JetBlue pilot Jeremy Gudorf shoots himself in front of horrified rush hour crowd at Boston train station

Interesting. So, he lived in North Carolina, moved to Ohio, and is currently a resident there. As a pilot, he's is on the move—by plane, of course. Pilots aren't screened every time they fly; they undergo 'random' screenings. He was armed in Boston, and I highly doubt he bought anything off the street, which means he’s likely been flying around while armed.
Yep. He was a fat 33yr old who looked 50. He was dead either way - prison or his own hand. This way, he avoided being raped before being shanked.

Worse than raped or shanked, this guy would be green lit. They would extort him, use him as a slave, trade him like a commodity. Make him mule drugs, take the rap for others crimes, take everything he has, then rape and stab him.
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Worse than raped or shanked, this guy would be green lit. They would extort him, use him as a slave, trade him like a commodity. Make him mule drugs, take the rap for others crimes, take everything he has, then rape and stab him.
"Then rape and stab him???"

Um no, he'd be raped all day, everyday.

They will turn him out and make him communal property.

Everybody will take turns on him.

The prison doctors will have to stitch him back together only to have his stitches ripped out in the next session.

Maybe next time, don't hurt kids.
Interesting. So, he lived in North Carolina, moved to Ohio, and is currently a resident there. As a pilot, he's is on the move—by plane, of course. Pilots aren't screened every time they fly; they undergo 'random' screenings. He was armed in Boston, and I highly doubt he bought anything off the street, which means he’s likely been flying around while armed.

This is 100% a false statement. Do your research before you put out false claims.

My dad took me to see this flick. Summer of 1980 I was 11. ROFL!!!! WTF was he thinking? I guess it was a different era. Plus I was a grown-ass adult by about age 11. So. . . . .

The next year, we had StarCase or something. One afternoon, I'm watching Excaliber on the thing. The following week, it comes on again and my dad is watching. "Dennis, you can't be here. There's nudity in it." "I know - I watched it last week." [rofl]
My dad took me to see this flick. Summer of 1980 I was 11. ROFL!!!! WTF was he thinking? I guess it was a different era. Plus I was a grown-ass adult by about age 11. So. . . . .

The next year, we had StarCase or something. One afternoon, I'm watching Excaliber on the thing. The following week, it comes on again and my dad is watching. "Dennis, you can't be here. There's nudity in it." "I know - I watched it last week." [rofl]
LMAO - this is one of the more tame movies my parents rented for me when I was a kid & out sick from school. The others included Animal House, Fast Times @ Ridgemont High, my personal favorite, Blazing Saddles etc. etc. Pretty sure I could recite every line from most of these by the time I was 8.
LMAO - this is one of the more tame movies my parents rented for me when I was a kid & out sick from school. The others included Animal House, Fast Times @ Ridgemont High, my personal favorite, Blazing Saddles etc. etc. Pretty sure I could recite every line from most of these by the time I was 8.
Fast Times @ Ridgemont High - I think there was a scene when somebody got a hand job. I had no idea what that was.

I had a very innocent childhood.
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