Too much effort is being spent on fighting "target" or "hunting" or "sport" reasons.
Whenever people mention the second amendment and they bring up any of these things, they are simply confused and/or misdirecting intent.

You don't have the right to free speech for certain reasons, you simply have it. You don't need to justify why you have that right.
Too much effort is being spent on fighting "target" or "hunting" or "sport" reasons.
Whenever people mention the second amendment and they bring up any of these things, they are simply confused and/or misdirecting intent.

You don't have the right to free speech for certain reasons, you simply have it. You don't need to justify why you have that right.

Yep. Likewise, the right to self-defense and possessing the tools necessary to enforce that right.

And if you show too much interest, they'll label you as a "gun nut" and deny you for that reason. Absurd.

A classic "Catch 22" situation. I guess in Judge Cohen's court you have to be "somewhat enthusiastic" to be deemed worthy of a permit. It wouldn't surprise me if this catches on in Massachusetts. In some towns if you're overly enthusiastic you become unsuitable, all we need is to add the under enthusiastic part of the equation. Nice to know that stupidity isn't limited to just the PRM. [sad]
After the last video from this idiot, I can't stand to watch another second, whether it's good or bad.
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After the last video from this idiot, I can't stand to watch another second, whether it's good or bad.

Yeah, that last one was not the finest example of 2a advocacy. But you know what, he is exposing in NY a very corrupt system and I don't know of anyone else doing that. The system in NY is far more corrupt than it is here in MA if that can be believed. Especially in the area he appears to be focused on which includes the downstate (westchester) area and NYC. NYC is too corrupt to get evidence on what is going on there but he appears to be making traction further north which is important.
All amendments are equal: none better or more important than any other.

For some reason anti's do not have the capacity for logic and common sense to realize that an attack on the 2nd amendment is an attack on ALL amendments. These are rights that are guranteed by the constitution. I don't know how anyone could successfully argue that
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