letter or going into Stop & Shop for a weeks worth? It was obviously long enough for a cop to see it.

I feel for my weapon every time I exit my car and many times after that while adjusting my pants. It's like a saying I heard years ago about a cigarette smoker,...if you smoke and have to bum one from another it's because you're broke and can't buy a pack because a real smoker would forget his wallet or car keys before his pack of cigs.

How many guns are lost or stolen each year then God forbid those guns are used in crimes? Who should be held responsible here???

The person that violates the rights of another is the one that should be responsible. No other.

Sent from my mobile device, please excuse typos and brevity.
While busy doing some heavy duty home improvement work, in a moment of distraction, I once put on a pair of safety glasses while holding a sharp utility knife in the same hand. That was an admittedly stupid thing to do, I could have easily put my eye out. I've thought about that incident, bathed in the bright light of your logic in this matter. You are right, tonight I am going to turn in all of my utility knives to the authorities and turn myself in since I am not suitable to own them. May God have mercy on my soul- pray for me my brothers and sisters.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Great analysis sir. You've just reminded me....I've been meaning to get a non-restricted utility knife license for my upcoming home improvements. BTW, safety glasses are for girls and sissies.
Wasn't there a cop that left his ar-15 on the trunk and drove off only to have it fall off a short time later? Wonder what happened to him.
I don't think what this guy did leaving the gun on the front seat was smart but a life time ban maybe a bit harsh.
The person that violates the rights of another is the one that should be responsible. No other.

Sent from my mobile device, please excuse typos and brevity.

You are required to obtain a license from your state to exercise one of your greatest constitutional rights. What are you doing about it? When does the coup begin?
Suspended or revoked? Either way hopefully no chance. Seems like your friend is not responsible enough to own a firearm. Also seems like he is part of the reason why we here in Mass have the firearms laws that we have.

Folks just seem to trip and out themselves...woopsie daisy...

Was it an AR-15 and does your friend drive a caravan? I was at the range one time when this caravan pulls up. The guy jumps out gets grabs an AR off the back seat and takes a few quick shots down range at some steel. Door still open he throws the rifle back down on the back seat, closes the door and drives off. Maybe he stopped to take a leak and left the AR on the seat????

I'm thinking that this guy was just a Boy Scout , being as well prepared as he was .
There really is no point in arguing this to death here as we aren't gaining anything. These laws are total bullshit, but they exist whether we like it or not at this point, so why bash Rick for expressing his opinion on the matter? I do feel he is right that nothing good ever comes of stupid shit like this for us as a group because the moonbats just look for every opportunity to point out our transgressions and use them to justify their stance that no one should have guns. The reality is that this guy was an idiot because some gang banger could have found that gun there on the seat instead of the police, and then he would have been in much deeper shit. It's really no different than leaving your gold Rolex in plain view on the seat from a stupidity standpoint, but the Rolex would get pawned, where the gun may be used in a crime where others could be killed, or injured, and that is why most CLEOs will deem him unsuitable.
There really is no point in arguing this to death here as we aren't gaining anything. These laws are total bullshit, but they exist whether we like it or not at this point, so why bash Rick for expressing his opinion on the matter? I do feel he is right that nothing good ever comes of stupid shit like this for us
The point in bashing Rick, you and others who out themselves in threads like this is in hopes of making you and others like you realize how effectively you are being used by the moonbats against 2A.

I suspect there are a lot of people, maybe even a simple majority of gun owners who have been convinced they are doing something a little dirty and need to be punished by the state for owning dangerous things...

terminator03 said:
as a group because the moonbats just look for every opportunity to point out our transgressions and use them to justify their stance that no one should have guns. The reality is that this guy was an idiot because some gang banger could have found that gun there on the seat instead of the police, and then he would have been in much deeper shit. It's really no different than leaving your gold Rolex in plain view on the seat from a stupidity standpoint, but the Rolex would get pawned, where the gun may be used in a crime where others could be killed, or injured, and that is why most CLEOs will deem him unsuitable.
See above, the matrix has you Neo...

As I said, I would not do it myself and take care to avoid it, but you guys are calling for a lynching party of the OP's friend for a steaming pile of "woulda-coulda-shoulda, ZOMG, the children!" non-sense.
There really is no point in arguing this to death here as we aren't gaining anything. These laws are total bullshit, but they exist whether we like it or not at this point, so why bash Rick for expressing his opinion on the matter? I do feel he is right that nothing good ever comes of stupid shit like this for us as a group because the moonbats just look for every opportunity to point out our transgressions and use them to justify their stance that no one should have guns. The reality is that this guy was an idiot because some gang banger could have found that gun there on the seat instead of the police, and then he would have been in much deeper shit. It's really no different than leaving your gold Rolex in plain view on the seat from a stupidity standpoint, but the Rolex would get pawned, where the gun may be used in a crime where others could be killed, or injured, and that is why most CLEOs will deem him unsuitable.

if you leave your car running while you pop into the store and it gets stolen and rammed into a police cruiser by the thief should you lose your dl forever? are you "unsuitable" to drive? i know the car/gun analogy is beaten to death but i can't help but feel that it is a good one. if you leave PROPERTY where it can be easily stolen you should not be forbidden from ever owning like PROPERTY again. and the person who steals said PROPERTY should be treated like the criminals they are. PROPERTY being things like watches, cars, bicycles, wallets and yes, guns.
if you leave your car running while you pop into the store and it gets stolen and rammed into a police cruiser by the thief should you lose your dl forever? are you "unsuitable" to drive? i know the car/gun analogy is beaten to death but i can't help but feel that it is a good one. if you leave PROPERTY where it can be easily stolen you should not be forbidden from ever owning like PROPERTY again. and the person who steals said PROPERTY should be treated like the criminals they are. PROPERTY being things like watches, cars, bicycles, wallets and yes, guns.
EEK, I dropped a steak knife in the kitchen a few weeks back, what if there were a baby on the floor right underneath it!?! GASP!
EEK, I dropped a steak knife in the kitchen a few weeks back, what if there were a baby on the floor right underneath it!?! GASP!

i dropped my baby on the floor, what if there was a knife underneath the baby? ban floors. institute a licensing process for those suitable enough to have floors in their homes, everyone else must have bubble wrap that is on an EEOPS list and approved by the AG. [laugh]
How did free states get involved in this? This guy with the license issue is based in Mass. What you expect to happen to your license if you leave a loaded firearm in your car in plain view in Mass? This state sucks for gun laws and this stupid and irresponsible act does nothing but give lawmakers an excuse to make them stricter. Correct? I for one, hope he never gets his LTC back.

I'd mount guns to my car's bumper if it was legal to do so.

Still can't figure out what I said that makes me a sheep?

Suspended or revoked? Either way hopefully no chance. Seems like your friend is not responsible enough to own a firearm. Also seems like he is part of the reason why we here in Mass have the firearms laws that we have.

...the Right of the People to Keep And Bear Arms, Shall Not Be Infringed. Unless you're occasionally forgetful, in which case you're ****ed.

Question for you then. Would you (personally you), leave your unlocked, loaded handgun on your front seat of your car in plain sight? Yes or no and why so or why not?

I would. And have. I've left long guns in plain view, too. And (gasp!) I open carry! Occasionally, while I'm out in the yard, I'll even bring a rifle with me. O noes! My neighbors might see!

What are we talking here like getting out of your car to mail a letter or going into Stop & Shop for a weeks worth? It was obviously long enough for a cop to see it.

And how long, exactly, do you suppose "obviously long enough" is? I mean, it's possible that cop happened by mere milliseconds after the OP's 'friend' got out of his car. It's entirely possible that the cop happened by and noticed as the 'friend' was realizing what he'd done and turning around to correct his mistake.

I feel for my weapon every time I exit my car and many times after that while adjusting my pants. It's like a saying I heard years ago about a cigarette smoker,...if you smoke and have to bum one from another it's because you're broke and can't buy a pack because a real smoker would forget his wallet or car keys before his pack of cigs.

a) Sounds like you need a better carry rig.
b) Nothing is immune from being momentarily forgotten or left behind. People leave their stoves on when they go to work for the day. You'd think that NOT burning your house down would be a big ****ing deal, so you'd remember to do it, but that's not always the case.

How many guns are lost or stolen each year then God forbid those guns are used in crimes? Who should be held responsible here???

The criminals who stole and used them for illicit purposes, maybe?

Here's a question: what do you think of the charges against the guy from Lowell? You know, the one who had 40+ guns stolen from his vault?

Great analysis sir. You've just reminded me....I've been meaning to get a non-restricted utility knife license for my upcoming home improvements. BTW, safety glasses are for girls and sissies.

[rolleyes] I guess 99.9% of the forum here are either girls or sissies. I mean, how unmanly! We want to keep our eyes in working condition? That's ****ing preposterous!
You are required to obtain a license from your state to exercise one of your greatest constitutional rights. What are you doing about it? When does the coup begin?

Yep. We all just sit here and complain. None of us write, call, or go see our legislators, or go to the state house to protest.
Yeah, lawyer up. This is not VT, where you can just hang your shotgun on a rack in the back truck window!

I could easily see how someone new to the state, or new to handgunning, would not realize the "rules" he now has to live with.

A good lawyer and a ton of NRA safety classes attended...might do the trick.
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You are required to obtain a license from your state to exercise one of your greatest constitutional rights. What are you doing about it? When does the coup begin?
I don't know what this has to do with your question about who should be held responsible if someone uses an object to violate the rights of another.

There really is no point in arguing this to death here as we aren't gaining anything. These laws are total bullshit, but they exist whether we like it or not at this point, so why bash Rick for expressing his opinion on the matter? I do feel he is right that nothing good ever comes of stupid shit like this for us as a group because the moonbats just look for every opportunity to point out our transgressions and use them to justify their stance that no one should have guns. The reality is that this guy was an idiot because some gang banger could have found that gun there on the seat instead of the police, and then he would have been in much deeper shit. It's really no different than leaving your gold Rolex in plain view on the seat from a stupidity standpoint, but the Rolex would get pawned, where the gun may be used in a crime where others could be killed, or injured, and that is why most CLEOs will deem him unsuitable.

I haven't bashed rick, and I guess I missed the ad hominem attacks.
The problem is that most folks, even in our community of firearms owners, still view guns as Icky.

The laws are stupid, and that stupidity is just a reflection of our ignorant, child like society viewing some other tool as a special thing and ignoring the bad people doing bad things part of it.

Guns are not special.

To be effective against the moonbats, we need to help them understand that an object is an object and an action is an action.
What are we talking here like getting out of your car to mail a letter or going into Stop & Shop for a weeks worth? It was obviously long enough for a cop to see it.

I feel for my weapon every time I exit my car and many times after that while adjusting my pants. It's like a saying I heard years ago about a cigarette smoker,...if you smoke and have to bum one from another it's because you're broke and can't buy a pack because a real smoker would forget his wallet or car keys before his pack of cigs.

How many guns are lost or stolen each year then God forbid those guns are used in crimes? Who should be held responsible here???

The people committing the crimes....?
Owning a gun should not require a license. We have the laws that we have here in MA because of all the liberal sheeple that are in power. What this man does with his guns is no ones business but his own. I fully hope he gets his LTC back.
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