Yeah, about NH's "Live Free or Die" motto

Saw an ad on YouTube advertising NH to vacation to…I didn’t catch who put the ad up, but presumably some Chamber of Commerce or civic organization.

At the end it said:

Live Free.”

Missing something I think.
New Hamster's Tourist Bureau has been using just "Live Free" since 2015 or so. Before that, they also used slogans such as "Live Free and Ski."

My favorite is the NH cop sitting under the "Live Free or Die" sign on Route 3.

In before the "at least it is not MA" crowd.
There are still some legislative differences that make NH preferable, but it would be naive to assume that MA and NH have too different people, at least among decision makers.
Whole region turns into a commie swamp.
Nashua is not representative of New Hampshire. Just look at their House delegation, compared to even other southern NH towns.
It gets a bit tiring to keep seeing those “atypically typical “ things of how it does not represent but still always makes its way.
The Old Man Fell

Wow...20 years. I remember that like it was yesterday. Guess it depends where in NH you live. In my town, regular sounds of mag dumps dont bother anyone. Fireworks are in full use, and cannons are the norm on the 4th. But go to the next town over and your address will get posted on or Facebook with complaints galaore if you leave your trash out too long.
Im not so sure theres many places left to live free ….plenty of places left to die.

I cant make any moves out of MA for a few years unless wife tosses me out. I will be heading south leaning a little west. So I wont freeze to death sleeping in my truck
That Pine Tree flag was used as MA flag during the Revolution and as an ensign up til ignorant liberals thought the motto sounded too religious and took it off it lol. I don't have any stamps of it but have a 2x3 patch version with loop to stick on things if I care to.
Bro, imagine having to spell that every time you are on the phone and they ask for an address. F*ck that.

Make sure to invent your own phonetic alphabet, it really messes with people, especially vets.

F as in effect
U as in eucalyptus
C as in seesaw
K as in cane

You get the idea
Im not so sure its tax free, maybe no income tax but I hear they make up for it in property tax ?
There are plenty of websites ranking total state-and-local tax burden state-by-state, their maps all look like this:
1717954558554.png On this map, tax burden measures the percent of an average person’s income that is paid towards state and local taxes. It considers property taxes, income taxes, and sales & excise tax. New Hampshire is ranked as the second lowest tax burden nationwide, while Massachusetts is generally around the middle of the pack, and Vermont places third, just behind New York and Hawaii
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