Jackson visits Newark to press for a change in gun laws

Mar 31, 2005
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Jackson visits Newark to press for a change in gun laws

Monday, October 15, 2007
Star-Ledger Staff

Even for a city numbed by shootings, the execution-style slayings of three college students in a Newark schoolyard Aug. 4 remains an "open wound" to the Rev. Jesse Jackson Sr.

But the symptoms that inflicted Newark's pain are festering all over the country, the civil rights leader said yesterday, as he visited a city church to call for a renewed national ban on assault weapons.

"It's the drama of that execution that got people's attention. The killing is commonplace, but not just in Newark, all over the country," Jackson said. "No one should find a comfort zone. ... None of us are safe until all of us are safe."

Shaky gun laws play a role in both the drumbeat of bloodshed in urban centers like Newark and episodes of violence on school campuses and in suburbs, Jackson said. He said it is far too easy for buyers to obtain military-grade weapons, and for criminals to skirt the law by using straw purchasers with "unlimited access" to handguns. Gun tracing systems also need to be strengthened, he said.

"We must first challenge some basic laws that deal with the excessive overflow of gun excess and access," Jackson said in a phone interview last night, several hours after delivering his message at Newark's Metropolitan Baptist Church.

By his side on the altar was James Harvey -- the father of 20-year-old Dashon Harvey, one of the schoolyard slaying victims -- who delivered yet another plea from a grieving parent.

"We've got a Mr. Harvey in every town, and that's why you can't just take this thing on locally," Jackson said. "We're connecting various anti-gun movements around the country."

His Rainbow PUSH Coalition already has staged a massive march on gun shops and manufacturers across the United States, and is planning another soon in 50 "major markets" that will include the greater Newark area, Jackson said. He said he is relying on local ministers, like the Rev. David Jefferson Sr. of Metropolitan Baptist, to spread the word, as well as urging politicians to fight for a revived assault weapons ban.

Jackson's visit to Newark came more than two months after three college students -- Iofemi Hightower, Terrance Aeriel and Harvey -- were killed as they socialized in the playground behind Mount Vernon School.

The victims were lined up in front of a wall and shot in the back of the head in an apparent robbery. A fourth victim -- Aeriel's 19-year-old sister, Natasha -- was shot in the head but survived. Harvey and the Aeriels were students at Delaware State University, and Hightower had planned to enroll there this fall.

A group of six men and boys have been charged in the killings, but Jackson said the scars remain.

He likened a widespread campaign against gun violence to the latest chapter in the civil rights struggle.

"We must make that a priority now," he said, calling it "the threat of our time."

To illustrate his point, Jackson said, he asked the audience in the church's pews to stand up if they'd been to a funeral for someone who died because they were lynched with a rope. The worshippers stayed in their seats.

He then asked how many had been to the funeral of a victim of gun violence.

"Everybody stood," he said. "That's just reality. It's not just Newark."
Even for a city numbed by shootings, the execution-style slayings of three college students in a Newark schoolyard Aug. 4 remains an "open wound" to the Rev. Jesse Jackson Sr.

But the symptoms that inflicted Newark's pain are festering all over the country, the civil rights leader said yesterday, as he visited a city church to call for a renewed national ban on assault weapons.
That's impossible. NJ already HAS an AWB. Obviously, this killing could never have happened - it must be a hoax.

Either that... or the AWB didn't work? Nah, that's not possible.
I just wnat to run up the guy and say to him:

"It's new jersey, everything is basically already banned here, you
moron... what do you want people to do now, stop breathing? Your
type has WON here and it has done nothing to reduce violent
crime. "

I hope a victim of violent crime who wanted to carry a gun but was
denied will "Rainbow PUSH" him in front of a bus traveling at a high
rate of speed.

the symptoms that inflicted Newark's pain are festering all over the country, the civil rights leader said yesterday, as he visited a city church to call for a renewed national ban on assault weapons.

What a silly "call" to action. And no one there questioned him on it?

"Newark's pain" was caused by execution style murder committed by illegal immigrants using common pistols.

A 100% effective global ban on "assault weapons" would have no effect on "Newark's pain" -- similar murders will continue without hinderence.

It is easy to think of something that could have been done that would have kept last August's tragedy from happening, though.
Society certainly has some problems to cope with, no question. I've said it over and over again... these scum bags that do this crap have no values and live in a world where there is always someone else to blame. I'm sure these robbers were a "vicitim" of society. It's the pure lack of values and common decency that drive these freaks to do what they did. Why doesn't Jackson put blame where it belongs? Unwed parents with multiple kids with many fathers, poor family values and no morals, etc..... because he's a coward that's why!

I say get rid of all the PC crap going on today and get back to what works. Hard work, values and strong family. Until this happens the violence will continue. Guns have absolutely ZERO to do with this problem we have. More need to step up and be a real leader and call it the way it is!

Disgusting thinking about this. I feel pain for the families that lost their loved ones but at least one of them doesn't even know where the real problem lies.
The murders in Newark were committed using handguns. Where assault rifles come in I have no idea. In fact, one or more have been arrested several times and let out after a relatively short incarceration. Add to that some are here illegally.

Jackson is trying to gain some power back. He has lost much of it to Sharpton who commands much more in the way of influence at the moment.
he is a stupid ass, period.

the civil rights leader said yesterday

AND a freaking hypocrit. How the hell can he "stand for civil rights and at the same time, be trying to yank the ONE civil right that ensures the goverment CAN'T take the others away?

he is such a dumbass.
he is a stupid ass, period.

AND a freaking hypocrit. How the hell can he "stand for civil rights and at the same time, be trying to yank the ONE civil right that ensures the goverment CAN'T take the others away?

he is such a dumbass.

Like Adam said, Jackson is a racist.
Society certainly has some problems to cope with, no question. I've said it over and over again... these scum bags that do this crap have no values and live in a world where there is always someone else to blame. I'm sure these robbers were a "vicitim" of society. It's the pure lack of values and common decency that drive these freaks to do what they did. Why doesn't Jackson put blame where it belongs? Unwed parents with multiple kids with many fathers, poor family values and no morals, etc..... because he's a coward that's why!
I'd love to hear Bill Cosby's take on this - he read the riot act to the African American community a few years ago on this topic.
Jackson and Sharpton are phony civil rights leaders that do not further the advancement of minorities or any american citizen. They are publicity hounds who want to exploit whatever issue they can find. End of story.

PURE HORSESHIT.... what more can i say!!!
How come Jesse hasn`t mentioned that the ringleader was an illegal immigrant. Is Jesse for getting rid of all the crimaliens? Nope.
Guns are much easier to blame than our countries failed immigration policies.
Jesse`s pathetic. He`s led his people down the wrong road. He blames everyone but the source. Bill Cosby is right but you won`t see him speaking at the NAACP.
Nope, the truth hurts.
i just cant get over how people like this idiot want to deny me the right to defend myself. it has been shown time and time again that gun laws dont work and more people lawfully carrying concealed handguns bring down the crime rate.

think about it if you were a criminal would you want your prey able to defend themselves....no f-ing way you would want them disarmed. exacltly what this bozo is vouching to do. all i have to say is congrats jesse your a dirty gangbangers best friend.
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