Carrying and get pulled over?

The advice I've been given for traffic stops and other LEO encounters is to be civil and cooperative, but not loquacious.

Seriously, cops know that being talkative is a sign of nervousness, so even a friendly banter can be interpreted as a form of disguise.
You don't get why?

This is not all cops.......mind you Im not painting with a broad brush...just the ones that do stupid shit on camera.

Why is because they are not fit for the job, and can't help themselves because deep in their psyche they are authoritarian douchebags...its gonna happen camera or not once their little ego gets bruised by a mere citizen. Its like asking Reptile why he shitposts all day....its because he can't help himself.

But the reason why it is more prevalent and allowed is because taxpayers foot the bill for it. Dumping QI would dump half of these morons because they know they would be unprotected for retard behavior. The ones that can semi control themselves it would keep them in line.

Then there's the ones that would just say fxck it....this job is not worth it cause I will get sued into oblivion. Those are the smart cops that might be able to find a job elsewhere.

They are not wrong.... dumping QI is a double edged sword........there are a lot of retards out there, and suing cops for stupid bullshit is their realistically you wouldn't lose all the cops....just the morons that couldn't find another job. So your left with a bunch of morons.
I think part of it is how powerful the government is at the time so it emboldens some cops to do whatever they want, after all they are the enforcement arm of their masters.

They know that the legal system has their back and act like their actions do not have consequences, and they rarely do.
What about if I have Maine plates but have one of those non resident annual LTCs?

We know you're smaht, I bet you can be polite in standard English too.

Do you have a tarantula head? If yes get a nice buzz cut and you will have nothing to worry about.
We know you're smaht, I bet you can be polite in standard English too.

Do you have a tarantula head? If yes get a nice buzz cut and you will have nothing to worry about.
Smart got nuttin to do with it. You can be the most polite, submissive, yas massa offissa, hands on steering wheel and still get shot as evidenced here in this dupe thread. To protect myself, I carry a hammer DA/SA WITH safety.. my HK P30S most of the time. Hand that to an inexperienced cop, he or she gotta really fiddle around with it and deliberately pop one in your leg.
I don't get why, but STILL cops are doing dumb shit while wearing a camera..YouTube is depressing watching all the examples of cops swinging their dick around.

But, when the department gets sued due to a cops actions, it's the taxpayers who foot the bill.

There are no deterrents for cops to NOT do the wrong thing. Qualified immunity and courts on their side it's no wonder Cop Watch makes a money.
Because they don't get rid of the bad ones.

Example, MA State Police. If you have a drug problem, they will send you to rehab in a Florida facility where they send all their cops. If you continue to have a drug problem they will warn you once, twice, then maybe put you on paid leave, then bring you back, warn you again and finally they will let you retire early.

How is that cop with a drug problem acting for years or months until they throw him out? Is he being a scumbag to people?

Why reward that behavior with early retirement at the tax payers expense?

People say they are not all "bad ones" and they are right. There are some good people. But the system is set up to keep the people f*cking up and the pieces of sh*t around.

So, if they are not getting rid of the bad ones, does that make the superiors pieces of sh*t? ... or is something else going on with politics that prevents them from doing so?
You don't get why?

This is not all cops.......mind you Im not painting with a broad brush...just the ones that do stupid shit on camera.

Why is because they are not fit for the job, and can't help themselves because deep in their psyche they are authoritarian douchebags...its gonna happen camera or not once their little ego gets bruised by a mere citizen. Its like asking Reptile why he shitposts all day....its because he can't help himself.

But the reason why it is more prevalent and allowed is because taxpayers foot the bill for it. Dumping QI would dump half of these morons because they know they would be unprotected for retard behavior. The ones that can semi control themselves it would keep them in line.

Then there's the ones that would just say fxck it....this job is not worth it cause I will get sued into oblivion. Those are the smart cops that might be able to find a job elsewhere.

They are not wrong.... dumping QI is a double edged sword........there are a lot of retards out there, and suing cops for stupid bullshit is their realistically you wouldn't lose all the cops....just the morons that couldn't find another job. So your left with a bunch of morons.
Go somewhere in between.

1. Make it easier to fire cops.
2. Hold the chief responsible. It there is a big f*ck up, and the cop had warnings, the chief gets fired for failure to contain that police officer.
My Yukon got totaled by a woman who went thru a red light. I was on my way back from the range. I had to call my son-in-law to come get me. When he got there I pulled out gun cases and range bags and ammo cans out of the car. New Bedford cops were there. They looked kind of surprised but didn't say anything.
Depends on where I'm carrying.

If my CCW is well concealed, I don't say anything.
If my CCW isn't really concealed, or just plain in the open where any idiot can see it - I'll let the cop know. Every time it goes the same way,
"Just to let you know, I've got a pistol on the console between the seats"
"OK, mine's on my hip. Let's keep both guns where they are, cool?"
If I'm in a state that I'm not licensed in, I sure as shit don't say anything.
For a while I was a c*** about inspection stickers

Pulled over 5 times for it and zero question if I was carrying. Also zero tickets , just warning to get it inspected,

I was carrying every time
Because they don't get rid of the bad ones.

Example, MA State Police. If you have a drug problem, they will send you to rehab in a Florida facility where they send all their cops. If you continue to have a drug problem they will warn you once, twice, then maybe put you on paid leave, then bring you back, warn you again and finally they will let you retire early.

How is that cop with a drug problem acting for years or months until they throw him out? Is he being a scumbag to people?

Why reward that behavior with early retirement at the tax payers expense?

People say they are not all "bad ones" and they are right. There are some good people. But the system is set up to keep the people f*cking up and the pieces of sh*t around.

So, if they are not getting rid of the bad ones, does that make the superiors pieces of sh*t? ... or is something else going on with politics that prevents them from doing so?
That sounds more like union collective bargaining benefits that have been negotiated with politicians who they vote for when the time comes. I mean they are bargaining with taxpayer dollars with people who are also being paid with taxpayer dollars.

Paid administrative leave for 18 months while they investigate themselves.

Public sector unions need to go.
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