Because they don't get rid of the bad ones.
Example, MA State Police. If you have a drug problem, they will send you to rehab in a Florida facility where they send all their cops. If you continue to have a drug problem they will warn you once, twice, then maybe put you on paid leave, then bring you back, warn you again and finally they will let you retire early.
How is that cop with a drug problem acting for years or months until they throw him out? Is he being a scumbag to people?
Why reward that behavior with early retirement at the tax payers expense?
People say they are not all "bad ones" and they are right. There are some good people. But the system is set up to keep the people f*cking up and the pieces of sh*t around.
So, if they are not getting rid of the bad ones, does that make the superiors pieces of sh*t? ... or is something else going on with politics that prevents them from doing so?