It's finally here...restriction of FREE SPEECH!!!

Wow when this kid got a very hostile response I though everyone was over reacting. No I guess they all saw it coming.

he sees a link between cussing and drug use, bullying and other harmful behavior. A cuss-free world would be a more harmonious one, he said.
This shit sound familiar to anyone? How about if you chance cussing to guns?
I remember PEN and Teller profanity episode. My favorite part was this women who wanted to stop giving the bird and use "The whole turkey". My first though here was wow you really have no clue how language works do you. If she got her way then 30-50 years from now someone would be fighting to get the offensive turkey symbol band.
a more "harmonious" world... i think homeboy there is keeping all the drugs for himself. like chill out man there's no need for the language, duuuuuuude. you wanna hit this? it will mellow you right out.
It's kinda' funny. Why only one week? Why not for 52 weeks? Why is a "cuss-word" a bad thing? Way too much egoiste going on here.

I think that 16YO should STFU about his perceived moral fortitude, and look the cuss-words up in an official Merriam-Webster collegiate dictionary. If they are in the dictionary, why can we not use them?

And just wait until he gets some uber corporate job, or a governmental job, or listens in on the teacher's lounge during their lunch. He's going to eventually learn that "cussing" is a way of life.

Brought to you from the same people that can't make English the official language of the US
I think the people in CA should be upset that their legislature is wasting time on a meaningless, feel-good resolution.

But wait, they already pass meaningless, feel-good gun laws, so this isn't much of a stretch...
Wow. I'd be pissed if I lived in CA right about now (even more so than I am at the MA legislature). California is facing disasterous budget problems and the legislature wastes time, money and resources to draft, edit and amend a bill that not only violates the constitution, but they admit that they put mo enfordement clause in it. If you add up the salaries of all legislators, the costs of the resources used on this bill, the electricity to lgiht and air condition the state house, etc, I'd bet this bill cost California over $1million... to do something unconstitutional none the less. Talk about government waste...
Did any of you actually read the article? Not just the headline. It's some stupid kid who wants the lawmaker to stop cussing.

I guess from reading the article one lawmaker said "hell" in 2007, so the lawmakers have been inspired by some kid who started a no cussing project at his school. So they are passing a resolution that if any lawmaker swears, they have to put money into a jar for a week. Agreed, its a waste of tax payers money or China's (which ever way you want to look at it) to talk about something like this. But they are not making a law against swearing.
Article said:
The state Assembly is scheduled to vote on a resolution Thursday calling for a statewide "Cuss Free Week," to occur annually during the first week of March. If approved, it would go to the state Senate for a final vote on Monday.

The rest of next week will be officially swear-word free if both houses approve the resolution.

Statewide, sounds like it's applicable to more than just the lawmakers.
What happened to all the California kids that spent their days at the beach surfing and smoking dope? Guess they grew up and became liberals and started to spread the disease by breeding. Since they put a dent in the second amendment in California they are going for the first now!
The state Assembly is scheduled to vote on a resolution Thursday calling for a statewide "Cuss Free Week," to occur annually during the first week of March. If approved, it would go to the state Senate for a final vote on Monday.
All I have to say about this to the California legistraitors is F**K OFF!

If the Assembly approves the resolution, Portantino said he and his staff plan to deliver a "cuss jar" to the office of every state lawmaker and the governor. Those who let a foul word slip would be encouraged to deposit money into the jar as penance, Portantino explained.
Well, that might help their budget deficit... except that it sounds like it's on the honor system, and there are damn few CA legistraitors who have any honor at all.

Oh no they are going bipartisan on this one.

They have Republicans out there??? Wow... who knew?
Again agreed that its a complete waste of time and money, but it's not a law. I think you guys are overreacting. If they said we are going to pass a law for one week, "no swearing." Then I would go ape shit. But a resolution is not a law. Its like when mumbles passes, "Today is Ted Williams day" or "Bill Russell day" in Boston.
John Spartan you are fined one credit for violation of the verbal morality code.

Hey that did take place in California
he sees a link between cussing and drug use, bullying and other harmful behavior. A cuss-free world would be a more harmonious one, he said.

errr... well, if there's a link there, I guess I should have turned out be the worlds most drugged out, bullying, harmful person ever - particularly when I'm working on a car. Come to think on it, I don't believe I COULD work on a car effectively without a lot of shouting and cursing.

My cuss jar runneth over.
well lets think about this one good right now...

Lets say this does go through. What will be the punishment for swears? Will this include the actors reading scripts in hollywood? How bout the porn business. Instead of saying F*** me that would be replaced with thrust your body against mine in a sexual fashion? Please. ACLU would/should be all over this.
"...sees a link between foul-mouthed incivility and other forms of problem behavior, such as drug use and bullying"

Lets see, I'm 36 and f@$&ing swear a lot yet i've never tried a single drug, never had a drink of alcohol and tried smoking one cig. Explain that fecking commiefornians.
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