Is there such a beast? looking for a sidearm


i did the 40 to 9mm conversion barrel thing for a while. then i found myself only shooting 9mm for practice, with a box or two of .40 FMJ and a box of JHPs quarterly. since the rounds behave totally different (especially in a Glock), i figured i'd just stick to 9mm.

-just sayin.
op. btw a 9mm glock vs a .40 glock is virtually identical pistol and hardly lightyears ahead of a .40 converted to 9mm for range. try one.

Do you have a converted Glock? Because I do, and with the conversion barrel, the reliability just isn't there. Yes, for a 'range toy', it's probably fine.....but what's the point of carrying .40 and shooting 9mm at the range? All you're doing is:

a) taking the cost of a pistol, and adding a conversion barrel and different magazines
b) not practicing with what you actually carry
c) having to stockpile 2 different calibers of ammo when you could just have one

Again, there is NO real compelling reason to do what the OP wants to do. A straight up 9mm will be a much better choice.
Do you have a converted Glock? Because I do, and with the conversion barrel, the reliability just isn't there. Yes, for a 'range toy', it's probably fine.....but what's the point of carrying .40 and shooting 9mm at the range? All you're doing is:

a) taking the cost of a pistol, and adding a conversion barrel and different magazines - cheaper than buying 2 guns
b) not practicing with what you actually carry - i shoot a few types of firearms and w/ practice i am proficient w/ them all
c) having to stockpile 2 different calibers of ammo when you could just have one - stock up on what you shoot the most and if .40 is for defense, keep a smaller amount of defensive ammo
Again, there is NO real compelling reason to do what the OP wants to do. A straight up 9mm will be a much better choice.

i havent bought the 9mm barrel for my glock yet because it isnt a pressing need. i didnt even consider it until i shot one at my club that a member had put a lone wolf ported & extended barrel 9mm kit in. he had some trigger work and aftermarket spring also & that thing shot great. he had originally purchased the glock to carry but decided it was too big and turned it into his "bowling pin" gun. i understand many guys here feel 9mm is more than sufficient and i do agree but i also see how someone would want a larger caliber in a full size pistol. i'm not interested in a ballistics argument and hope the op finds what he is looking for.
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reason for the .40 is the LEOs in town are issued .40s and ammo always seems to be available for the .40 it is cheaper than my .45 I currently shoot, I know I should practice with my carry ammo but if I can only shoot x number of rounds because of cost I thing it would make sense to shoot x * y of the cheaper caliber even if it is with something I wouldn't normally carry because more hours behind the trigger is better than less hours even if it isn't with the same round I would still be using the same firearm so I could develop the muscle memory quicker, I would also be less likely to get myself into bad habits associated with shooting larger calibers.
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