Junk Yard Dog 1911 Challenge! FINISHED!

Got the frame back from magician "Metalsmith" who checkered the front strap at 25 lpi and gave the frame the proper radius. I cut in a VIS "vertical impact surface" this frame had none. I used an EGW bridge cutting long shanked end mill. Next the feedramp was centered and cut at 31.5 degrees and .425 deep. I usually go .450 deep, but I really did not want to shorten the barrel bed. The original ramp was over "blended" a bit. I also cut the recessed slide stop hole which was countersunk with a 120 degree cutter.




Warwickben: I use a combination of jigs and plates.The top one is a fixture from DMI in Montana I think, he made short run of them. It's well thought out, he had a lot of input from smiths on 1911pro. The other is a fixture plate from EGW which I use for cutting the VIS. The DMI fixture is the best I've seen and used. I also use what I call a cheese plate which is a trued steel plate with row upon row of threaded holes, kinda like "Swiss Cheese" I also have angle plates for the surface grinder which are steel for work holding on the magnetic chuck. Hope this helps.
Greg - what does it mean that the frame didn't already have a VIS? In other words, when the barrel unlocked and was pulled down by the link, what stopped the barrel from moving down? Did the back of the lower lug not hit the frame's impact area?
The VIS is intended to allow the lower barrel lugs or feet to impact the frame high bear the top of the barrel instead of lower which could over stress the lugs and cause failure. The VIS sometimes called the "bowtie" is a step in the frame which insures primary contact up high. I'll try to post a photo from my cutaway .
Got the Ed Brown two piece Magwell fit and blended. The S&A grip safety is getting close, still needs a bit of blending. The thumb safety is a Wilson ambi which will also get some more blending.


Getting close to the end of the metal work, got the front sight on, it's a "megadot" from Novak.
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