Judge rejects 2nd Amendment argument from illegal immigrant living in Ohio charged over possession of 170 guns


NES Member
Dec 13, 2006
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Paywalled. They don't like ad blockers. For those that detest ads and refuse to turn off the blocker, see my sig. The "stripper" link removes ads.

Ohio is a Constitutional Carry state.

The article fails to mention the Judge's name, but I'll bet he was appointed by Obama.

How can they mention "federal judge" like nine times in the article and not say who it was?

The judge denied his motion to dismiss the charge on Thursday, writing in his opinion that "disarming unlawful immigrants like Mr. Serrano-Restrepo who have not sworn allegiance to the United States comports with the Nation’s history and tradition of firearm regulations."
The shame of it is, the guy looks like he is one of us. Built a business, has a nice collection, living the American dream. That’s what is insidious about this sanctioned illegal immigrant strategy. It’s a lie, and the people suffering are the ones not supporting it and/or the ones crossing over and believing in the lie.

All indications are, we want this guy here.
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